21DP – Sequential vs. simultaneous approaches to multiple behavior change in cancer survivors.

Status: Filled – Intern: Shaun (Alexander) Kuo
Intern: Shaun (Alexander) Kuo
Faculty Name: dori-pekmezi
UAB Department: Health Behavior
UAB School: Public Health
Campus Address: 227p
Telephone Number: (205) 975-8061
Email: dpekmezi@uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 3 or more
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 4
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Kevin Fontaine
2. na
Title of Project: 21DP – Sequential vs. simultaneous approaches to multiple behavior change in cancer survivors.
Project Description:

Among cancer survivors, health risks (poor diet, physical inactivity) tend not to occur in isolation, rather they cluster together, amplifying the risk for second primaries and cancer recurrence, as well as other comorbidities. Intervention strategies that effectively address multiple health behaviors are needed for this population and may have a greater impact on public health than single-behavior interventions. In a recent systematic review of multiple health behavior change in adults with or at risk for cancer, 8 out of 10 interventions produced improvements in least two health behaviors (poor diet, physical activity). Intervening on multiple behaviors at the same time has appeal in terms of efficiency, especially if the change processes for each behavior are similar and/or inter-related. For example, exercise can serve as a healthy substitution for snacking in stressful situations. Moreover, success in improving one lifestyle behavior may lead to increased self-efficacy to modify others and serve as a “gateway” to a healthy lifestyle.

However, the best approach to multiple behavior change has yet to be determined. A key research question is whether to intervene on multiple behaviors simultaneously or promote changes in behaviors one at a time. A recent systematic review of randomized trials testing simultaneous versus sequential multiple health behavior change interventions among adults produced mixed findings, as half the studies showed no differences, 2 favored sequential and another favored simultaneous. Focusing on multiple behaviors simultaneously allows participants to receive all of the relevant health information up front but can overwhelm and lead to dropout. In fact, some studies indicate that attrition is greater for simultaneous vs. sequential interventions that target the same behaviors and increases with the number of risk behaviors targeted. Given an inverse relationship between the number of risk behaviors (poor diet, excess weight, inactivity) and factors such as income and education, addressing multiple behavior change simultaneously could potentially result in losing the engagement of underserved cancer survivors who are most in need of intervention.

Finally, there is a paucity of multiple behavior change intervention research among cancer survivors. Understanding the best approach to intervening upon multiple behaviors in cancer survivors, especially older, rural, and underserved, could substantially improve their quality of life, reduce prevalence of chronic disease and the burden it places on the public and the health care system. Thus the proposed project seeks to determine the relative efficacy of simultaneous vs. sequential multiple behavior (diet and exercise) interventions and explore which combination or sequential order is best to maximize positive change for cancer survivors, in a randomized controlled trial with 652 cancer survivors from mostly older, rural, and underserved groups.

Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 4, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Flexible, intern can largely set his or her own schedule (as for students who are instructed how to proceed and are permitted to work independently with weekly guidance) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Community-Based or Field Research
Cancer topic: Obesity
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

collect data


participate in intervention delivery and quality control


attend research team meetings.

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)

20SB – Characteristics of BMT survivors who participated in the BMT Survivor Study

Status: Filled – Intern: Emily Ness
Intern: Emily Ness
Faculty Name: smita-bhatia
UAB Department: Pediatrics
UAB School: Medicine
Campus Address: Lowder 500
Telephone Number: (205) 638-2120
Email: sbhatia@peds.uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 2
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 4
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Lindsey Hageman
2. Wendy Landier
Title of Project: 20SB – Characteristics of BMT survivors who participated in the BMT Survivor Study
Project Description:

The Blood or Marrow Long-Term Follow-Up Study (BMT LTFU) is a collaborative study that has constructed a retrospective cohort of patients with hematologic malignancies who were treated with blood or marrow transplant (BMT) and survive 2 or more years BMT at City of Hope, University of Minnesota, and University of Alabama at Birmingham – the BMT Survivor Study (BMTSS). Survivors self-reported on their health and well-being after BMT, by completing a comprehensive BMTSS survey (n=~4000). The student will conduct 2 studies: i) determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients who completed the survey; those who refused to participate and those who were lost to follow-up; ii) Among those who completed the BMTSS, describe the prevalence and predictors of self-reported health (excellent to poor).

