Congratulations to CNMB’s Drs. Kharlampieva & Wasko

Join the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration (CNMB) in congratulating members Dr. Eugenia Kharlampieva and Molly Wasko who will be helping the National Science Foundation decide how to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to build the technologies of the future (The UAB Reporter). Dr. Kharlampieva is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry as well as the Co-Director of the CNMB and Dr. Wasko is University Professor/Associate Dean, Collat School Of Business Dean’s Office.

Their roles as program directors through NSF’s rotator program, will be integral in magnifying UAB’s existing reputation as an outstanding research institution. The rotator program is designed to bring practicing scientists into the upper echelon of scientific decision-making in the United States, where they work alongside the agency’s permanent staff.

As reported in the UAB Reporter, according to Dr. Kharlampieva, “This experience is unique and exciting and really puts you out of your comfort zone.,” In September 2023, the NSF invested $72.5 million through the DMREF in 37 new four-year projects. Kharlampieva helped to select those recipients, whose projects include designing the next generation of rechargeable batteries, organic semiconductor systems, AI-enabled automated design of ultra-strong and ultra-elastic metallic alloys, and fast energy storage. Although much of the work is administrative — selecting expert participants in grant panels, following up with principal investigators on their progress and notifying those not selected — “I am always a scientist first,” Kharlampieva said. “This keeps me on the cutting edge of research and in knowing how to find the best science.”

You can read the full story here.

2022 REU Kayla Hardrick: Recipient of Strada HBCU Scholarship

The Strada Education Network initiated the Strada HBCU Initiative in 2022 to focus on the next generation of leaders.  This is a highly selective program that provides an academic scholarship, leadership development, academic support and critical social engagement resulting in positive secondary learning opportunities that lead to a meaningful career pathway for Strada Scholar. 


The first cohort of Scholars was selected at Miles College in the fall of 2023.  Under the leadership of three advisors (Dr. Esther Suswam, Mr. Keith McKendall and Dr. Steven E. Hairston) each of the students will undertake and participate in mentoring, career coaching and other work-based learning experiences. 

The three inaugural Strada Scholars and their program area of study are Dariya Jones (Chemistry), Kayla Hardrick (Biology) and Abigail Boudreaux (Biology).  In addition to academic scholarship support and programming, each scholar has access to a stipend to assist them with career or graduates school preparation

The Miles College Strada Scholars are committed to initiating a community service project in the spring of 2024 to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Founding of Miles College.  

Details provided by Kayla Hardrick

Congratulations to 2022 REU Kayla Hardrick. Kayla’s REU mentor was Dr. Pengfei Wang, Professor of Chemistry.

Renewal: Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration (CNMB)

Yogesh K Vohra

I am pleased to announce that the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration (CNMB) ( ) has been competitively renewed and selected as a University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Center (UWIRC) for the next five years 2024-2029.

Congratulations to all of the University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Centers Selected for FY 2025

Spotlight on Growing Diamonds at UAB

Ribbon cutting for the new $75 million dollar East Science Hall (ESH) and South Science Hall (SSH) took place on Thursday, August 17, 2023. Visitors from on and off campus participated in the festivities which included guided tours of the building’s research labs, teaching labs, new offices and much more. ESH and SSH house the Departments of Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra, Professor of Physics and University Scholar, had the pleasure of leading the tour of the diamond fabrication lab along with Q&A about the process and uses.

Below is an excerpt of an extensive article by on Dr. Vohra’s process for growing diamonds:

The Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition reactor (CVD), which uses microwave power to break down methane and hydrogen gases to grow diamonds in the lab, has now been moved to a basement room of the new building. The South Science Hall and East Science Hall, part of the new Science and Engineering Complex, opened Thursday.

Large tanks are ready to combine methane and hydrogen into a mixture to produce high-pressure, high-temperature, nitrogen-doped synthetic diamonds. Yogesh Vohra, professor of physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, held up several samples of yellow diamond crystals made in UAB’s lab to show a tour group.

You can read the full article here.

2023 Summer Expo Winners

Congratulations to our Physics REU Expo Winners: Lea Hebert, Chandni Bhat, Oscar Allen and Karim Haddad

Lea Hebert

Lea Hebert
Grambling State University
2nd Place Engineering
Mentors: Dr. Vinoy Thomas & Grad Student Renjith Pillai

Chandni Bhat

Chandni Bhat
University of Alabama

2nd Place Engineering
Mentor Dr. Jonathan Burns


Oscar Allen
Middle Tennessee State University

3rd Place Works in Progress
Mentor: Dr. Pengfei Wang

Karim Haddad

FTPP/RIPP REU Karim Haddad
University of Alabama at Birmingham

3rd Place (Tie) Physical and Applied Science
Mentor Dr. Renato Camata

2023 REU Has Come and Gone

Meet our 2023 Summer REU participants: (front l-r): Oscar Allen, Taylor Brown, Edwina Brown, Maurissa Higgins, Jadyn Parker, Jada Paige, Karim Haddad

(Back row l-r): David Heson, Lea Hebert, Sophia Cornelius, Isaiah Bastien, Victor Cordero, Isaac Mendez, Mikhail Guchkov, Wesley Sutton, Jonathan Perkins

Another successful Summer REU program has come and gone. It was our pleasure to host this exceptional group of students from across the country.

You can check out the slideshow of the REUs in action in their research labs.

We look forward to next year’s program. Application for Summer 2024 will be available online December 1, 2023.