Thailand’s Uyghur Crisis: A Decade of Detention and Desperation 

Forty-eight Uyghur men have been held in detention facilities throughout Thailand for more than ten years. Trapped in a diplomatic limbo that perfectly captures the clash of international politics, human rights violations, and the suffering of an oppressed minority. These men, who are members of a Muslim ethnic group from China’s Xinjiang province that speaks Turkic, left their country in search of safety from systemic persecution. But rather than escaping to safety, they now risk being forcibly deported back to a government notorious for its cruel treatment of Uyghurs. 

150 Uyghurs and supporters protested in Berlin after July 2009 Ürümqi riots.
Image 1: 150 Uyghurs and supporters protested in Berlin after July 2009 Ürümqi riots. Source: Claudia Himmelreich, Creative Commons

Who Are the Uyghurs? 

The northwest Chinese province of Xinjiang is home to the Uyghurs, who are an ethnic minority whose population is predominately Muslim. International human rights organizations have repeatedly reported serious violations in Xinjiang, such as forced labor, mass detentions, cultural erasure, and even accusations of genocide. The so-called “re-education camps” in China have imprisoned more than a million Uyghurs and subjected them to psychological abuse, forced sterilization, and indoctrination. 

Many Uyghurs have left China in search of safety, often going across Southeast Asia in dangerous conditions. Thailand’s close proximity has made it a popular transit country. However, many Uyghurs have been held in overcrowded facilities indefinitely instead of being granted refuge. 

Thailand’s Role: A Decade of Detention 

Nearly 350 Uyghurs, including women and children, were detained by Thai police in 2014 under the pretense of being “illegal immigrants.” Some, most notably the forty-eight men, were left behind in Thailand. Others were later sent to Turkey, a country that shares cultural and theological similarities with the Uyghurs. The individuals detained in Thailand have suffered horrendous conditions in prison over the years, with no access to healthcare, sunlight, or legal protection. 

When Thai authorities forced the captives to sign “voluntary return” forms in January 2025, their situation worsened. In a desperate protest against their protracted incarceration and impending deportation, the Uyghurs refused to comply and on January 10 began a hunger strike. 

Fears of Refoulement 

Human rights organizations are incensed by the idea of sending these men to China. The cornerstone of international refugee law, the principle of non-refoulement, would be broken by such acts, according to Human Rights Watch and other groups. Countries are not allowed to send people back to places where they risk threats of torture, cruel treatment, or persecution under the principle of non-refoulement. 

There is little uncertainty on the fate of deported Uyghurs given China’s history in Xinjiang. Prior examples have shown that repatriated individuals are subject to substantial prison sentences, forced confessions, and immediate detention. “Deporting these men to China would be a death sentence. Thailand must resist political pressure and prioritize human rights.” said Elaine Pearson, Asia Director for Human Rights Watch, urging Thailand to honor its international obligations. 

Thailand’s Political Calculations 

A larger battle to achieve a balance between national policies, international commitments, and geopolitical influences is seen in Thailand’s treatment of the Uyghur captives. Thailand has historically refrained from ratifying the 1951 Refugee Convention due to worries about illegal immigration and sovereignty, and the nation’s dependence on Chinese commerce and investment makes it more difficult for it to stand firmly against Beijing. 

Despite widespread outrage, Thailand deported 109 Uyghurs to China in 2015. Chinese state media aired videos of deportees arriving in shackles and clearly distressed. The incident showed the impact of China’s global reach while also drawing harsh criticism from the UN and other international organizations. 

Uyghur children in old town Kashgar, China.
Image 2: Child’s play – Uyghur children in old town Kashgar, China. Source: Sherpas 428, Creative Commons

Hunger Strike 

The severe physical and psychological effects of indefinite incarceration are brought to light by the ongoing hunger strike. Hunger strikes, which represent the captives’ desperation, have long been used as a nonviolent protest tactic. Prolonged hunger strikes can cause organ failure, permanent health problems, and even death, according to medical professionals. However, for many Uyghurs, the risks of being detained or deported forcibly are greater than the risks of protesting. 

The detainees’ relatives have pleaded with Thai authorities to step in. In an impassioned appeal, a relative of one detained stated, “They are not criminals; they are victims… Sending them back to China is the same as signing their death warrants.” 

International Responses 

The plight of Thailand’s Uyghur prisoners has drawn attention from throughout the world. Foreign governments and advocacy organizations have called on Thailand to free the inmates and give them safe transportation to third countries that are prepared to take them in. Turkey is still a possible destination because of its sizable Uyghur diaspora. These attempts are complicated, however, given political tensions between Beijing and Ankara.  

International human rights standards are being broken by Thailand’s ongoing detention of the Uyghurs. Even though Thailand is not a member to the Refugee Convention, the UNHCR has reminded it of its duties under customary international law to prevent refoulement. 

Broader Implications 

Thailand’s Uyghur crisis is not an isolated event; rather, it is a part of a wider trend of Southeast Asian nations facing refugee challenges. Regarding their handling of Uyghur asylum seekers, Malaysia and Indonesia have also come under fire, frequently pointing to Chinese diplomatic pressure and domestic security concerns. 

Furthermore, Thailand’s actions established a concerning precedent. Global human rights frameworks are weakened if strong countries like China can apply enough pressure to compel weaker states to violate international rules. It also calls into question how international organizations hold nations responsible. 

A Path Forward 

The ongoing crisis calls for immediate action to protect the rights and lives of the detained Uyghurs. Here are some thoughts on how they should proceed: 

Release and Resettlement: Thailand should release the detainees and work with international organizations to facilitate their resettlement in third countries willing to accept them, such as Turkey or Canada. 

Strengthened Legal Protections: Thailand should consider ratifying the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, thereby aligning its policies with international human rights standards. 

Increased International Pressure: The global community, particularly Western nations, should intensify diplomatic efforts to prevent deportations and ensure the detainees’ safety. 

Monitoring and Transparency: Independent observers should be granted access to monitor the conditions of Uyghur detainees in Thailand to ensure compliance with human rights norms. 

Addressing Root Causes: The international community needs to hold China accountable for its actions in Xinjiang, addressing the root causes that force Uyghurs to flee their homeland. 

Looking Ahead 

The situation of the forty-eight Uyghur men who are being held captive in Thailand serves as an alarming example of the human cost of international indifference and geopolitical scheming. Unless Thailand and the international world step in, these people, who escaped unspeakable oppression, now face a bleak future. Respecting the values of refugee protection and human rights is not only a moral obligation but also a test of our shared humanity. 

There is, nevertheless, hope for a solution that puts human rights and international collaboration first, even though the situation is still grave. Thailand can establish a standard for treating refugees humanely and solidify its standing as a responsible global actor if it takes the appropriate actions. The future of the Uyghur captives is in jeopardy, but a fair resolution is hopefully achievable with enough advocacy. 

A Woman’s World in Afghanistan: An Update on Women’s Rights Violations in Afghanistan

Women protesting the Taliban's retaking of power.
Image 1: Women protesting the Taliban’s retaking of power. Source: Yahoo Images.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all humans, no matter their sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc., have distinct rights. These include the rights to property, religious freedom, education, government participation, and freedom of movement within a country and outside a country, to name a few. Speaking about what we think and moving freely in public are some of the most basic rights that should be available to all humans, no matter where they are located or who they are. For the past 20 years, Afghan women have fought hard for their freedoms and rights to live life as they see fit. These are rights that have now been stripped from them once again, a reflection of the first Taliban rule.

In 1994, the Taliban surfaced as militant leaders of Afghanistan as a result of a civil war that the country had recently experienced. From 1994 to 2001, the Taliban reigned over Afghanistan, continuously revoking women’s rights. Those rights included education, healthcare, freedom of movement, and involvement in political affairs. If a woman was to leave the house, she was not allowed to show any skin. Burqas, which are loose clothing that covers the entire body and face, were a requirement. This article will update women’s rights violations in the recent years.

