CCHI Members 2024 – 2029

Emory University

Program Title: Vaccine Induced Immunity in the Young and Aged

PD/PI: Rafi Ahmed, PhD, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Microbiology and Immunology; Director, Emory Vaccine Center; Eminent Scholar in Vaccine Research, Georgia Research Alliance; member, National Academy of Science; Co-Leader, Cancer Immunology Research Program, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University


The Jackson Laboratory

Program Title: Modulation of Lung Immunes Responses to Viral Infection

PD/PI: A. Karolina Palucka, MD, PhD, Edison T. Liu Endowed Chair in Cancer Research; Professor; Director, JAX Cancer Center (NCI-Designated)

PD/PI: Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, PhD, Professor of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai; Director, Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute


La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology

Program Title: Human immune memory to COVID-19, vaccines, and respiratory pathogens

PD/PI: Shane P. Crotty, PhD, Professor and Chief Scientific Officer


Massachusetts General Hospital

Program Title: Durable Alteration of the Human Immune system after Infection or Immunotherapy

PD/PI: Raymond T. Chung, MD, Professor, Harvard Medical School; Zhou Family Endowed Chair in Gastroenterology; Kevin and Polly Maroni MGH Research Scholar; Director, Hepatology and Liver Center; Vice Chief, Gastrointestinal Division, Massachusetts General Hospital

PD/PI: Georg M. Lauer, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts General Research Institute and Harvard Medical School

PD/PI: E. John Wherry, III, PhD, Richard and Barbara Schiffrin President’s Distinguished Professor; Chair, Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics; Director, Institute for Immunology and Immune Health; Director, Colton Center for Autoimmunity Consortium; Co-Director, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy; Co-Program Leader, Immunobiology, Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania


Northwestern University at Chicago

Program Title: The Neu-Lung Consortium: Neutrophilic Mechanisms of Inflammation, Injury, and Repair in Lung and Airways Diseases

PD/PI: Stephanie C. Eisenbarth, MD, PhD, Roy and Elaine Patterson Professor of Medicine; Professor, Medicine (Allergy and Immunology), Pathology; Director, Center for Human Immunobiology; Chief of Allergy and Immunology, Department of Medicine

PD/PI: Alexander V. Misharin, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)

PD/PI:  Benjamin D. Singer, MD, Lawrence Hicks Professor of Pulmonary Medicine; Associate Professor, Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics


Stanford University

Program Title: Understanding Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine responses, in vivo and in vitro

PD/PI: Mark M. Davis, PhD, Burt and Marion Avery Family Professor of Immunology; Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Institute for Immunity, Transplantation and Infection


University of Alabama at Birmingham

Program Title: Evolution and Durability of Human T and B Cell Responses

PD/PI: Frances E. Lund, PhD, Professor, Microbiology; Endowed Chair in Immunology and Director, HSOM Immunology Institute 


University of Maryland, Baltimore

Program Title: Mechanisms of Mucosal and Systemic Immunity to Vaccination and Infection with Enteric Pathogens in Children and Adults

PD/PI: Marcelo B. Sztein, M.D.  Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology; Associate Director for Basic and Translational Research; Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health (CVD), Leader, CVD Immunology Group, Chief, Cellular Immunology Section and Director, University of Maryland Flow Cytometry and Mass Cytometry Core.


Washington University

Program Title: Mechanisms of Immune Protection Against Respiratory Viruses

PD/PI: Ali Ellebedy, PhD, Leo Loeb Endowed Professor; Professor of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University

PD/PI: Michael S. Diamond, MD, PhD, The Herbert S. Gasser Professor; Professor of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology, Pathology & Immunology, Washington University
