Research Education Core
The mission of the UAB Research Center of Excellence in Arsenicals Education Core (UAB CARE-Core) is to develop educational offerings to advance knowledge and innovation in the area of arsenical chemical threat and applied toxicology. The UAB CARE-Core led by Dr. Lisa McCormick will provide multidisciplinary education in applied toxicological research related to arsenicals and other dermally active chemical agents. A goal of this Core is to enhance interest in research related to chemical threats in biodefense and to encourage expanded research programs across our institution and field.
The UAB CARE-Core will support the key component of the NIH strategy to identify, develop, support, and maintain the quality of our scientific human capital in the scientific research workforce by fostering diversity in all of its educational programs. The educational activities of the Core will be organized along three focus areas related to acute chemical threats: basic science, clinical and translational science, and multidisciplinary outreach. The Center’s scientific arsenical-related activities and findings will be used in its educational offerings to help motivate and unify the Center’s activities.

The UAB CARE-Core will work to increase awareness in professional and public audiences of the biological basis of and potential therapies for arsenical threats and community-based approaches to prepare for these threats. Upcoming educational opportunities of the UAB CARE-Core can be found on the Center’s calendar.

The UAB CARE-Core team includes:
Lisa McCormick, DrPH – PI – Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences and Associate Dean for Public Health Practice, UAB School of Public Health
Mohammad Athar, PhD (Lead – Basic Science) – Professor and Vice Chair for Basic Science Research of the Department of Dermatology, and overall PI of the proposed UAB Research Center of Excellence in Arsenicals
Dr. William Rushton, MD (Lead – Clinical Science and Practice) – Associate Professor in the UAB Department of Emergency Medicine, Director of the Office of Medical Toxicology, and Medical Director of the Regional Poison Control Center at Children’s of Alabama.
Dr. Doug Wallace, MD – (Clinical Practicum Fellow) – Instructor/Fellow, Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine.
Meena Nabavi, MPH (Program Coordinator) – Program Manager I in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the UAB School of Public Health. Miss Nabavi will be responsible for coordinating the daily activities of the Toxicology Education Core.
Dr. Ziad Kazzi (PI – Subcontract – Emory University) – Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He is also Director of the International Toxicology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Emory University, Assistant Medical Director of the Georgia Poison Center, and Medical Toxicologist at the Radiation Studies Branch of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.