A Woman’s World in Afghanistan: An Update on Women’s Rights Violations in Afghanistan

Women protesting the Taliban's retaking of power.
Image 1: Women protesting the Taliban’s retaking of power. Source: Yahoo Images.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all humans, no matter their sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc., have distinct rights. These include the rights to property, religious freedom, education, government participation, and freedom of movement within a country and outside a country, to name a few. Speaking about what we think and moving freely in public are some of the most basic rights that should be available to all humans, no matter where they are located or who they are. For the past 20 years, Afghan women have fought hard for their freedoms and rights to live life as they see fit. These are rights that have now been stripped from them once again, a reflection of the first Taliban rule.

In 1994, the Taliban surfaced as militant leaders of Afghanistan as a result of a civil war that the country had recently experienced. From 1994 to 2001, the Taliban reigned over Afghanistan, continuously revoking women’s rights. Those rights included education, healthcare, freedom of movement, and involvement in political affairs. If a woman was to leave the house, she was not allowed to show any skin. Burqas, which are loose clothing that covers the entire body and face, were a requirement. This article will update women’s rights violations in the recent years.

The Taliban’s Continued Attack on Education:

Five Taliban members holding weapons.
Image 2: Five Taliban members holding weapons. Source: Yahoo Images.

The Taliban had issued empty promises of upholding women’s rights when regaining control of Afghanistan. Within days of assuming control in August 2021, the Taliban had banned co-education and made it illegal for a man to teach a girl. Not a month had passed before their next attack on women’s education came to the fold. This time, women were prohibited from secondary education, and their level of education access was reduced to that of 6th grade. Throughout the years following the Taliban’s return to power, women and their right to education have been tirelessly subjugated to attacks from the Taliban. For a timeline of women’s rights that have been revoked since 2021, look at the United States Institute of Peace website for tracking the mistreatment of women by the Taliban.

In fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) countries, women are significantly more likely to be put out of school. FCV countries are countries that have conflict and violence occurring, causing the country to be in a fragile state. The World Bank Group, which measures gender gaps in education as well as in the economy, labeled Afghanistan as an FCV country. Education is detrimental to the development of any country. The restrictions on education are a way to perpetuate a cycle of poverty and compliance with repressive governments. According to the World Bank Group, education promotes health, stability, peace, and reductions in gender gap and poverty.

The first thing that was taken from women in Afghanistan in 2021 was their right to education. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, the article emphasizes the right to education as a universal right. This is a right that is infringed upon in many countries and is especially evident in Afghanistan. For a more in-depth look into women’s education in Afghanistan in the months following the Taliban, check out Nikhita Mudium’s blog post on Women’s Education in Afghanistan.

Recap: 2024 Restrictions on Women in Afghanistan

Four Afghan women wearing blue burqas while walking.
Image 3: Four Afghan women wearing blue burqas while walking with a little boy. Source: Yahoo Images.

In a report done by Human Rights Watch, one of the most visited news updates of 2024 was about Afghanistan and the Taliban’s rule. The rest of the world has watched in horror as windows looking into the kitchens of homes have been boarded shut. The very image and the very sound of women’s voices are becoming something that is silenced and stowed away. As of August 2024, women’s voices are not allowed to be heard in public. The excuse of tempting a man has closed off women’s access to public spaces such as parks and educational facilities.

Another attack on women came in the form of shutting beauty salons down, which in turn put nearly 60,000 women out of jobs. Not only has this newest ban taken away further employment of women, but it also took away safe places that women had outside of the home. Additionally, women no longer have positions in healthcare. To further add to the turmoil, male healthcare workers are often not allowed to examine women, leaving many without medical aid. Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states that the freedom of movement within one’s own country is a universal right. Not only are women banned from public spaces, but they are also not allowed to leave the house without the accompaniment of a male relative.

In the most recent development, the Taliban has demanded that NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations) operating in Afghanistan must get rid of female staff. Any NGO that does not comply will have their license to operate in Afghanistan revoked. NGOs are voluntary organizations that are not affiliated with a government that provides services for the public. This would greatly affect Afghanistan’s most vulnerable group of people: Afghan women and children.

While the international response has been to limit support and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, this response is more likely to harm the women within the country. Especially after a climate crisis, the lack of aid directly affects women and children the most. For a more in-depth evaluation of natural disasters, lack of humanitarian aid, and its substantial effect on women in Afghanistan, read Delisha Valacheril’s post, Deadly Earthquake in Afghanistan Magnifies Gender Apartheid Under Taliban Control.

Afghan Women Will Not Be Silenced:

Afghan women at overlook wearing colorful clothing.
Image 4: Afghan women at an overlook wearing a variety of colorful clothing. Source: Yahoo Images.

In 2024, Human Rights Watch reported that artists are contributing pieces in protest of the Taliban and their treatment of Afghan women. Rada Akbar and Fatima Wojohat are both Afghan artists who were forced to flee after the Taliban’s retaking of Afghanistan. Their artwork expresses the struggle of Afghan women, as well as the strength and resilience that they possess. Their artwork is an attempt to amplify the voices that the Taliban desperately tries to suppress. In a feature by Human Rights Watch, Rada Akbar’s art is a representation of the importance women play in society as well as the diversity of Persian women.