The Taliban’s Continued Attack on Education:

Five Taliban members holding weapons.
Image 2: Five Taliban members holding weapons. Source: Yahoo Images.

The Taliban had issued empty promises of upholding women’s rights when regaining control of Afghanistan. Within days of assuming control in August 2021, the Taliban had banned co-education and made it illegal for a man to teach a girl. Not a month had passed before their next attack on women’s education came to the fold. This time, women were prohibited from secondary education, and their level of education access was reduced to that of 6th grade. Throughout the years following the Taliban’s return to power, women and their right to education have been tirelessly subjugated to attacks from the Taliban. For a timeline of women’s rights that have been revoked since 2021, look at the United States Institute of Peace website for tracking the mistreatment of women by the Taliban.

In fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) countries, women are significantly more likely to be put out of school. FCV countries are countries that have conflict and violence occurring, causing the country to be in a fragile state. The World Bank Group, which measures gender gaps in education as well as in the economy, labeled Afghanistan as an FCV country. Education is detrimental to the development of any country. The restrictions on education are a way to perpetuate a cycle of poverty and compliance with repressive governments. According to the World Bank Group, education promotes health, stability, peace, and reductions in gender gap and poverty.

The first thing that was taken from women in Afghanistan in 2021 was their right to education. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, the article emphasizes the right to education as a universal right. This is a right that is infringed upon in many countries and is especially evident in Afghanistan. For a more in-depth look into women’s education in Afghanistan in the months following the Taliban, check out Nikhita Mudium’s blog post on Women’s Education in Afghanistan.

Recap: 2024 Restrictions on Women in Afghanistan

Four Afghan women wearing blue burqas while walking.
Image 3: Four Afghan women wearing blue burqas while walking with a little boy. Source: Yahoo Images.

In a report done by Human Rights Watch, one of the most visited news updates of 2024 was about Afghanistan and the Taliban’s rule. The rest of the world has watched in horror as windows looking into the kitchens of homes have been boarded shut. The very image and the very sound of women’s voices are becoming something that is silenced and stowed away. As of August 2024, women’s voices are not allowed to be heard in public. The excuse of tempting a man has closed off women’s access to public spaces such as parks and educational facilities.

Another attack on women came in the form of shutting beauty salons down, which in turn put nearly 60,000 women out of jobs. Not only has this newest ban taken away further employment of women, but it also took away safe places that women had outside of the home. Additionally, women no longer have positions in healthcare. To further add to the turmoil, male healthcare workers are often not allowed to examine women, leaving many without medical aid. Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states that the freedom of movement within one’s own country is a universal right. Not only are women banned from public spaces, but they are also not allowed to leave the house without the accompaniment of a male relative.

In the most recent development, the Taliban has demanded that NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations) operating in Afghanistan must get rid of female staff. Any NGO that does not comply will have their license to operate in Afghanistan revoked. NGOs are voluntary organizations that are not affiliated with a government that provides services for the public. This would greatly affect Afghanistan’s most vulnerable group of people: Afghan women and children.

While the international response has been to limit support and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, this response is more likely to harm the women within the country. Especially after a climate crisis, the lack of aid directly affects women and children the most. For a more in-depth evaluation of natural disasters, lack of humanitarian aid, and its substantial effect on women in Afghanistan, read Delisha Valacheril’s post, Deadly Earthquake in Afghanistan Magnifies Gender Apartheid Under Taliban Control.

Afghan Women Will Not Be Silenced:

Afghan women at overlook wearing colorful clothing.
Image 4: Afghan women at an overlook wearing a variety of colorful clothing. Source: Yahoo Images.

In 2024, Human Rights Watch reported that artists are contributing pieces in protest of the Taliban and their treatment of Afghan women. Rada Akbar and Fatima Wojohat are both Afghan artists who were forced to flee after the Taliban’s retaking of Afghanistan. Their artwork expresses the struggle of Afghan women, as well as the strength and resilience that they possess. Their artwork is an attempt to amplify the voices that the Taliban desperately tries to suppress. In a feature by Human Rights Watch, Rada Akbar’s art is a representation of the importance women play in society as well as the diversity of Persian women.

In her statement to Afghan women, she says, “Your dreams are not just valid–they are vital, and your voice carries weight, even in silence.” 

Along with that, in September of 2024, a meeting at UN Headquarters–which included the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan–discussed life in Afghanistan for women since the return of the Taliban in 2021. The UN, since then, has stated its intent to amplify the voices of women in Afghanistan, as well as to not be stagnant in the organization’s opposition to gender-based discrimination. Without the participation of women, there will be no successful future for Afghanistan.

It is imperative that the world continue to pay attention to the atrocities that are occurring in Afghanistan. As always, one way to help is to stay informed and to help spread awareness by sharing reliable news sources. One of the best things that can be done is to listen to the voices of Afghan women that the Taliban tries so hard to snuff out. Their voices matter, their dreams matter, and most importantly, the success of their future matters.

The Abuse of Facial Recognition Technology in the Hong Kong Protests 


Facial recognition technology has become a powerful tool in the last ten years, with uses ranging from improved security to personalized customer experiences. However, concerns about its potential for abuse have been voiced worldwide. This has not been more apparent than during Hong Kong’s pro-democracy demonstrations in 2019. The state used sophisticated monitoring techniques to suppress dissent, leaving protesters to contend with a nightmarish reality. This article will explore the use of facial recognition technology during these events, the protesters’ responses, and the broader civil liberties implications. 

Hong Kong protestor wearing a gas mask.
Image 2: Hong Kong protestor wearing a gas mask.

Facial Recognition Technology as a Tool for Suppression 

By analyzing a person’s facial traits with extensive databases, face recognition technology helps police identify individuals. Although the technology is supposedly employed for public safety, its darker side was brought to light during the protests in Hong Kong. During the demonstrations, the semi-autonomous province was also able to utilize facial recognition technology, which the Chinese government has been known to use to track its citizens. 

The protesters were aware that participating could result in arrests or other consequences, like being barred from future work or school opportunities. There was reason to be concerned; according to reports, officials monitored and identified participants using facial recognition cameras placed across the city. Due to fear for their safety, many were discouraged from joining the movement. 

Authorities allegedly deployed law enforcement to protest hotspots using real-time video data alongside overt monitoring. This made it possible to crack down quickly, which deterred involvement even more. The protesters’ awareness of these strategies intensified the tense environment and emphasized the dangers of criticizing their government. 

Protesters’ Countermeasures Against Surveillance 

Understanding the risks posed by facial recognition technology, protesters adopted innovative and sometimes unconventional tactics to shield their identities. Three key countermeasures stood out: 

  1. Face Coverings and Laser Pointers

Protesters used masks, goggles, and other facial coverings to obscure their identities. This method effectively counteract facial recognition technology, which relies on unobstructed views of key facial landmarks. To further disrupt surveillance, they employed handheld laser pointers aimed at cameras, which blurred the recorded footage. This tactic was particularly effective in public areas heavily monitored by government-operated cameras. 

These measures gained even more importance when the Hong Kong government enacted a ban on face coverings during protests in October 2019. The move was seen as an attempt to weaken the protesters’ ability to avoid identification, forcing them to weigh the risk of legal penalties against their need for anonymity. 

Skyscrapers in Hong Kong with student protestors camping in the road.
Image 2: Skyscrapers in Hong Kong with student protestors camping in the road.
  1. Dismantling “Smart” Lampposts

Another tactic involved physically dismantling infrastructure suspected of housing surveillance tools. Protesters targeted “smart” lampposts, which were equipped with cameras and sensors capable of collecting data. In August 2019, demonstrators tore down these lampposts in Kowloon, suspecting they were being used for facial recognition and other surveillance purposes. This act of resistance underscored the deep mistrust between protesters and authorities. These lampposts became symbolic targets in the fight against surveillance. 

