CNMB News: Triple-threat cancer-fighting polymer capsules

CNMB researchers create triple-threat cancer-fighting polymer capsules for guided drug delivery

Chemists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have designed triple-threat cancer-fighting polymer capsules that bring the promise of guided drug delivery closer to preclinical testing.

These multilayer capsules show three traits that have been difficult to achieve in a single entity. They have good imaging contrast that allows detection with low-power ultrasound, they can stably and efficiently encapsulate the cancer drug doxorubicin, and both a low- and higher-power dose of ultrasound can trigger the release of that cargo.. (read the entire article by Jeff Henson, 30March2017)

Physics Alumni Dr. Thomas McCauley

Physics alumni, Thomas McCauley has been named Chief Scientific Officer at RaNA Therapeutics.  Ron Renaud, Chief Executive Officer of RaNA Therapeutics says “Tom’s scientific leadership and demonstrated expertise in preclinical discovery, as well as translational and clinical development of small molecule and biologic drugs for rare diseases will be critical as we pioneer unparalleled innovation around selective gene upregulation.”Read the full press release here.

Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra Receives Award for Interdisciplinary Initiatives

Yogesh K Vohra-2Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra, Professor of Physics, University Scholar and Director of the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration (CNMB) is the recipient of the 2016 Sam Brown Bridge Builder Award.  Dr. Vohra has a tremendous ability to bring disciplines together for collaborative efforts and it’s this inherent ability that has garnered him this recognition.

In addition to the above-mentioned positions, Dr. Vohra is the Campus Director for the NASA – Alabama Space Grant Consortium as well as Director one of the longest running National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs (REU).