Philanthropic support has been essential to the success of the biomedical research enterprise in the United States of America in general and at University of Alabama at Birmingham. Such support ensures continued research productivity at times of uncertain Federal funding, encourages early stage innovative projects that have the potential to make significant impact to our knowledge and treatment of specific diseases, and allows research of rare diseases that are commonly overlooked by Federal funding agencies and industry.

If interested in supporting our research, kindly contact:

Eroboghene Ubogu, M.D. (Principal Investigator)
Director, Division of Neuromuscular Disease
Department of Neurology
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
1720 7th Avenue South, Sparks Center 200
Birmingham, AL 35294-0017

Telephone Number: 205-934-2188 (Division Administrator: Mrs. Sandi Mumfrey-Thomas)
Facsimile Number: 205-975-6758


Katye Fuglaar
Director of Development
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
420B Sparks Center 1720 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0017

Telephone Number: 205-934-0792
Cellular phone Number: 205-644-9199