Status: Filled – Intern: Jessica Cagle
Intern: Jessica Cagle
Faculty Name: teri-hoenemeyer-2
UAB Department: Nutrition Sciences
UAB School: School of Health Professions
Campus Address: 1675 UNIVERSITY BLVD
Telephone Number: (205) 975-0110
Email: or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 2
CCC Research Area: Cancer Control and Population Science
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 40
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Daniel Edwards
2. Walker Cole
Title of Project: 13TH – AMPLIFY
Project Description:
AMPLIFY is a diet/weight management intervention that was previously delivered via computer-tailored mailed print and telephone counseling and shown effective in promoting durable weight loss and improving the diet and health outcomes among cancer survivors to a more scalable Web-based platform (plus email) and test its impact on weight status, diet quality, physical function, health, and health care costs – focusing on rural, older and minority cancer survivors who are the most in need and the most underserved.
Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 5, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 27, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Not very flexible, intern MUST be at work on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day (as may be necessary to interview patients, attend lab meetings, process samples, etc.) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Community-Based or Field Research
Cancer topic: Diet and Nutrition
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No
Interns accepted into this position will have an opportunity to: develop study-related protocols and materials including utilizing Articulate Storyline to create online diet learning materials.
Intern will assist with recruiting, screening and enrolling participants into the study; attend home and community assessment visits.
Intern will assist with data entry into Redcap
Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Computer and printer, Supplies needed to complete project, Equipment needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project: Possible
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
Behavioral Science/Psychiatry, Clinical Trials, Interview Skills, Manuscript Preparation for Submission to a Journal, Nutrition Sciences, Obesity and Diet, Survivorship, NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)