By removing these lampposts, protesters sent a powerful message against the encroachment of state surveillance into public spaces. The act also demonstrated the lengths ordinary citizens were willing to go to protect their freedoms in the face of technological oppression. 

  1. Umbrellas and Creative Shields

Umbrellas, a defining symbol of Hong Kong’s earlier Umbrella Movement in 2014, made a resurgence as tools for privacy. Protesters used them to block cameras from capturing their faces, forming makeshift shields during confrontations. Umbrellas were especially useful in densely monitored urban areas. This method combined practicality with a symbolic nod to the city’s history of resistance. 

Protesters also adapted other everyday items for use against surveillance. Aluminum foil, reflective materials, and even thermal blankets were used to obscure heat signatures and reflect camera images. These creative solutions highlighted the ingenuity of the demonstrators as they adapted to an ever-evolving surveillance landscape. 

The Broader Implications of Surveillance Technology 

The events in Hong Kong serve as a cautionary tale about the unchecked use of facial recognition technology. While the technology can offer benefits to law enforcement and public safety, its misuse can severely curtail civil liberties. Below are some of the broader implications: 

  1. Erosion of Privacy

The pervasive use of facial recognition technology threatens the fundamental right to privacy. In Hong Kong, protesters’ every move was potentially monitored, creating an environment of constant surveillance. Such practices set a dangerous precedent for governments worldwide, particularly in authoritarian regimes where dissent is often criminalized. 

  1. Suppression of Free Speech

The fear of identification and subsequent retaliation stifles free expression. In Hong Kong, many potential protesters chose to stay home rather than risk being identified by facial recognition systems. This undermines the principles of democracy and freedom of speech, cornerstones of any free society. 

The suppression of free speech extends beyond the immediate protest environment. Surveillance tools can be used to identify individuals who post dissenting opinions online or participate in virtual activism. The integration of online and offline surveillance poses a new level of threat to freedom of expression in the digital age. 

  1. Exportation of Surveillance Tools

China’s use of facial recognition technology in Hong Kong is part of a broader trend of exporting such tools to other countries. Nations with authoritarian tendencies may adopt similar methods, enabling the global spread of surveillance states. The Hong Kong protests highlight the urgent need for international regulation and oversight. 

Furthermore, the proliferation of surveillance technology raises questions about its commercialization. Private companies developing these tools often operate with minimal oversight, making it easier for governments to acquire and misuse them. Addressing this issue requires not only legal reforms but also greater ethical accountability within the tech industry. 

Calls for Regulation and Ethical Use 

The Hong Kong protests have amplified calls for stricter regulations governing the use of facial recognition technology. Advocates argue for a global framework that balances the benefits of the technology with protections for individual rights. Key recommendations include: 

Transparency: Governments and organizations should disclose how facial recognition data is collected, stored, and used. 

Accountability: Mechanisms should be in place to prevent misuse and hold violators accountable. 

Consent: Individuals should have the right to opt out of facial recognition systems where feasible. 

Independent Oversight: Third-party audits can ensure compliance with ethical standards. 

These measures require international cooperation and enforcement to be effective. A united global stance against the misuse of facial recognition technology can help ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically. 

Moving Forward 

The 2019 Hong Kong protests revealed the double-edged nature of facial recognition technology. While it holds promise for improving security and convenience, its misuse can have devastating consequences for individual freedoms and democratic movements. The countermeasures adopted by protesters, from face coverings to dismantling surveillance infrastructure, reflect a broader struggle for privacy and autonomy in an increasingly monitored world. 

As facial recognition technology continues to evolve, the lessons from Hong Kong serve as a reminder of the need for vigilance. By advocating for ethical practices and robust regulations, society can harness the benefits of this powerful tool while safeguarding the rights and freedoms that define us. The time to act is now, before surveillance becomes an irreversible norm. 

The Hong Kong protests are not just a localized struggle; they are a symbol of resistance against the encroachment of state power through technology. The courage of these protesters underscores the universal importance of privacy, freedom, and democracy in the face of technological oppression. 

Greenland is Melting! Temperatures are Sweltering!

Greenland, home to the world’s second-largest ice sheet, is rapidly losing its ice. This isn’t just a faraway problem for scientists to worry about—it’s a global issue that affects all of us. But why is this happening, and what does it mean? Let’s break it down.

An image of greenland with no snow
Image 1: The snowless, changing landscape of Greenland. Source: Yahoo Images.

Why Is Greenland’s Ice Melting?

Greenland’s ice sheet covers about 80% of the country. It’s so big that if it melted completely, sea levels around the world would rise by about 7.4 meters (24 feet). Over the last few decades, temperatures in the Arctic have been rising twice as fast as the global average. Warmer air melts the ice from above, while warmer ocean water melts it from below. These processes are speeding up, causing Greenland to lose billions of tons of ice yearly.

One key concept in understanding the melting ice is albedo. Albedo is a measure of how much sunlight a surface reflects. Think about it this way:

  • Ice and snow are bright and white, reflecting most sunlight back into space and cooling the planet.
  • Darker surfaces like ocean water or bare ground absorb more sunlight, causing them to heat up.

As Greenland’s ice melts, it exposes darker surfaces, which absorb more heat. This causes even more ice to melt—a dangerous feedback loop. To be specific, Greenland is losing, on average, 269 billion metric tons of ice annually.

The merciless albedo feedback loop. The loop proceeds as follows: "Melting of sea ice" --> "Lowered albedo" --> "Increase in absorbed sunlight" --> "Melting of sea ice"
Image 2: The merciless albedo feedback loop. Source: Yahoo Images.

The formation of an ice sheet isn’t random; it depends on Earth’s geography and climate. The movement of Earth’s continents, known as continental drift, plays a key role in ice sheet formation. Continents near the poles (like Greenland and Antarctica) are ideal because they receive less sunlight, creating cooler conditions. The most essential requirement for an ice sheet to grow is cool summer temperatures. Snow that falls during winter must not melt entirely during the summer. Instead, it compacts and builds up over thousands of years, forming thick layers of ice.

How Does This Affect Climate Change?

The melting ice in Greenland contributes to climate change in several ways:

Rising Sea Levels. When ice sheets melt, water flows into the ocean, significantly elevating sea levels. This poses a direct threat to coastal communities worldwide, putting them at risk of flooding and erosion.

Disrupted Ocean Currents. Melting ice adds massive amounts of freshwater to the salty ocean, disrupting critical ocean currents like the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which helps regulate the Earth’s climate. If these currents slow down, they could lead to more extreme weather patterns, such as harsher winters in some places and stronger hurricanes in others.

More Greenhouse Gases. Melting ice can release trapped greenhouse gases, like methane, from the frozen ground beneath it (called permafrost). These gases contribute to further warming, making the problem even worse.

Oceans are Rising! How are people surviving?

While Greenland may seem far away, its melting ice affects everyone. Rising sea levels threaten millions of people living in coastal cities, from Miami to Mumbai. Disrupted weather patterns can lead to more severe storms, droughts, and heatwaves, which impact food supplies and economies. We are all part of this global community, and we all share the consequences of climate change.

The melting of Greenland’s ice sheet is not just an environmental issue—it’s a human rights issue. Climate change, driven by the loss of ice sheets and rising global temperatures, threatens people’s right to life, health, food, water, and security. Communities around the world, particularly those in coastal and marginalized areas, are already experiencing the devastating consequences.

The United Nations recognizes climate change as a human rights issue because it disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. As the ice melts, coastal communities are being swallowed by the sea. Small island nations like Tuvalu and the Maldives are at risk of disappearing. Millions of people in low-lying regions (Bangladesh, Florida, Louisiana) could be displaced, creating climate refugees who have nowhere to go.