This project will require a student that is independent, motivated, and has a background with statistical analysis software. At the end of the summer the goal will be for the student to have a cohesive project that can be presented as an abstract, poster, or paper.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: June 1, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 14, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Analytical/Statistical Research
Cancer topic: Survivorship, Multiple Cancer Sites
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients who completed the BMTSS survey; those who refused to participate and those who were lost to follow-up.


Among those who completed the BMTSS, describe the prevalence and predictors of self-reported health (excellent to poor).


Draft poster and manuscript with findings.

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Epidemiologic Methods, Literature Review Skills, SAS Programming, Scientific Writing Skills, Statistics and Data Management, basic knowledge, Survivorship

19DP – Testing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system supported physical activity intervention for cancer prevention in rural Black Belt counties

Status: Filled – Intern: Jackson Hoesley
Intern: Jackson Hoesley
Faculty Name: dori-pekmezi-2
UAB Department: Health Behavior
UAB School: 227P RPHB
Campus Address: 227P RPHB
Telephone Number: (205) 975-8061
Email: dpekmezi@uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 3 or more
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 4
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Sh’Nese Townsend
2. na
Title of Project: 19DP – Testing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system supported physical activity intervention for cancer prevention in rural Black Belt counties
Project Description:

Despite the cancer-protective effects, rates of physical activity are low in the U.S, particularly in Black Belt region, where cancer incidence and mortality rates are generally higher. Effective interventions are needed. Barriers to participation in physical activity interventions include low literacy, poverty, lack of transportation/technology, and distance from facilities. Telephone-based intervention strategies can help overcome some of those barriers.
Automating with Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems can further improve reach and cost effectiveness. Thus, we adapted an existing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system used in past addictions studies to deliver theory-based physical activity counseling. These efforts were guided by formative research including 11 focus groups on physical activity intervention barriers/preferences. A pilot RCT (N=63) of the resulting Deep south Interactive voice response system supported Active Lifestyle (DIAL) intervention supported the feasibility and acceptability of such approaches and informed a second iteration of intervention refinements. The current study will test the efficacy of this theory- and technology- enhanced DIAL intervention + county coordinator support in 6 rural Alabama Black Belt counties (N=240 adult residents).

Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 4, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Flexible, intern can largely set his or her own schedule (as for students who are instructed how to proceed and are permitted to work independently with weekly guidance) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Community-Based or Field Research
Cancer topic: Obesity, Multiple Cancer Sites
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Collect and enter participant data


Participate in intervention delivery and quality control


Attend regular research meetings with preceptor and research team

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)

18CE – Immunoprevention of melanoma

Status: Filled – Intern: Onika Abrams
Intern: Onika Abrams
Faculty Name: craig-elmets-nabiha-yusuf
UAB Department: Dermatology
UAB School: Medicine
Campus Address: 1670 University Boulevard, VH566A, Box 202
Telephone Number: (205) 934-7432
Email: nabihayusuf@uabmc.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 3 or more
CCC Research Area: Inflammation, Immunology, and Immunotherapeutics
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 10
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. M. Asif Sherwani
2. Mualla Eraslan
Title of Project: 18CE – Immunoprevention of melanoma
Project Description:

Melanoma, an aggressive malignancy of melanocytes, is responsible for more deaths than any other cutaneous neoplasm. In an era in which the incidence of most other cancers has either stabilized or declined, melanoma rates continue to rise. Basic research and clinical observations over the past several decades have clearly demonstrated that immunological mechanisms are capable of controlling melanoma growth and development. This line of investigation has led to the introduction of novel immunotherapeutic agents that prolong the survival of patients with advanced melanomas. Most melanomas begin as premalignant dysplastic nevi, which after months to years, may progress to become invasive melanomas. Thus, there is ample opportunity to prevent dysplastic nevi from evolving into melanomas. Identification of novel chemopreventive agents that can avert melanoma development has proceeded slowly, however, at least in part because of the limited number of preclinical models that can be used to evaluate potential protective modalities. In this project, we will investigate whether this and other approaches to immunoprevention have a protective effect in the animal model of melanoma that we have developed.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 4, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Flexible, intern can largely set his or her own schedule (as for students who are instructed how to proceed and are permitted to work independently with weekly guidance) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Animal Research
Cancer topic: Skin
Does this project involve human subjects: No
Does this project involve animal subjects: Yes

Work on melanomagenesis project


Perform immunostaining on samples


Analyze data

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Laboratory work bench space, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Animal Research, Cell Biology, Immunology, Laboratory Skills, basic knowledge, Molecular Biology, Pathology, Scientific Writing Skills

17NY – Pharmacological inhibition of skin cancer

Status: Filled – Intern: Minh Chung
Intern: Minh Chung
Faculty Name: nabiha-yusuf
UAB Department: Dermatology
UAB School: Medicine
Campus Address: 1670 University Boulevard, VH566A, Box 202
Telephone Number: (205) 934-7432
Email: nabihayusuf@uabmc.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 3 or more
CCC Research Area: Cancer Chemoprevention
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 10
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. M. Asif Sherwani
2. Mualla Eraslan
Title of Project: 17NY – Pharmacological inhibition of skin cancer
Project Description:

Ultraviolet (UV) B radiation (290-320 nm) is an important trigger for suppression of immune responses and for the initiation of non-melanoma skin cancers. UVB-induced immunosuppression is a major risk factor for skin cancer. In the United States alone, over 3.5 million new cases of this malignancy are diagnosed each year. The epidemic of skin cancer represents a major public health issue and is a tremendous cost to healthcare systems in the United States and worldwide [5]. When UVB-induced DNA damage, in the form of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) occurs in cells, there is a meticulous attempt to repair it through the activation of DNA repair enzymes. Toll like receptor-4 (TLR4) belongs to the family of innate immune receptors, and play an important role in mediating immune responses in various pathological conditions, TLR4 signals primarily via myeloid differentiation primary response 88 (MyD88) or TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) pathways. TLR4 has been shown to play an important role in regulation of UVB-induced damage and immunosuppression. Pharmacological antagonist of TLR4 is currently being tested in clinical trials. There is no information on the role of TLR4 antagonist in modulation of DNA damage and prevention of UVB induced skin tumors. The objective of this proposal is to address the role elicited by TLR4 antagonist in prevention of UVB induced cutaneous tumors.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 4, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Flexible, intern can largely set his or her own schedule (as for students who are instructed how to proceed and are permitted to work independently with weekly guidance) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Laboratory Research
Cancer topic: Skin
Does this project involve human subjects: No
Does this project involve animal subjects: Yes

Process samples from carcinogenesis experiment


Perform molecular biology and immunological assays


Analyze data and write report

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Laboratory work bench space, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Animal Research, Cell Biology, Immunology, Laboratory Skills, advanced knowledge, Literature Review Skills, Molecular Biology, Scientific Writing Skills

16WL – Evaluation of strategies for the provision of patient/family education for parents of children newly diagnosed with cancer

Status: Filled – Intern: Jocelyn York
Intern: Jocelyn York
Faculty Name: wendy-landier-phd
UAB Department: Pediatrics
UAB School: Medicine
Campus Address: Lowder 500
Telephone Number: (205) 638-2120
Email: wlandier@peds.uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 1
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 4
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Lindsey Hageman
2. Smita Bhatia
Title of Project: 16WL – Evaluation of strategies for the provision of patient/family education for parents of children newly diagnosed with cancer
Project Description:

