Dominique Hinshaw and Courtney Swain publish their work in “Laboratory Investigations”

Our group has published our collaborative microbiome study investigating longitudinal changes in the gut microbiome and intestinal CD8+ T cell populations in a mammary carcinoma mouse model in response to systemic Hedgehog blockade using Vismodegib. We thank our collaborators for their contributions and efforts in this accomplishment!

You can read the publication here.

Hinshaw, D. C., Swain, C. A., Chen, D., Hanna, A., Molina, P. A., Maynard, C. L., Lee, G., McFarland, B. C., Samant, R. S., & Shevde, L. A. (2022). Hedgehog blockade remodels the gut microbiota and the intestinal effector CD8+ T cells in a mouse model of mammary carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation.

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