Even with ambitious climate change policies like the Paris Agreement, sea levels are projected to rise between 20 to 60 cm (7.8 to 23.6 inches) by 2100. This rise poses a significant threat to coastal communities, as up to 216 million people (2.6% of the earth’s population) currently live on land that will be below sea level or experience regular flooding by the end of the century.

A person holding up a sign that says "Climate Change = More Climate Refugees"
Image 3: Climate change advocates. Source: Yahoo Images.


Greenhouse gases trap heat and keep the planet warm. The most common are carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Ozone (O3), and water. Without them, Earth would be too cold for humans and most life to survive, but with too much, we are slowly roasting the planet. This raises an ethical dilemma: Are we morally obligated to rehome climate refugees? If giving up air conditioning could save thousands of lives, should people’s basic needs for food and shelter outweigh our desire for convenience?

Wealthy countries and corporations have contributed the most to climate change, yet poorer nations are more likely to bear the brunt of the damage. Those with fewer resources—marginalized communities, Indigenous groups, and low-income families—struggle the most to adapt and recover. 

The biggest contributors to global emissions are China, the United States, and India, together responsible for 42.6% of total greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. alone accounts for 13.5% of global emissions, making it the world’s second-largest carbon emitter. If the U.S. is responsible for 13.5% of lost islander homes, should we also be 13.5% responsible for their survival? Should we take action even if no other country accepts accountability? Even if it requires more than what we are “technically” obligated to do?

An image of the ice caps melting
Image 4: The melting ice caps. Source: Yahoo Images.

What Can We Do?

The good news is that there are solutions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most essential step. This means using cleaner energy sources like wind and solar, improving energy efficiency, and protecting forests. On an individual level, even small actions make a difference—using less energy, advocating for climate policies, and spreading awareness. One of the most powerful things you can do is start a conversation. Simply talking about climate change can introduce new ideas and inspire action.

Greenland’s melting ice may seem far away, but its impact is a stark reminder that we are all connected. If we act now, we can protect our planet and future generations. The question is not whether we can make a difference but whether we will.

Griefbots: Blurring the Reality of Death and the Illusion of Life

Griefbots are an emerging technological phenomenon designed to mimic deceased individuals’ speech, behaviors, and even personalities. These digital entities are often powered by artificial intelligence, trained on data such as text messages, social media posts, and recorded conversations of the deceased. The concept of griefbots gained traction in the popular imagination through portrayals in television and film, such as the episode “Be Right Back” from the TV series Black Mirror. As advancements in AI continue to accelerate, griefbots have shifted from speculative fiction to a budding reality, raising profound ethical and human rights questions.

Griefbots are marketed as tools to comfort the grieving, offering an opportunity to maintain a sense of connection with lost loved ones. However, their implementation brings complex challenges that transcend technology and delve into the realms of morality, autonomy, and exploitation. While the intentions behind griefbots might seem compassionate, their broader implications require careful consideration. With the rising intricacy of the morality of AI, I want to explore some of the ethical aspects of griefbots and ask questions to push the conversation along. My goal is not to strongly advocate for or against their usage but to engage in philosophical debate.

An image of a human face-to-face with an AI robot
Image 1: An image of a human face-to-face with an AI robot. Source: Yahoo Images

Ethical and Human Rights Ramifications of Grief Bots

Commercial Exploitation of Grief

The commercialization of griefbots raises significant concerns about exploitation. Grieving individuals, in their emotional vulnerability, may be susceptible to expensive services marketed as tools for solace. This commodification of mourning could be seen as taking advantage of grief for profit. Additionally, if griefbots are exploitative, it prompts us to reconsider the ethicality of other death-related industries, such as funeral services and memorialization practices, which also operate within a profit-driven framework. 

However, the difference between how companies currently capitalize on griefbots and how the death industry generates profit is easier to tackle than the other implications of this service. Most companies producing and selling griefbots charge for their services through subscriptions or minute-by-minute payments, distinguishing them from other death-related industries. Companies may have financial incentives to keep grieving individuals engaged with their services. To achieve this, algorithms could be designed to optimize interactions, maximizing the time a grieving person spends with the chatbot and ensuring long-term subscriptions. These algorithms might even subtly adjust the bot’s personality to make it more appealing over time, creating a pleasing caricature rather than an accurate reflection of the deceased.

As these interactions become increasingly tailored to highlight what users most liked about their loved ones, the griefbot may unintentionally alter or oversimplify memories of the deceased, fostering emotional dependency. This optimization could transform genuine mourning into a form of addiction. In contrast, if companies opted to charge a one-time activation fee rather than ongoing payments, would this shift the ethical implications? In such a case, could griefbots be equated to services like cremation—a one-time fee for closure—or would the potential for misuse still pose moral concerns?

Posthumous Harm and Dignity

Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher, famously argued that death is not harmful to the deceased because, once dead, they no longer exist to experience harm. Griefbots challenge the assumption that deceased individuals are beyond harm. From Epicurus’s perspective, griefbots would not harm the dead, as there is no conscious subject to be wronged. However, the contemporary philosopher Joel Feinberg contests this view by suggesting that posthumous harm is possible when an individual’s reputation, wishes, or legacy are violated. Misrepresentation or misuse of a griefbot could distort a person’s memory or values, altering how loved ones and society remember them. These distortions may result from incomplete or biased data, creating an inaccurate portrayal of the deceased. Such inaccuracies could harm the deceased’s dignity and legacy, raising concerns about how we ethically represent and honor the dead.

a version of Michelangelo's famous painting "The Creation of Adam" but with a robot hand instead of Adam's
Image 2: A robot version of Michelangelo’s painting “the Creation of Adam” Source: Yahoo Images

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Because griefbots are supposed to represent a deceased person, they have the potential to disrespect people’s dignity by falsifying that person’s reason and consciousness. By creating an artificial version of someone’s reasoning or personality that may not align with their true self, griefbots risk distorting their essence and reducing the person’s memory to a fabrication. 

But imagine a case in which an expert programmer develops a chatbot to represent himself. He perfectly understands every line of coding and can predict how the griefbot will honor his legacy. If there is no risk to the harm of his dignity, is there still an ethical issue at hand?

Consent and Autonomy

Various companies allow people to commission an AI ghost before their death by answering a set of questions and uploading their information. If individuals consent to create a griefbot during their lifetime, it might seem to address questions of autonomy. However, consent provided before death cannot account for unforeseen uses or misuse of the technology. How informed can consent truly be when the long-term implications and potential misuse of the technology are not fully understood when consent is given? Someone agreeing to create a griefbot may envision it as a comforting tool for loved ones. Yet, they cannot anticipate future technological advancements that could repurpose their digital likeness in ways they never intended.

This issue also intersects with questions of autonomy after death. While living individuals are afforded the right to make decisions about their posthumous digital presence, their inability to adapt or revoke these decisions as circumstances change raises ethical concerns. In HI-PHI Nation’s Podcast, The Wishes of the Dead, they explore how the wishes of deceased individuals, particularly wealthy ones, continue to shape the world long after their death. The episode uses Milton Hershey, founder of Hershey Chocolate, as a case study. Hershey created a charitable trust to fund a school for orphaned boys and endowed it with his company’s profits. Despite changes in societal norms and the needs of the community, the trust still operates according to Hershey’s original stipulations. Critics questioned whether continuing to operate according to Hershey’s 20th-century ideals was still relevant in the modern era, where gender equality and broader educational access have become more central concerns.