In her statement to Afghan women, she says, “Your dreams are not just valid–they are vital, and your voice carries weight, even in silence.” 

Along with that, in September of 2024, a meeting at UN Headquarters–which included the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan–discussed life in Afghanistan for women since the return of the Taliban in 2021. The UN, since then, has stated its intent to amplify the voices of women in Afghanistan, as well as to not be stagnant in the organization’s opposition to gender-based discrimination. Without the participation of women, there will be no successful future for Afghanistan.

It is imperative that the world continue to pay attention to the atrocities that are occurring in Afghanistan. As always, one way to help is to stay informed and to help spread awareness by sharing reliable news sources. One of the best things that can be done is to listen to the voices of Afghan women that the Taliban tries so hard to snuff out. Their voices matter, their dreams matter, and most importantly, the success of their future matters.

Deadly Earthquake in Afghanistan Magnifies Gender Apartheid Under Taliban Control

by Delisha Valacheril
Image 1. Afghan Man standing in the rumble caused by an earthquake. Source: Flickr
Image 1. Afghan Man standing in the rumble caused by an earthquake. Source: Flickr

The ongoing humanitarian crises as a result of the Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist group, regaining control of Afghanistan have been exacerbated since the devasting earthquake hit the country, with women and children bearing the brunt of the struggle. The Herat province has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes in just five days, with at least 1,482 people killed, another 2,100 have been injured, and an estimated 114,000 people need humanitarian assistance. The detrimental aftermath has been felt by everyone in the country, especially women and children, since they encompass 90% of those killed. With homes demolished and livelihoods lost, obtaining humanitarian aid is of the utmost importance. However, women across the country are struggling to gain assistance due to the numerous human rights violations against them in Afghanistan. Women and children are the most affected when natural disasters strike, but they are often the least considered in the response and recovery process. With the death toll mainly comprised of this vulnerable population coupled with the existing humanitarian crises, the situation in Afghanistan is grave for the young women and children survivors.

Image 2 Afghani Women fully covered in accordance with Taliban rule. Source Flickr.
Image 2 Afghani Women fully covered in accordance with Taliban rule. Source Flickr.

Humanitarian Crisis

It is not just women who are suffering under Taliban rule; everyone is. The UNDP reports that the Taliban’s rule has also erased the Afghans’ standards of life. Since the takeover, the economy has collapsed by up to 30%, and there have been an estimated 700,000 job losses. Over 90% of people have experienced food insecurity in one way or another. The situation in Afghanistan remains precarious and uncertain, and the earthquake has only exacerbated this.

To provide context for the Taliban’s gender apartheid in Afghanistan, a proper foundation must be laid. In 2021, after the US withdrew troops from Afghanistan, the extremist group rose to power and established itself as the sole authority. Since resuming their regime, they have implemented restrictive, discriminatory practices against women. Women have been banned from attending and tutoring at universities, women cannot work, and most girls cannot attend secondary school. These Taliban-imposed constraints have left women and girls increasingly confined to their homes, which is why they suffered the most from the natural disaster. Even when women are allowed to go outside, they must comply with the strictly enforced dress code that requires them to be fully covered, and on top of that, they must be accompanied by a male chaperone.

Image 3 Children in a refuge shelter in Afghanistan. Source Flickr.
Image 3 Children in a refuge shelter in Afghanistan. Source Flickr.

What’s Currently Going On

Considering the plight women have to endure under this restrictive government, it has been extremely difficult for aid to reach these vulnerable communities. An obstacle women must overcome to get relief is they must have a male relative’s tazkera, a national identity card. Since there is an absence of women working at the distribution center, many women cannot obtain humanitarian aid if they don’t have male relatives who can access it on their behalf. They also need to adorn the Islamic hijab so they can dress appropriately to access services and relief. This natural disaster has decimated homes, destroyed families, and left many to grieve their loss alone. How can the government discriminate and impose restrictions on who can receive aid in a time of crisis? After losing their husbands, fathers, and sons to this calamity, what are women supposed to do? Is there life meaningless without a male associated with it? Are they not worthy of aid from Afghanistan’s government?

Sonita Bahram, who is part of a team providing medical assistance to survivors, recounts the hardships women have had to withstand during these trying times. “I saw dozens of women and girls each day, and I can tell you that 99.9% of them were suffering from some sort of psychological trauma,” she said. Bahram narrates how women who have lost their homes, some of them their entire families, now have to work together to exist. Survivors seek refuge in the sea of tents that now stand in the rubble of Afghanistan’s towns and cities. Women are tying tattered blankets and even their headscarves to construct some semblance of privacy. On top of the mental stress and trauma that these women have had to endure from their daily home lives, these devasting earthquakes add significantly to their worries.


