Jill Scott

Jill Scott is IN.
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Jill Scott

Jill Scott is IN! She spent her undergrad years roaming between pre-med, medical psychology, and even Spanish. Jill graduated from UAB with a B.A. in Psychology after taking several breaks by attending a year of college then a year of first level Medical School at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. Later, she returned to Alabama and had two amazing and intelligent daughters, who are both currently enrolled in Master Track programs at UAB. Her mother and both sisters both completed degrees at UAB as well. After some time, she obtained her M.S. in Clinical Psychology and now practices as the Clinical Director at Kolbe Clinic directing and providing counseling at 6 different locations throughout Alabama. Jill’s work at UAB gave her the courage to live in other lands, the strength to seek out the independence to have a family and a career, the support to pursue dreams for herself and now for her own children to name just a few. She says, “I love the LEGACY that I am a part of and I love my UAB Family!”

The Putmans

The Putmans are IN.
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The Putman Family

The PUTMANS are ALL IN – with 8 different degrees, certificates and important positions at and from UAB among all four of them! The Putmans are Ever Faithful and Ever Loyal to the Green and Gold from 1972 – 2020 and beyond.

Dennis Putman was Co-Head of the UAB Campus Ministry Program at UAB from 1969 t0 1972. He was Ombudsman for University College, representing Vice-President George W. Campbell at University College (1972 – 1979). He earned his M.A. in Guidance and Counseling from UAB in 1975. He was Founder and President of Human Resources Developers, Inc. from 1980 to 1984 and is a retired State of Alabama Disability Determination examiner.

His wife Jane Mobley Putman earned her B.S. in Elementary Education in 1977, a master’s in Special Education in 1979. She is now a retired teacher with the Birmingham City School System.

Their son Michael Putman earned a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering in 2004 at UAB and completed medical school at the UAB School of Medicine in 2010. He is now a family physician at Seale Harris Clinic in downtown Birmingham, Alabama.

Michael’s wife Olivia Dansby Putman earned a B.S. in Biology in 2007 at UAB (while serving on numerous advocacy committees, UAB Ambassador, Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, and Miss UAB Homecoming Finalist). She recently earned her Executive Master of Science in Healthcare Administration Degree at UAB in 2020 and currently works at the UAB Hospital as a Clinical Pharmacist in Bone Marrow Transplant, Hematology, Oncology and Trauma Burn.

John Keytack

John Keytack is IN.
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John Keytack

John Keytack is IN! John Stuart Keytack, formerly of Hueytown, AL graduated UAB in 1976 with a B.A. in Mass Communications, and an English minor. During his formal education and following, Mr. Keytack worked in various news media in Alabama, to include radio, TV, and newspapers. He later joined the U.S.military and spent most of his adult life in various components of the U.S. Air Force, and U.S Army, where he served around America and the world, as well as tenure with permanent status in federal civil service. After leaving the military Mr. Keytack again worked in public relations and the news media, in both Ohio and New York. He is now retired, and makes his home in Calera, AL.

Michael Lang

Michael Lang is IN.
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Michael Lang

Michael Lang is IN! Michael graduated in 1985 with a B.S. in Finance from the Collat School of Business. Michael works as an educator in the public and charter School systems. Currently, he serves as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Gordon parks Elementary School.