Chatbots do not have the ability to evolve and grow the way that humans do. Barry explains the foundation of this concept by saying, “One problem with executing deeds in perpetuity is that dead people are products of their own times. They don’t change what they want when the world changes.” And even if growth was implemented into the algorithm, there is no guarantee it would be reflective of how a person changes. Griefbots might preserve a deceased person’s digital presence in ways that could become problematic or irrelevant over time. Although griefbots do not have the legal status of an estate or will, they still preserve a person’s legacy in a similar fashion. If Hershey was alive today, would he modify his estate to reflect his legacy?

It could be argued that the difference between Hershey’s case and Chatbots is that wills and estates are designed to execute a person’s final wishes, but they are inherently limited in scope and duration. Griefbots, by contrast, have the potential to persist indefinitely, amplifying the damage to one’s reputation. Does this difference encompass the true scope of the issue at hand, or would it be viable to argue that if chatbots are unethical, then persisting estates would be equally unethical as well? 

A picture of someone having a conversation with a chatbot
Image 3: A person having a conversation with a chatbot. Source: Yahoo Images

Impact on Mourning and Healing

Griefbots have the potential to fundamentally alter the mourning process by offering an illusion of continued presence. Traditionally, grieving involves accepting the absence of a loved one, allowing individuals to process their emotions and move toward healing. However, interacting with a griefbot may disrupt or delay this natural progression. By creating a sense of ongoing connection with the deceased, these digital avatars could prevent individuals from fully confronting the reality of the loss, potentially prolonging the pain of bereavement.

At the same time, griefbots could serve as a therapeutic tool for some individuals, providing comfort during difficult times. Grief is a deeply personal experience and for certain people, using chatbots as a means of processing loss might offer a temporary coping mechanism. In some cases, they might help people navigate the early, overwhelming stages of grief by allowing them to “speak” with a version of their loved one, helping them feel less isolated. Given the personal nature of mourning, it is essential to acknowledge that each individual has the right to determine the most effective way for them to manage their grief, including whether or not they choose to use this technology.

However, the decision to engage with griefbots is not always straightforward. It is unclear whether individuals in the throes of grief can make fully autonomous decisions, as emotions can cloud judgment during such a vulnerable time. Grief may impair an individual’s ability to think clearly, and thus, the use of griefbots might not always be a conscious, rational choice but rather one driven by overwhelming emotion.

Nora Freya Lindemann, a doctoral student researching the ethics of AI, proposes that griefbots could be classified as medical devices designed to assist in managing prolonged grief disorder (PGD). PGD is characterized by intense, persistent sorrow and difficulty accepting the death of a loved one. Symptoms of this disorder could potentially be alleviated with the use of griefbots, provided they are carefully regulated. Lindemann suggests that in this context, griefbots would require stringent guidelines to ensure their safety and effectiveness. This would involve rigorous testing to prove that these digital companions are genuinely beneficial and do not cause harm. Moreover, they should only be made available to individuals diagnosed with PGD rather than to anyone newly bereaved to prevent unhealthy attachments and over-reliance.

Despite the potential benefits, the psychological impact of griefbots remains largely unexplored. It is crucial to consider how these technologies affect emotional healing in the long term. While they may offer short-term comfort, the risk remains that they could hinder the natural grieving process, leading individuals to avoid the painful yet necessary work of acceptance and moving forward. As the technology develops, further research will be essential to determine the full implications of griefbots on the grieving process and to ensure that they are used responsibly and effectively.


Griefbots are at the intersection of cutting-edge technology and age-old human concerns about mortality, memory, and ethics. While they hold potential for comfort and connection, their implementation poses significant ethical and human rights challenges. The concepts I explored only scratch the surface of the iceberg. As society navigates this uncharted territory, we must critically examine its implications and find ways to use AI responsibly. The questions it raises are complex, but they offer an opportunity to redefine how we approach death and the digital legacies we leave behind.

Child Marriage in Niger: A Deep-Rooted Crisis and the Path Forward 


Map of Niger
Image 1: Map pointing to Niger. Source: Yahoo! Images


Niger has the highest frequency of child marriage globally, with 76% of girls getting married before turning 18 and 28% married by the age of 15. The health, education, and opportunities forgirls are all significantly impacted by this prevalent practice. Although the problem is sustained by cultural customs, financial constraints, and gender norms, initiatives by regional authorities, global organizations, and civic leaders are encouraging hope for change. The causes, effects, and strategies for ending child marriage in Niger will all be covered in this piece.  

Understanding the Root Causes of Child Marriage  

Poverty and Financial Pressures 

One of the primary causes of child marriage in Niger is economic hardship. Many families struggle to support their children while living in poverty. In these situations, marrying girls at an early age often seems like a sensible solution. To help with their immediate financial burdens, families may get dowries or other financial benefits. However, young brides are often denied access to education, reducing their future earning potential; this exchange keeps females trapped in poverty cycles.  

Cultural and Social Norms 

Child marriage is mainly influenced by cultural customs and societal standards. Early marriage is viewed as a way to maintain family honor in many communities. In an effort to preserve their virginity and avoid premarital pregnancies, which might shame their family, girls tend to get married before they experience their first menstrual cycle.
These societalstandards usually limit women’s duties to that of mother and wife, which deters people from funding their education.  

Limited Access to Education 

One of the most effective ways to prevent child marriage is through education, yet many Nigerien girls still lack access to it. There are often no schools in rural areas, and cultural norms favor boys’ education. Families who believe that females’ primary job is in the home may consider education unimportant, even in cases where it is available. This restricted access perpetuates early marriage and poverty cycles.  

The Harsh Consequences of Child Marriage  

Health and Maternal Mortality 

There are serious health risks for child brides, especially during pregnancy and childbirth. Adolescent pregnancies and early marriages are directly associated with Niger’s high maternal death rate. Due to their underdeveloped bodies, girls are more susceptible to complications, including obstetric fistulas and even death. Health issues not only endanger young moms but also affect their children, who have a higher likelihood of experiencing newborn complications and mortality.  

Psychological Impact 

Equally important are the psychological repercussions of child marriage. Many child brides suffer from depression, anxiety, and loneliness. They miss opportunities for personal growth and lack autonomy in their relationships because they are forced to leave their childhoods behind. These girls frequently experience abusive relationships, which adds to their trauma.  

Economic Disempowerment 

Economic disempowerment cycles are perpetuated by child marriage. Girls who marry at a youngage often abandon their education, limiting their access to jobs and financial independence. Leaving abusive or exploitative situations can be very challenging. As a result, this cycle continues, making their children more likely to experience poverty.  

Nigerian children
Image 2: Nigerian children. Source: Flickr

Ongoing Efforts to End Child Marriage  

Governmental and Legislative Measures 

In accordance with global commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Nigerian government has taken action to combat child marriage. The legal marriage age has been raised to 18 by legislative reforms, but enforcement is inconsistent because customary law is still so prevalent. The government has adopted policies to enhance girls’ access to education and healthcare, recognizing these as essential elements of its national development plans.  

Community-Based Interventions 

Local leaders, including religious and traditional figures, play a crucial role in the fight against child marriage. Programs that engage these leaders help challenge and change the cultural norms that support this practice. Awareness campaigns and community discussions highlight the importance of education for girls and the health risks associated with child marriage.  

Education and Empowerment Initiatives 

Education is central to eliminating child marriage. Organizations working in Niger have implemented life skills programs to empower girls, providing them with knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about their futures.  Additionally, initiatives to make schools safer and more accessible encourage families to prioritize their daughters’ education over early marriage.  

Economic Support Programs 

To address the economic causes of child marriage, families need financial support. Programs that provide financial aid or micro-loans lessen the pressure on daughters to marry young. By supporting families to reach financial stability, these programs allow them to invest in their children’s education and long-term welfare.  

