Because CaRES is funded by the National Cancer Institute, only students who are American citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. are eligible for support. The mission of CaRES is to support graduate students and graduate health professional students, not undergraduates. CaRES draws eligible students from these universities and programs:
- Medical students and graduate students in Public Health, Nutrition Sciences, Dentistry, and Nursing, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
- Medical students from the University of South Alabama (USA) in Mobile
- Veterinary medicine students; and graduate Pharmacy students from the Harrison School of Pharmacy, from Auburn University, in Auburn
- Graduate pharmacy students from the McWhorter School of Pharmacy, and graduate students in Public Health, from Samford University, in Birmingham
- Medical students from the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine (ACOM), in Dothan
- New for summer 2020: Graduate students and graduate health professional students from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee.

The only Performance Sites (physical locations where the CaRES research projects are done) are UAB in Birmingham, and HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville. CaRES projects cannot be done at USA, Auburn, Samford, ACOM, or at other locations, because they are not approved as Performance Sites in our funded CaRES grant proposal.