Mini Infection Prevention Bootcamp for Cullman Long-Term Care Facilities in Cullman County, AL
Date: March 6, 2025
Time: 08:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Location: Wallace State Community College Room Nursing/Biology BLDG Rm CNS 220
Address: 801 Main Street Northwest, Hanceville, AL 35077
CEUs: Nursing CEs pending.
The Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators has reviewed and approved the seminar entitled “Cullman County Infection Prevention Mini Boot Camp for Alabama LTC Facilities” for 4 hours of continuing education credit for licensed nursing home administrators in the State of Alabama.
Cost: Free, but seating is limited, and registration is required. Seats are available on a first-come come first-serve basis.
Registration: Please register by Friday, February 28, 2025.
Questions: Please contact Riley Blum,, 205-996-6610.
Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide healthcare professionals in LTCFs with the knowledge and tools to run a competent and inclusive infection control program within their facility. The attendees will learn about infection prevention practices and recommendations for detecting, testing, and reporting reportable diseases and conditions in Alabama, environmental hygiene, prevention of urinary tract infections in LTCF residents, and overall general infection prevention in LTCFs.
Course Objectives:
- Describe the role of Infection Prevention and Control in Long-Term Care settings.
- Verbalize who should report, how to report, and when to report Reportable Diseases and Conditions.
- Identify the role of preventing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) through environmental surface disinfection
- Define urinary tract infection (UTI) and describe the different types of UTIs.
- Identify the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and infection prevention strategies related to UTI.
- Define Standard precautions and discuss the indications on when they are utilized
- Discuss the types of Transmission-Based precautions and when and how they are implemented
TOPIC | Length | Time | Speakers |
Check-In | 15 min | 08:00 am – 08:15 am | Jessica Vanhoozer, RN, BSN |
Opening Remarks | 10 min | 08:15 am – 08:25 am | Anne Osuji, RN, MSN, CIC |
Detect, Test, and Reporting | 50 min with 10min Q&A | 08:25 am – 09:25 am | Dana Garrison, RN |
Infection Prevention and Environmental Hygiene | 50 min with 10min Q&A | 09:25 am -10:25 am | Tameka M. Hines, DNP |
Urinary Tract Infection Prevention in LTCF | 50 min with 10min Q&A | 10:25 am – 11:25 am | Roslyn Richardson, RN, BSN, CIC |
General Infection Prevention in LTCF | 50 minutes with10 min Q&A | 11:25 am – 12:25 pm | Shoshannah Anderson RN, BSN, CIC |
Closing and Evaluations | 5 minutes | 12:25 pm – 12:30 pm | Anne Osuji, RN, MSN, CIC |