Hafiz Chandiwala

Hafiz Chandiwala is IN.
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Hafiz Chandiwala

Hafiz Chandiwala is IN! It doesn’t matter what your favorite fizzy drink is. If you’re a UAB alum, you’ve now got the same benefits as the executive vice president of Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED. As current president of the National Alumni Society, Hafiz and our board decided to open free, automatic membership up to every Blazer to make our Society as open, inclusive and diverse as our alma mater.

Dawn Rogers

Dawn Rogers is IN.
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Dawn Rogers

Dawn is IN! Dawn is a 1994 UAB graduate who majored in history. She now serves as an in-house attorney for an aircraft manufacturer in Wichita, Kansas, after earning her law degree at Washburn Law School in May 2000. Dawn’s hobbies include baking and all things aviation – she holds a private pilot’s license with an instrument rating, and in her spare time, she and her husband, also a pilot, enjoy flying their 1942 Stearman biplane. Dawn would love to return to Birmingham someday and still visits family in Alabama as often as she can.