Challenges and Future Directions 

Evenwithimprovements,therearestillmajorobstacles.  Lawsagainstchildmarriagearenotstrictlyenforced,especiallyinruralareaswhere customspredominate. The ongoing commitment toconventionalvaluesheld bymanyfamiliesandcommunityleaders undermines legal reforms. Changeisalsostillhinderedbyeconomicdisparityandrestrictedaccesstohigh-qualityeducation. Acomprehensivestrategyisrequiredtoeffectivelycombatchildmarriage. Thisincludes:  

-Strengthening Law Enforcement: It is essential to ensure that laws against child marriage are continually enforced, especially in remote areas. To effectively handle situations of child marriage, local authorities and court officials must undergo training.  

– Expanding Educational Access: Education infrastructure should be invested in, especially in rural areas. Offering financial aid and other incentives may encourage parents to continue sending their girls to school.  

– Empowering Girls: Girls canoppose early marriages and fight for their futures with the support of empowerment programs that enhance their self-esteem and awareness of their rights.  

– Economic Development: The financial strains that lead to child marriage can be lessened by increasing family livelihood opportunities. Potential channels for economic development include agricultural assistance, small business grants, and vocational training.  

– Community Engagement: Local communities must support sustainable change. To alter societal norms, it is necessary to educate the public and engage religious and traditional authorities in the fight against child marriage.  

Path Forward 

In Niger, child marriage is a complex problem with roots in gender disparity, cultural customs, and poverty. In addition to devastating the lives of innumerable girls, the practice hinders the nation’s larger goals for development. Reform can occur through the collaborative efforts of local communities, international organizations, and the Nigerian government. Niger can end child marriage and provide a better future for its girls through offeringeconomic assistance, education, and empowerment. Every action—whether it’s a family deciding to support their daughter’s goals, a community leader pushing for change, or a girl reclaimingher right to an education—brings the nation one step closer to this critical milestone.  


Brighter Futures for Little Blazers at UAB: A Youth Mentoring Program


The clamor of tiny voices filled the UAB lecture hall, a space usually reserved for undergraduates and professors. At the front of the room, a small hand shot up. “What’s college like?” one of our mentees asked, eyes wide with curiosity. In that moment, I realized the importance of our work—not just mentoring but planting the seeds of possibility in young minds.

In a previous blog, How Youth Mentoring Can Instill Resilience in the Next Generation, I shared the story of my time mentoring a young girl through Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS). That experience illuminated the transformative power of mentorship and the deeper systemic barriers that prevent many children from accessing quality education. Today, I want to expand on those themes, exploring how these barriers represent a fundamental human rights issue and how initiatives like my student organization, Brighter Futures for Little Blazers at UAB (BFLB), are working to address these inequities.

A youth mentor helps guide a Little through a stem activity.
Image 1: A youth mentor helps guide a mentee through a stem activity. Source: Yahoo Images

The Inaccessibility of Education

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that “everyone has the right to education.” Yet, for millions of children in the United States, this right remains elusive, especially those from marginalized communities. According to the U.S. Department of Education, students from the lowest income quartile are five times less likely to complete a bachelor’s degree than those from the highest.

For children experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as poverty, neglect, or violence, the barriers to education are even more significant. These experiences correlate with reduced academic performance, lower high school graduation rates, and limited access to higher education. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly 61% of adults have experienced at least one ACE, and these adverse experiences disproportionately affect children of color and those living in low-income households

Systemic inequities further compound these challenges. Schools in underfunded districts often lack essential resources, such as experienced teachers, extracurricular programs, and adequate infrastructure. A study by the Education Law Center found that schools serving predominantly low-income and minority students receive $1,800 less per student annually than those in wealthier districts despite having greater needs.

These inequities not only violate the principles of equality and non-discrimination but also perpetuate cycles of poverty. Without access to quality education, children face limited career opportunities, which in turn limits their earning potential and ability to improve their socioeconomic status.

The Role of Brighter Futures for Little Blazers at UAB

I founded Brighter Futures for Little Blazers at UAB (BFLB) in the Fall of 2023 in response to the systemic challenges children in Birmingham face. As a student at UAB and a mentor with BBBS, I saw firsthand how a lack of volunteers, compounded by logistical barriers like transportation, limited children’s access to mentoring opportunities. BFLB was designed to bridge these gaps by leveraging the resources and enthusiasm of college students.

Big Brothers Big Sisters pairs Bigs (mentors) with Littles (mentees) to connect kids who have faced ACEs with mentors who can provide an extra support system. BFLB is not an isolated initiative but rather a tailored offshoot of BBBS’s Beyond School Walls program. This program connects youth with workplace mentors to help them develop professional skills, explore career opportunities, and build confidence. At its core, Beyond School Walls is about exposing children to environments that inspire and prepare them for the future. While BBBS traditionally partners with corporations and businesses for this initiative, BFLB brings the concept to a university setting. Instead of pairing Littles with corporate employees, BFLB pairs them with college students, creating a relatable and aspirational mentoring dynamic. This modification aligns perfectly with Beyond School Walls’s goals while addressing our community’s specific needs.

Our program buses Littles to UAB twice a month, creating a space where mentorship and education intersect. While the primary goal is to instill resilience and emotional support, BFLB also seeks to inspire children to envision a future that includes higher education. During their visits, Littles participate in STEM activities, career preparation workshops, and campus tours, helping them associate college with possibilities rather than obstacles.

This image is an example of one of the STEM activities Bigs and Littles worked on together. Their goal was to produce the balloon that could travel the fastest on a string.
Image 2: This image is an example of one of the STEM activities Bigs and Littles worked on together. They aimed to produce a balloon that could travel the fastest on a string. Source: Natasha Fernandez

This approach aligns with research showing that mentoring programs tied to real-world experiences significantly improve youth outcomes. Exposure to higher education environments substantially increases the likelihood that children from low-income backgrounds will aspire to attend college. A study by the National Mentoring Partnership found that mentored youth are 55% more likely to enroll in college and develop career aspirations than their non-mentored peers.

Education as a Tool for Change

The systemic inequities necessitating programs like BBBS and BFLB are deeply rooted in broader social and economic disparities. In the United States, low-income children are often concentrated in underfunded schools, where limited resources exacerbate the challenges posed by poverty and ACEs. These inequities are not accidental but are the result of decades of policies that have prioritized affluent communities over marginalized ones.

Mentorship programs like BFLB are not a substitute for systemic reform but serve as an intervention to mitigate the immediate effects of these inequities. For example, Schools with mentoring programs report 52% higher graduation rates compared to those without. However, the impact of mentorship extends beyond individual success. Programs like BFLB and Beyond School Walls challenge the systemic barriers that perpetuate educational inequities by building community partnerships and advocating for policy changes.

While education cannot single-handedly solve systemic inequality, it remains one of the most effective tools for breaking the cycle of poverty. Each additional year of schooling increases an individual’s earning potential by an average of 10%. Yet, for education to serve as a pathway to economic mobility, it must be accessible to all. 

Initiatives like BFLB illustrate how community-driven efforts can address accessibility challenges. By combining mentorship with exposure to higher education, BFLB helps Littles overcome the psychological and logistical barriers that prevent many low-income students from pursuing college. At the same time, these initiatives highlight the need for systemic change. Policymakers must prioritize equitable funding for public schools, expand access to mental health resources, and invest in programs that support children facing ACEs. These changes are essential for ensuring that the right to education is not just an ideal but a reality for all children.

In This activity, Bigs helped Littles plan out and the build the tallest tower out of household supplies.
Image 3: In this activity, Bigs helped Littles plan and then build the tallest tower out of household supplies. Source: Natasha Fernandez


The right to education is a cornerstone of human dignity and progress, but systemic barriers deny this right to many children. Initiatives like BBBS’s Beyond School Walls program and BFLB demonstrate the power of mentorship to address these challenges and inspire hope for a brighter future.

