Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is IN.
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Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is IN! This Blazer All-American’s jersey is retired in the rafters of Bartow Arena, and now he has a home in your new National Alumni Society as well. Steve uses the lessons he learned from Coach Gene Bartow as a student at UAB and passes that wisdom on to today’s youth as the athletic director at Altamont. As Blazers, we’ve always been proud of Steve – now we’re proud to have him as a part of our Alumni family, 150,000 strong.

Troy Mueller

Troy Mueller is IN.
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Troy Mueller

Troy Mueller is IN! Troy earned his bachelor’s degree in 1995. This U.S. Air Force veteran now serves as a department head and senior advisor at The MITRE Corporation, assisting U.S. federal government executive leaders with strategic, transformational, and technology initiatives.