Mini Infection Prevention Bootcamp for South Alabama Regional Long-Term Care Facilities
Date: April 10, 2025
Time: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM
Location: Foley Public Library
Address: 319 East Laurel Ave, Foley AL 36535
CEUs: Nursing CEs pending.
Cost: Free, but seating is limited, and registration is required. Seats are available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Registration: Please register by Friday, April 4, 2025.
Questions: Please contact Riley Blum,, 205-996-6610.
Course Purpose: The purpose of the course is designed to educate LTCF personnel on the regulations surrounding detection, testing, and reporting, in line with ADPH guidance. Secondly, to equip healthcare staff with the essential knowledge and resources necessary to establish and maintain an effective and comprehensive respiratory protection program in their facility. Participants will explore the significance of a respiratory protection program, gain insights into OSHA regulations regarding both initial and annual N-95 fit testing, as well as the necessary documentation procedures for staff members. Each licensed facility that registers to attend before March 27th will receive one free N-95 Test Kit for use in their facility.
Course Objectives:
- Verbalize who should report, how to report, and when to report Reportable Diseases and Conditions.
- Describe the purpose of fit test training and review regulatory fit test requirements in LTCF settings.
- Define Qualitative N-95 Respirator Fit Testing, which persons can be fit tested, and note the limitations of testing.
- Discuss the supplies needed for fit testing; Review NIOSH-approved respirators and understand how they work, are properly donned and doffed, and how to effectively use them.
- Review the qualitative fit test procedure and perform a return demonstration.
- Discuss the documentation needed for fit testing and how to store and maintain records.
TOPIC | Length | Time | Speakers |
Check-In | 10 min | 02:00 pm – 02:10 pm | April Davis, MSW |
Opening Remarks | 10 min | 02:10 pm – 02:20 pm | Tamika Allen, BS |
Detect, Test, and Reporting | 40 min | 02:20 pm – 03:00 pm | Wendy Ledbetter, BSN, RN Disease and Outbreaks Nurse Coordinator |
Train the Trainer – Qualitative Fit-Testing with NIOSH Approved N-95 Respirator with Demonstration | 120 min | 03:00 pm – 04:20 pm | Tamika Allen, BS Karen M. Watkins-Smith, BSN, RN, ETN Kei Jones, EdD, MPH April Davis, MSW Rafeal Norton, RN MSN, Th.D. |
Closing and Evaluations | 4:20 pm | Tamika Allen, BS |
We have reached capacity for this event. Please contact with any questions.