However, achieving true educational equity is not a task for one person or organization. It demands a collective effort to dismantle systemic inequities and create a society where every child, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to succeed.

As individuals, we can contribute by volunteering, donating, or advocating for policies that promote educational access. Together, we can ensure that the transformative power of education is available to all, fulfilling its promise as a fundamental human right. As we work toward a more equitable world, civil society organizations must continue to intervene where systems fail. 

It takes just one mentor, organization, or program to light the spark that can transform a child’s life.

The Human Rights Concerns of Migration into North Africa

The human rights violations noted against Sub-Saharan African migrants have been increasing exponentially across North Africa, specifically in Tunisia. Tunisia is a transit country for many migrants to reach Europe, being the most significant departure point for migrants crossing the Mediterranean; the physical actions against migrants and the political bias have inherently made it difficult for many different communities to continue their journey.

History of Sub-Saharan Immigration

Photo 1: Photo of a refugee camp.Source: Flickr
Photo 1: Photo of a refugee camp.
Source: Flickr

For hundreds of years, people have migrated from Sub-Saharan Africa to Northern Africa; in 2020, it was estimated that 61 percent of migrants into North Africa were from Africa. Tunisia has been a key destination because it is relatively stable both socioeconomically and politically. Irregular migration into the country has been pertinent since the early 1990s. However, a surge in migration was observed in 2011, when over 27,000 migrants were intercepted in Tunisia with plans to continue to Europe. A similar spike was noted in early 2020, with over 35,000 migrants intercepted when departing from the country. These values tell the story of those who were intercepted by the government and do not account for those who weren’t able to complete their journey beyond Tunisia.

Largely, migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa are males who have taken the step into a new journey to hopefully promise a better life for their families; these individuals are quite young, being anywhere from 18 to 35 years old. Generally, there are varying reasons why people migrate to Tunisia; data collected in 2018 suggests that 52% of migrants emigrated for economic reasons, 22 percent migrated to study, and 25 percent are potential victims of human trafficking. All of these come via different routes; though land routes are quite popular, an overwhelming majority of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa come by air travel, leveraging visa-on-arrival opportunities. As these are often three-month tourist visas, many overstay the visa to work in different fields ranging from tourism to hospitality to construction. Beyond those visas, other avenues are explored by migrants to enter Tunisia; one is that of human-smuggling networks. These networks are oftentimes characterized by two-fold movements: into Tunisia via land and then outside of Tunisia via maritime routes. For those without passports, many individuals pay hundreds of dollars to get to North Africa.

Drivers of Migration

When faced with difficulties, many people seek out-migration as an avenue to explore. One reason why migration into Tunisia has increased is economic burdens. The World Bank has estimated that youth unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa is around 10.2 percent. This has resulted in many youths moving to North Africa to seek out new opportunities.

Another factor is environmental factors. With increased burdens associated with climate change, such as increased temperatures and deteriorating soil quality, it is observed as a driver, as well. By 2025, Sub-Saharan Africa could see as many as 86 million climate migrants; though this number is represented by a value of internal and external migration, this has been a force that has impacted current migration patterns into Tunisia.


Photo 2: Photo of refugees at Tunisian-Libyan border.Source: Flickr
Photo 2: Photo of refugees at Tunisian-Libyan border.
Source: Flickr

Domestic Concerns

To respond to the increased migration, the Tunisian government has had a unique role in the development of action. While Tunisia has been vocal about human rights and has demonstrated international support, the application of their signatures often falls short.

Raids and arrests, outlining attacks against human rights, have been increasing significantly. This, coupled with improper immigration-specialized facilities, has resulted in many people not being treated fairly. These centers have not met international standards, according to international observers like OMCT (World Organization Against Torture), due to inadequate sanitary conditions and poor infrastructure. To respond to these abuses and oversight, the government of Tunisia established the National Authority for the Prevention of Torture, which has unfortunately faced limited access to detention centers, further allowing continuous attacks against the human rights of those in detainment.

Human Right Abuses

Different abuses have been noted against Sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia. Physical violence has been most prominent during arrests, raids, and detainment. Over 85 percent of Black Africans had reported violence from these security forces. These abuses have been conducted by police, the National Guard, and many other entities.

Medical abuse is also quite prominent as well, especially for those in detention facilities. Many migrants are uneducated about the nuances of Tunisian healthcare in the country and their access rights. This results in inaccurate information being more accessible than a healthcare professional.  Within the conversation of accessing healthcare, there is a unique level of pressure put on female migrants; though there are not as many women who migrate to Tunisia, those who do face challenges ranging from building rapport with the health system, accessing insurance information for prenatal care, and navigating social implications of feminine care.

Mental health is also a huge issue for many migrants in Tunisia; an overwhelming 47 percent of migrants experience depression, 10 percent experience adaptation stress, and 9 percent experience PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). These, coupled with the general stress of migration and the expectation to reach Europe, can have overwhelming effects on their mental health. Without the resources necessary to treat it, they are left even more vulnerable than when they came.

Economic exploitation is another abuse noted against Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Tunisia. 35% of migrant workers experience poor working conditions, many of whom eventually change jobs for a plethora of reasons ranging from exploitation, which is the most frequent incident, to violence to harassment. As many of these workers participate in the informal economy, as young people generally make up 32 percent of the informal sector, they are not equally as protected compared to those who are in the formal sector.

When looking at the abuses against communities, it is integral that international communities advocate against these injustices and work to support vulnerable communities like migrant ones. Without checks and balances, support is limited for these communities, allowing systematic discrimination to take precedence.

Japan’s Public Health Diplomacy: A Pillar for Advancing Global Human Rights

When thinking about Japan, remembrance of its rich history and culture may come to mind. However, unknown to most is Japan’s role on the global stage for public health diplomacy. Ranging from international development to research investments, Japan has contributed to the expansion of health as a fundamental right, as stated by Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Japan’s commitment to human rights is prominent through expanding global health equity, prioritizing universal access, improving technological innovation, and assisting with disaster relief.

Background of Japan’s Public Health Diplomacy

Public health diplomacy is the use of diplomatic channels and strategies to help address global health challenges. This ranges from the development of multilateral partnerships, domestic offices, funding opportunities, and more; with the main focus on addressing health issues, any avenue can be explored to address the nuances. The cultural foundation of Japan emphasizes its role as an international power; Japan’s ethos of wa, meaning harmony, and omotenashi, meaning hospitality, has further accelerated its role in space.

Japan’s emergence as a global health power began after World War II when it was developing its own healthcare infrastructure. In 1922, the Health Insurance Act was developed; this was in parallel to the German social insurance model that was managed jointly between employers and employees. In 1961, under this act, Japan finally achieved a universal healthcare system. This was done by developing the same fee schedules for all plans and requiring providers to maintain equity through contained costs. To further support underrepresented communities, subsidies were available for elderly people and children.

The strong domestic foundation developed by Japan opened up an opportunity for it to serve as a global leader as well. Since joining the WHO (World Health Organization) in 1956, it has contributed millions of dollars, giving over US$ 218 million in the 2020-2021 year to the WHO and US$ 50 million to the Contingency Fund for Emergencies; it has mobilized a lot of financial support, which has then supported humanitarian crisis in countries across the world.


Photo 1: Photo of Japan Medical Assistance Team jacket.Source: Flickr
Photo 1: Photo of Japan Medical Assistance Team jacket.
Source: Flickr

Japan’s Current Initiatives

With the successful implementation of universal health coverage, Japan has been a leader in mobilizing it in other countries. One way it has done so was through the 2017 UHC (Universal Healthcare) Forum in Tokyo. This forum, organized in collaboration with JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency), UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), and the World Bank Group, discussed the urgency of making progress towards universal health coverage by engaging over 40 countries to motivate action towards equity for all communities. Beyond that of programmatic support, the World Bank-Japan Joint UHC Initiative has developed the analytics needed to contribute to the progress towards international UHC. This support has also been tried through bilateral collaborations; for example, Myanmar received around US$ 19 million in universal health coverage support from Japan, helping build its international health portfolio. With universal health coverage, health equities can be reduced across the globe.

