The Long Term Care Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Project is developing a collection of resources on existing trainings, tools, and resources related to infection prevention and control for a variety of audiences.

Below are resources on infection prevention and control from across Alabama agencies and the broader public health community.


Alabama-Specific Resources



Healthcare-Associated Infections


  • Hospital Preparedness Program: Overview of HPP funding distribution to support the state’s health care coalition members through training, education, and other preparedness efforts. Also includes information on Covid response.


  • Immunization Laws (ADPH): Outlines diseases for which vaccinations are required for children, as well as a regimented schedule of when and what vaccines and boosters should be administered for children to be in compliance. 


  • Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.


  • Infection Prevention Guidelines (ADPH): Comprehensive overview of recommendations for many topics, including vaccination guidelines, testing, disease transmission, exposure, hand hygiene and general procedures.


  • Notifiable Diseases (ADPH): Listing of notifiable diseases, including elements such as reporting requirements, control procedures, and considerations for vulnerable populations.


  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness (CDC): Overview of PHEP plan, including state and public health workforce demographics funded by program, as well as performance results related to many possible emergencies, including biological health threats, foodborne illnesses and outbreaks, and exposure to toxic materials.


  • Public Health Laws (ADPH): Comprehensive list of the state’s public health laws, including those on topics like infectious diseases, notifiable diseases and reporting, and vaccinations.


  • UAB Sanitation Health Study: Course offered as part of a CDC-funded public health promotion project to expand surveillance for sanitation-related infections across West Central Alabama. Educates both healthcare workers and the public regarding sanitation-related health concerns and links residents to resources to address inadequate home sanitation systems.
Antimicrobial Stewardship



  • Antibiotic Stewardship Program Resources for Nursing Homes : Provides information obtained from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) nursing home and antimicrobial stewardship guide to assist facilities with antibiotic stewardship program in Long-Term Care Facilities.


CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship
  • CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship: Provides information to healthcare professionals on current antibiotics resistance threats, antibiotics prescribing and how to encourage discussion among physicians and patients about appropriate antibiotic prescribing.










  • Preventing Spread in Assisted Living Facilities CDC): Guidance for owners and administrators of facilities, including identifying other local health and healthcare professionals with whom to work, educating residents, family and personnel, masking, and distancing.


  • Protecting Workers (OSHA): Guidance to help employers protect workers, especially those who are unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or otherwise at-risk.





  • Self-Management Zone Tool: To assist providers in education and preparation of patients and their families for self-management of COIVD-19 illness.



Disinfection and Sterilization






Environment of Care


  • Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.
Infection Control Plans


  • Erythromycin-Resistant group A Streptococcus: Provides information about Increasing resistance in GAS bacteria and how it complicates treatment and makes it a concerning threat in CDC’s AR threat report. Early recognition is important as GAS infections can rapidly progress and result in death in populations.



  • Group A Streptococcus (GAS) in LTC facilities (Identifying and managing outbreaks): CDC has released new tools to guide effective investigations into group A Streptococcus (GAS) infection in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Targeted to public health departments and LTCFs, including skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities, the toolkit encourages an investigation into even a single case of invasive GAS infection. The toolkit also offers strategies to ramp up the response if additional cases occur.




  • Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.


  • National Action Plans (HHS): National plans and strategies for a variety of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections, as well as national vaccine plans.
Infection Prevention for LTC Facilities







  • Infection Prevention and You (APIC): Overview of importance of infection prevention in long-term care facilities and advice and guidance for residents, family members and other potential visitors.


  • Infection Prevention Tools (CDC): Tools and resources covering a variety of infectious diseases common in long-term care facilities, as well as assessment, transfer, and implementation.





  • Toolkit to Improve Antibiotic Use (AHRQ): Explains “Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making” and outlines how to develop and improve antibiotic stewardship programs, create a culture of safety around prescription, and disseminate best practices for common infectious diseases.



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)




  • N-95 Fit Testing (Video) (3M): Scroll down to the “3M Fit Testing Video” and “3M Fit Testing Video (Healthcare)” for comprehensive guidelines on fit testing of N-95 masks for a variety of professionals.



  • Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-19 (NETEC): Donning and doffing guidance for healthcare workers engaging with patients who have or may have COVID-19. Also provides overview of types of PPE and using individually and in tandem with other PPE.

Resources on all elements of infection prevention and control and environments in which to practice them will be continually added. To recommend additional resources or request a tailored resource package to meet your specific needs please contact the Center at

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