Research Project 2 – LUNG
Attenuating Pulmonary Toxicity of Cutaneous Exposure to Arsenicals
In this research project, Drs. Aftab Ahmad and Veena Antony will lead teams that will focus on understanding the role of bromo- and extra-terminal (BET) proteins and associated inflammatory pathways in cutaneous arsenical-induced acute lung injury (ALI) and delayed lung injury (DLI).
Dr. Veena Antony Dr. Aftab Ahmad
The aims of this project are:
- To characterize arsenical-induced lung injury following cutaneous exposure in mice and to develop an in-house phenyl arsineoxide (PAO, a surrogate arsenical) model of cutaneous arsenical-induced ALI and an inhalation model of arsenic trioxide (ATO).
- To determine mechanisms by which arsenicals cause acute pulmonary toxicity.
- To determine whether small molecule inhibitors of bromodomain signaling can mitigate arsenical-induced lung injury and associated morbidity.
Collaborations between our research team and the Drug Development Core will help identify treatment options for cutaneous arsenicals exposure in lung injuries as well as other potentially toxic chemicals associated with blistering and inflammation.