Beyond that of universal health coverage, Japan has contributed to the development of valuable maternal and child health initiatives across the globe. Through programs and partnerships with entities like JICA, people can receive the training they need to support women and children who are systematically vulnerable communities. An example of their specific support is noted in Cambodia; by providing financial support and programmatic avenues, maternal mortality rates decreased significantly from the increased training for midwives and the improved clinics.

Even beyond that of the Asian continent, Japan has worked to develop programs in Africa to improve maternal health outcomes. An example of this is the Safe Motherhood program in Kenya. The program, developed in 1987, helped reduce maternal mortality by 50% in the country. Analyzing maternal and child healthcare is foundational to achieving gender equality and prioritizing sustainable development.

Japan is also strong in mobilizing support for disease relief and recovery assistance. The Japan Disaster Medical Assistance Teams have been trained to address domestic and international issues; rooted in Japan’s own history in disaster relief, their role on the global stage is prominent. For example, after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Japan provided over US$ 320 million in support that was mobilized as emergency assistance after the earthquake or in development assistance; this ranged from providing emergency relief goods, like jerry cans, to assisting with rehabilitating the water supply system. Another example is the US$ 500 million pledge to assist with the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami; the multilateral support to all impacted countries was integral to their redevelopment and solidified Japan’s role as a key actor in global health diplomacy, helping restore health services to ensure affected populations are able to come back to their normal health levels.


Photo 2: People lining around the Japanese Red Cross.Source: Flickr
Photo 2: People lining around the Japanese Red Cross.
Source: Flickr

Japan’s Model for Success

Japan is a leader in global health diplomacy and can share many insights with other nations and entities to improve their presence on the global stage as well. Despite domestic challenges of aging populations and criticisms for low refugee intake, their holistic approach is a strong suit. By combining technological innovations, hospitality, and multilateralism, they have been able to provide culturally sensitive care to countries around the world. As they contribute to work in health diplomacy, it is valuable to underline all efforts with the continued advocacy for health as a fundamental human right, addressing challenges that might exist proactively. By working to play their role, Japan has improved not only the health but the lives of millions of people across the world.


Why Climate Change Isn’t Just a Youth Issue: Elderly Swiss Women Win Landmark Climate Change Case


Image 1. Woman in the middle of climate crisis. Source: Yahoo Images

As we walk on campus, we take note of leaves changing colors, the days getting shorter, and wafts of pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. These are all telltale marks of autumn, and yet it is still 70 degrees Fahrenheit in November. Despite the seasonal signs, the weather has seemed to get the memo that it is fall. Theheat from the summer has overstayed its welcome, and many people have started to take notice. This sense of dissonance is more than just an anomaly; it is clear indicator of the ongoing climate crisis. The persistent heat underscores how climate change is shifting familiar seasonal patterns, affecting agriculture, and disrupting our daily lives. Even though climate change affects all of us, it seems that the onus falls on the younger generation to fix this problem. For example, data from Climate Change in the American Mind surveys revealed younger generations are more likely than older generations to view global warming as personally important and/or to express a willingness to engage in climate activism. The growing sentiment that climate change is the young people’s problem. However, there is a group of elderly Swiss women who beg to differ on this issue.

In Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, a group representing over 2,500 older Swiss women argued that the Swiss government’s insufficient action to address global warming violated their fundamental rights to health and life, putting them at heightened risk of death during heatwaves. On Tuesday, April 9, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Switzerland’s inadequate response to climate change indeed infringed on its citizens’ human rights, setting a powerful precedent for future climate-related cases. This landmark ruling from Europe’s top human rights court has underscored a crucial shift in the fight against climate change. The elderly women who banded together to fight climate change emphasized how climate issues increasingly affect people of all ages. This victory for climate rights activists has come at a time when the impacts of climate change are palpable, with record-high temperatures extending into fall.


Image 2. Elderly Women in a Group. Source: Yahoo Images



            Despite being a part of the Paris Agreement, Switzerland has failed to curb greenhouse emissions, limit the effects of global warming, or cap rising temperatures. Studies show that “Switzerland broke temperature records on the ground last summer and at the zero-degree line.” This lack of action has resulted in many people being affected by climate change especially older women. One of the members of Klimaseniorinnen, Elisabeth Stern, while riding on public transit suffered from a heat wave that led to a panic attack. She comments to Time magazine about how awful the experience was, “I could hardly breathe.” Several other older Swiss women were experiencing adverse effects from the severe heat wave occurring in the country. They compiled their experiences and filed a lawsuit against the Swiss government for their inaction in addressing the growing climate control problem. The Klimaseniorinnen kept getting their case thrown out by the lower courts. After the Swiss Supreme Court rejected their case, the group had exhausted all legal options. The women were faced with the challenge of bringing the fight to an authority higher than the Swiss government. As their health grew more perilous, they were left with no option other than to file their suit with the European Court of Human Rights.

The group presented their findings along with research that shows why heat has a greater impact on women’s health including data by researchers at The Pennsylvania State University which support that heat kills more women than men, finding that older women are physiologically more vulnerable to high heat and humidity than older men. After reviewing all the evidence and personal stories, the Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights sided with the Klimaseniorinnen , representing a significant victory in climate litigation cases. Court President Síofra O’Leary stated that the Swiss government had not met its own greenhouse gas reduction targets and lacked a national carbon budget, even as the impacts of global warming become increasingly evident. However, the state of Switzerland still has to comply with the higher court’s ruling. The decision from the European Court of Human Rights reflects a shift towards protecting the climate as a human right. The right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a universally recognized human right, according to Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a violation of basic human rights for a government to not meet emissions targets or otherwise work to fight climate change. With Switzerland being one of the richest countries, the government is equipped with the resources and tools to enact climate change policies that benefit the people. While this case sets a progressive precedent when it comes to government policy on climate issues, the real change requires work and action behind these decisions.

Image 3. Swiss Alps. Source: Yahoo Images


What to Watch For

This recent ruling from Europe’s top human rights court could compel Switzerland to accelerate its reduction of fossil fuel consumption, aligning more closely with its commitments to combat climate change. Fossil fuels, the primary driver of human-caused climate change, continue to be central to Switzerland’s emissions, despite the country’s pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Although the Swiss government had introduced stronger measures to achieve this target, a 2021 referendum saw voters reject these policies, viewing them as too burdensome. By linking climate change with human rights, the court has opened the door to further climate litigation worldwide, likely encouraging more lawsuits in other countries as citizens demand government accountability for climate inaction.

Climate change has had a disproportionate impact on older women, who are particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures. In Europe, a study estimated that extreme heat contributed to over 70,000 excess deaths in 2022 alone, with older populations bearing the brunt of these fatalities. Women in this age group are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses due to a range of factors, including age-related health conditions, reduced capacity to regulate body temperature, and often limited mobility, which can make it harder to access cooling resources. As climate change drives more frequent and intense heatwaves, older women face heightened risks, making climate action not only an environmental imperative but also a matter of protecting public health. With this decision, the Swiss government should enact policies that aim to address these issues, support elderly women’s health, and protect its citizens against the mitigating effects of climate change.

Call to Action

            The time to act is now—demand bold climate policies from your leaders and take a stand for a sustainable future. One way to participate is to join grassroots movements amplify your voice and ensure that climate justice remains a priority in your local community. Our planet’s future depends on us, so it is important to support legislation that addresses climate change and fight for meaningful environmental reforms. You have the power to make a difference, so do not wait for change. Together, we can work towards building a sustainable and equitable future and it starts by taking action today