Conflict, food insecurity, drought, displacement, and poverty were already prevalent among the women and children of Afghanistan, but since the deadly earthquake, the government has continued to marginalize this group. The obstacles Afghani women have to overcome to receive aid are egregious; the treatment of women survivors has been abysmal, and they make up the majority of the fatalities. The humanitarian crisis involving women’s rights has been festering for a long time in the country, but this catastrophe has only inflated the concerns and hardships of the minority group. The severity of this issue has reached a global extent, with international relief centers and governments limiting humanitarian help to Afghanistan since the Taliban took power because of the government’s flagrant breaches of human rights, especially those committed against women and girls. This is harmful to the women and children of Afghanistan because they are the ones in dire need. It is important to support and donate to NGOs that are providing aid. UNICEF has launched a $20 million appeal to support 96,000 children affected by the earthquake. Life USA is pledging funds to provide emergency relief to the survivors. 2023 Afghanistan Earthquake Relief is also a great organization committed to doing beneficial work. By supporting these organizations, we can help the women and children of Afghanistan even if their government chooses not to.



Taliban Executions and Amputations

In the literary classic depicting the aftermath of the French Revolution, Les Miserables, lead character Jean Valjean is sentenced to prison for stealing bread to provide for his family. In 2021 Kabul, Afghanistan, under newly-imposed Taliban rule, Valjean’s crime would at the very least lead to amputation of the limb that stole.

In the wake of Kabul’s fall to the Taliban, the world watches with bated breath to see what emerges from the conquered nation’s new occupiers.

Dimly lit scene of a morning in Kabul, Afghanistan. Two silhouettes appear against the background.

Then and Now: Justice under Taliban Occupancy

Operating under a rigid form of Sunni Islam, the Taliban enforces a radicalized form of Sharia—Islamic law. In the ‘90s under this severe interpretation of Sharia Law, the 90% of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan saw punishments for crimes range from “public executions of convicted murderers and adulterers, and amputations for those found guilty of theft”. Public executions in crowded stadiums chilled the world as media footage of these events was released.

In 2021, nearly 20 years after Afghanistan was temporarily freed of the Taliban’s occupation, it becomes increasingly clear that this harsh interpretation of Sharia will return just like its occupiers. Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, head of the Taliban’s Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the 90s, told the Associated Press that punishments acted as strong deterrents for criminal activity and were to be reinstated. In fact, while many stand in opposition to such strong and inhumane repercussions for crimes, some Afghans appreciate the rapid decrease in crime that accompanied the arrival of the Taliban. Interestingly enough, despite the harsh treatment of women under the Taliban’s rule, Turabi explains that rather than having a judiciary strongly weighted in favor of Islamic clerics adjudicate the cases, this time judges, women included, would weigh in on the ultimate adjudication. Whether or not the Taliban will go public with these amputations and executions remains unclear.

On the other hand as of late September of 2021, Taliban fighters in Kabul have taken matters into their own hands, executing vigilante justice for small theft through public shaming reminiscent of the past. With hands tied, faces painted, and bodies packed into pickup trucks only to be paraded around Kabul, public humiliation marks the beginning of what justice will look like under the new Taliban rule.

Brown gavel at rest.
Source: Upsplash

The Role of Technology in new Taliban Occupation

What exactly justice looks like, at least visually, could be left up to the hands of those living in Taliban-occupied Afghanistan. Turabi further elaborates on what Taliban rule will look like with the surprising admission of technology—phones, television, videos, and photos—as an essential component of everyday life that the so-called changed Taliban will allow. In this sense, the potential role of those living under Taliban rule is paramount as harbingers of an inhumane justice system.

Social media has proven to be a radical tool for change and accountability for actions local, domestic, and global. Seemingly light-speed seeds of change plant themselves in individuals as cries of injustice lead to timelines and social media stories amplifying calls for reform. Should public executions under new Taliban rule wind up on Facebook or Instagram, there’s no telling what exactly will happen, but one thing is for sure, fast and swift as a sword may swing to behead, social media will light fire to the Taliban’s harsh practices in public outcry.

Hand holding a smartphone.
Source: Upsplash

Keeping the embers of a fire of accountability perpetually burning is the best thing those seeking to check the Taliban’s rule from overseas can do. The new occupation of Afghanistan comes with a new need for social acceptance by larger nation-states, especially those in the UN. If the Taliban achieves social acceptability, it achieves acknowledgement as a valid form of government. Should a direct violation of Article 5 of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights arise—subjection “to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”—negative global feedback from the social media masses and more could waterfall into international political action against the Taliban. As of right now, nations have slowed their accusations against the Taliban with media not commenting or updating on the now occupied Afghanistan since late September.

For now, there is little chance that the Taliban will not partake in these harsh forms of justice from the get go, leaving many poor, hungry, trapped, and afraid as they aim to provide for their families. In this land that is no longer theirs to call home, for a stolen piece of bread, a prison sentence would be favorable to a limb amputation. The decision of which they’ll get is unfortunately out of their hands.

What can you do?

Those interested in aiding those currently residing or fleeing this occupied country can engage in:

(1)  Reading the news to stay informed about what is happening under Taliban rule

(2)  Using social media as a tool to amplify the voices that cannot be heard

(3)  Writing to your local Senator and House of Reps legislators to engage in action that would either hold the Taliban accountable or altogether refuse acknowledgement of its rule as valid

(4)  Donating time and money to help relocate the refugees.