Connor Sisk, a KURE 2022 Scholar, is a current post-baccalaureate IRTA fellow at the NIH. We reached out to Connor to gain more insight into his experiences as an emerging scientist.
“Research has continued to be an influential component of my premedical journey, whether it be through clinical case studies, basic science at my alma mater, or translational medicine through the KURE program. Going into my gap year, I wanted to find a way to continue on this journey, building upon previous experiences and immersing myself in a new field of study. So, for the last seven months, I have been working as a medical researcher at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Our lab is dedicated to investigating the underlying causes of childhood bone growth disorders and subsequently developing novel therapeutics to resolve them. During my time here, our methods have ranged from conducting rodent trials to working with artificial intelligence to testing newly synthesized medications on cell lines. After completing my fellowship here this coming June, I hope to continue my research efforts as a medical student at the UAB Heersink School of Medicine.”

“Before joining the KURE program in 2022, my research interests primarily originated from an academic fascination with the human sciences, a desire to contribute to the growing body of medical knowledge, and a goal to become the most competitive candidate possible for medical school. However, having had such immersive and enriching experiences within the KURE program and other endeavors, I have come to recognize all that medical research has to offer. Learning to appreciate and thrive within interdisciplinary research teams; embracing your innate curiosity and willingness to ask questions and seek guidance from mentors; troubleshooting unexpected results and taking pride in a well-executed procedure; visiting and talking with patients who are affected by the same diseases you are working to cure; grasping the true importance of your research in pushing the horizon of medicine and alleviating hardship from those afflicted. These are all lessons that the KURE program played an instrumental role in teaching me, and I cannot emphasize enough their impact on my decision to pursue a lifelong career as a physician.”