The Alabama Nursing Home and Long Term Care Facilities Strike Team provides trainings, tools and resources related to infection prevention and control.

The Deep South Center for OH&S is an approved provider of continuing education units for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP0420 Expiration Date 12/22/2025) and has awarded each programs 1.0 ABN, .1 General and 1.0 Social Work CEUs.

Below are programs available for trainings.

Infection Prevention: Transmission Based Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment

Infection prevention strategies and protocols are needed in long-term care facilities and healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infectious diseases including COVID-19. This training will provide a summary of the precautions and indications to infection prevention and control in long-term care settings, demonstrate proper hand washing, and PPE donning and doffing sequence.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe role of Infection Prevention and Control in LTC settings
  • Identify ways to interrupt the Chain of Infection
  • Describe Standard precautions and indications on when it is utilized o List potential modes of infection transmission within LTC settings
  • Explain when to perform hand hygiene and how to perform hand hygiene: using alcohol based hand rub and hand washing with soap and water
  • Discuss the types of Transmission Based Precautions, to include when and how they are implemented o Describe Enhanced Barrier precautions within the LTC setting
  • Demonstrate the proper sequence for donning and doffing PPE
Infection Prevention: COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to loss of human lives and pose challenges to the public’s health and safety. Prevention is of paramount importance to minimize disease spread.  This training provides a summary on Covid-19, infection transmission rates, source control measures, strategies to implement for residents suspected with Covid-19,transmission based precautions and PPE donning and doffing sequence.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe Source control o Identify Community Transmission Rates
  • Explain which type of source control is needed and why
  • Describe the strategies to implement for residents with Suspected or Known COVID-19
  • Explain when to perform hand hygiene and how to perform hand hygiene: using alcohol based hand rub and hand washing with soap and water
  • Discuss the Transmission Based Precautions used for COVID-19, to include when and how it is implemented
  • Demonstrate the proper sequence for donning and doffing PPE
Infection Prevention: Environmental Hygiene

Infection prevention measures used to improve the environment are important to improve human health, it involves disinfecting surfaces and sterilization to improve overall health outcome. This training will provide a summary on healthcare associated infections through surface disinfection, list high touch surfaces in LTC environment and standard precautions and indications of environmental hygiene in LTC settings.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify the role of preventing HAIs through environmental surface disinfection
  • Identify ways to interrupt the Chain of Infection
  • Define cleaning, contact time, low level disinfection, and the Spaulding Scheme and its relation to disinfection
  • Review why cleaning and disinfection are important in the long-term care facility setting o Describe Standard precautions and indications on when it is utilized
  • List potential modes of infection transmission within LTC settings
  • List high touch surfaces in the LTC environment
  • List important steps when performing cleaning and disinfection
  • Discuss sequence and pattern for cleaning and disinfection of resident rooms
  • Describe steps to clean and disinfect reusable equipment
  • Describe the frequency the cleaning and disinfection should occur
  • Explain the importance of staff performing demonstrated competency
  • List ways to perform continuous quality improvement
N-95 Respirator Fit-Testing Overview

This 120-minute session will cover key concepts and steps on how to perform a proper fit test for N95 face mask respirators. As a means to safeguard staff that wear N95 respirators, OSHA regulation 1910.134(f)(2) states employers “shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter.” This training is for qualitative testing using a hood. Once completed, you will receive a certificate of completion. This training will review:

  • Respiratory Protection Program Overview
  • Key requirements of a Respiratory Program
  • Written Policies and Procedures
  • Duties of the RPR Administrator
  • Hazard’s Assessment and Respirator Selection
  • Medical Evaluation and Clearance
  • Steps of N-95 Respirator Fit-Testing
  • Recordkeeping

AL Statewide AHEC Program is an approved provider of continuing hours for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP1584 Expiration Date 6/14/2028) and has awarded this program 2.4 contact hours.  

To request for trainings and learn more about the UAB Nursing Home and Long Term Care Facilities Strike Team, click on the link below

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