TL1 Deep South KUH PRIME Translational Research Training Program
NIH-funded pre-doctoral fellowships are available for research training in the areas broadly related to
Kidney, Urology, and non-malignant Hematology diseases.
Current Pre-Doctoral Fellows
Abby Brooks
The immune ET-1/ETA axis in diabetic kidney disease
Mentors: Dr. Carmen De Miguel and Andre Ballesteros-Tato
Huy Q Nguyen
Fibroblast HDAC1 activation and immune responses following acute kidney injury leading to interstitial fibrosis
Mentor: Dr. Kelly Hyndman
Rebecca Horowitz
Mechanisms of Vaccine Hyporesponse in Hypertension
Mentors: Drs. James McLachlan and Heddwen Brooks
Tulane University
Arin Melkonian
The Role of Dual BRD4-RIPK3 Inhibition in AKI Pathogenesis and Recovery
Mentors: Drs. Anupam Agarwal and James George
Tha Luong
Endothelin-1 and ETa receptor activation in diet-induced obesity
Mentors: Drs. David and Jennifer Pollock