Tammi Thomas

Tammi Thomas is IN.
Are you?

Tammi Thomas

You know Tammi Thomas is IN! Tammi first made her mark as a runner on scholarship for UAB cross-country and track in the early 1980s. After a 32-year career in software, Tammi’s still ever faithful and ever loyal to the green and gold. But you don’t have to be a three-time UAB graduate, former student-athlete and National Alumni Society Board member like her to get access to all the benefits of the new NAS. Your diploma is all you need—From Here On IN.

Harrison Wiygul

Harrison Wiygul is IN.
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Harrison Wiygul

Harrison Wiygul is IN! Harrison has already earned a Bachelor of General Studies from UAB in 2018 and is currently pursuing a degree with an individually designed major in Japanese language and culture. After graduation, he plans to continue on to graduate-level studies.

Kendra Royston

Kendra Royston is IN.
Are you?

Kendra Royston

Kendra Royston is IN! Kendra received her Ph.D. in biology with a focus in cancer epigenetics in 2018. She went on to continue her post-doc education at the University of Chicago before joining Eli Lilly and Company in their department of Global Scientific Communications. Dr. Royston is also the founder of Stupid Science Inc., a nonprofit organization that aims to increase diversity in STEM fields.