22SR – Perioperative Blockade for Pheochromocytomas

Status: Available
Faculty Name: sushanth-reddy
UAB Department: Surgery
UAB School: Medicine
Campus Address: Boshell Diabetes Building 607, 1808 7th Avenue South
Telephone Number: (205) 975-3984
Email: sreddy@uabmc.edu or Click to Send E-Mail
For how many summers have you served as a preceptor: 1
CCC Research Area: Other/Unsure/None of the Above
Number of hours per week that the preceptor will personally supervise or work with the intern: 15
Other faculty, staff, or graduate students who may help to supervise the intern:
1. Sushanth Reddy
2. Elizabeth Rabun
Title of Project: 22SR – Perioperative Blockade for Pheochromocytomas
Project Description:

Pheochromocytomas are malignant behaving tumors of the adrenal gland that secrete catecholamines. They can cause significant morbidity and mortality both from tumor recurrence as well as inability to control blood pressure. Prior to surgical resection, each patient must undergo rigorous blood pressure control–the schemes to do so are not clearly defined. In this project we will review the outcomes of blood pressure control in UAB patients who undergo resection of pheochromocytoma in hopes to determine which approach is most beneficial.

Project Status: Will begin on or before the CaRES student’s start date
Location of Project: Birmingham, AL (UAB)
Proposed Start Date: May 5, 2020
Proposed End Date: August 28, 2020
Expected work schedule for intern: Flexible, intern can largely set his or her own schedule (as for students who are instructed how to proceed and are permitted to work independently with weekly guidance) and should contribute full-time effort.
Category of Project: Clinical (Patient Care) Research
Cancer topic: Adrenal
Does this project involve human subjects: Yes
Does this project involve animal subjects: No

Abstract charts: Each patient with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma will be identified. Each chart will need to be reviewed for demographic information, medication approach, laboratory values, surgical outcomes.


Analyze data: The primary outcome measured will be variations in blood pressure measurements during tumor removal. Secondary outcomes will be (1) cost per each approach, (2) time to surgery from diagnosis, and (3) overall survival of the cohort(s)


Publication: The student will be expected to generate an abstract from these data for submission to the Academic Surgical Congress and/or the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons. Working with mentorship, the student will generate a manuscript for publication.

Preceptor will provide intern with access to the following:
Office or desk space, Supplies needed to complete project
Likelihood that intern will be included as an author on one or more publications
related to this summer research project:
Very likely
Areas in which the ideal candidates will have experience:
NONE OF THE ABOVE (just the willingness to learn)