This project will involve analysis of data obtained from the study “A Nurse-Led Structured Discharge Teaching Intervention for Parents of Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Oncology Patients.” The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of implementing a structured educational program for parents of newly diagnosed pediatric oncology patients who were being discharged from the hospital for the first time post-diagnosis. Data collected from questionnaires and interviews during the conduct of this study provides a wealth of information regarding the experiences of these families. This includes information regarding parental readiness for the child’s discharge home from the hospital, parental perceived quality of the education they received, and any post-discharge coping difficulties that they may have experienced. Potential influencing factors include literacy and learning style, characteristics of the child’s medical condition and initial inpatient stay, and subsequent healthcare encounters during the 30 days following the initial hospital discharge. Additionally, qualitative data that elicited the healthcare provider perspective regarding the educational process for families of newly diagnosed pediatric oncology patients was obtained through interviews.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: June 8, 2020
Proposed End Date: July 31, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Clinical (Patient Care) Research
Cancer topic: Treatment, Pediatric oncology
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Identify research objective and develop analysis plan


Perform a literature review to identify what is known about the selected topic


Analyze data and develop a scientific abstract, poster, or manuscript describing the findings of the literature review and data analysis

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Childhood Cancer, Literature Review Skills, Scientific Writing Skills, Statistics and Data Management, basic knowledge

15ML – Costs or related stress of treatment

Status: Filled – Intern: Leahgrace Simons
Intern: Leahgrace Simons
Faculty Name: dr-margaret-liang
UAB Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology
UAB School: School of Medicine
Campus Address: 1700 6th Avenue South
Telephone Number: (205) 934-4986
Email: mliang@uabmc.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 1
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 2
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Dr. Teresa Boitano
2. Dr. Jackie Wall
Title of Project: 15ML – Costs or related stress of treatment
Project Description:

The foundation for this project is a completed longitudinal survey of patients which found that over 50% of gynecologic cancer patients experience financial distress with multiple negative associated outcomes, such as not paying bills on time or losing wages. Currently, we are conducting qualitative interviews with patients to learn about facilitators and barriers to dealing with their costs of care. The summer intern project will build upon this work to develop and test clinical workflows that support screening and interventions for patients with financial distress as well as pilot patient-centered educational interventions to help patients manage their costs of care.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: June 8, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Analytical/Statistical Research
Cancer topic: Cervix, Ovary, Uterus
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

1. Abstract charts


2. Recruit patients


3. Manage data

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Clinical Oncology, Literature Review Skills, Scientific Writing Skills, Women’s Health Issues

14TH – Daughters, Dudes, Mothers and Others (DUET)

Status: Available
Faculty Name: Teri Hoenemeyer
UAB Department: Nutrition Sciences
UAB School: School of Health Professions
Campus Address: 1675 UNIVERSITY BLVD
Telephone Number: (205) 975-0110
Email: tgw318@uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 2
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 40
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Daniel Edwards
2. Walker Cole
Title of Project: Daughters, Dudes, Mothers and Others (DUET)
Project Description:

Daughters, Mothers and Others Against Cancer is a study funded by the American Institute for Cancer Research that seeks to recruit 56 dyads (112 total participants) consisting of an overweight or obese cancer survivor and a buddy of his or her choice with the purpose of testing an online weight loss intervention. The specific aims of this study include: 1) assessing whether or not dyads who assigned to the online intervention lose significantly more weight than those who are waitlisted; 2) explore between-arm differences in score changes between baseline and 6-month follow-up for other key outcomes including measures of adiposity (e.g., waist circumference [WC] and body mass index [BMI]), diet quality, physical activity, systolic blood pressure (BP), health-related Quality of Life (QoL), physical functioning and performance; 3) assess the impact of the intervention on select biomarkers associated with cancer risk and progression, e.g., tumor TNFα, insulin and IGF-1; and, 4) identify predictor variables associated with program efficacy, e.g., social support, self-efficacy, risk for depression, and dyad partner (spouse, relative, friend/neighbor).

Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 4, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Community-Based or Field Research
Cancer topic: Diet and Nutrition
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Intern will assist with developing study-related materials including use of Articulate Storyline to develop online learning materials.


Intern will assist with recruitment, screening, enrolling participants into the study.


Intern will attend home and community assessments and assist with data entry into Redcap or ACCESS.

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Behavioral Science/Psychiatry, Interview Skills, Manuscript Preparation for Submission to a Journal, Nutrition Sciences, Obesity and Diet, Survivorship, NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)


Status: Filled – Intern: Jessica Cagle
Intern: Jessica Cagle
Faculty Name: teri-hoenemeyer-2
UAB Department: Nutrition Sciences
UAB School: School of Health Professions
Campus Address: 1675 UNIVERSITY BLVD
Telephone Number: (205) 975-0110
Email: tgw318@uab.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 2
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 40
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Daniel Edwards
2. Walker Cole
Title of Project: 13TH – AMPLIFY
Project Description:

AMPLIFY is a diet/weight management intervention that was previously delivered via computer-tailored mailed print and telephone counseling and shown effective in promoting durable weight loss and improving the diet and health outcomes among cancer survivors to a more scalable Web-based platform (plus email) and test its impact on weight status, diet quality, physical function, health, and health care costs – focusing on rural, older and minority cancer survivors who are the most in need and the most underserved.

Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 5, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 27, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Community-Based or Field Research
Cancer topic: Diet and Nutrition
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Interns accepted into this position will have an opportunity to: develop study-related protocols and materials including utilizing Articulate Storyline to create online diet learning materials.


Intern will assist with recruiting, screening and enrolling participants into the study; attend home and community assessment visits.


Intern will assist with data entry into Redcap

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Behavioral Science/Psychiatry, Clinical Trials, Interview Skills, Manuscript Preparation for Submission to a Journal, Nutrition Sciences, Obesity and Diet, Survivorship, NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)

12JD – Epithelial stem cells cross-talk with immune cells in the 3D- lung tumor microenvironment

Status: Filled – Intern: Carson Huynh
Intern: Carson Huynh
Faculty Name: jessy-deshane-2
UAB Department: Medicine
UAB School: medicine
Campus Address: THT 433A, Department of Medicine/Pulmonary Allergy and Critical Care
Telephone Number: (205) 382-0847
Email: jessydeshane@uabmc.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 1
CCC Research Area: Inflammation, Immunology, and Immunotherapeutics
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 40
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Kayla Goliwas
2. Yong Wang
Title of Project: 12JD – Epithelial stem cells cross-talk with immune cells in the 3D- lung tumor microenvironment
Project Description:

The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a crucial role in regulating tumor biology and response to therapeutic intervention, with intercellular communication between tumor and stromal cells regulating tumor growth and progression. We have recently developed a three dimensional perfusion platform for culturing human lung tumor tissue. Using this platform, we have identified a unique population of epithelial stem cells that are positive for Keratin 17. We will use 3D-lung tumor model to investigate cross-talk of these epithelial stem cells with immune cells and fibroblasts in the lung tumor micrenvironment.

Project Status: Already up and running
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 18, 2020
Proposed End Date: July 31, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Laboratory Research
Cancer topic: Lung and Bronchus
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Immunohistochemical staining histomorphometric analyses


Quantitation of stem cells, fibroblasts and immune cells and evaluate changes in presenece of anti-PDL-1 antibody


Statsitcial analyses and plotting data and making poster

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Laboratory work bench space, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Cell Biology, Immunology, Laboratory Skills, basic knowledge, Statistics and Data Management, basic knowledge