Over the last 20 years, computer science and medical informatics have evolved so that real-time data collection is now possible in the clinical practice setting, at the point-of-care. The evolution of computer science and medical informatics mirrors the complex evolution of the AIDS epidemic and HIV medicine. 

Advances in medical informatics have resulted in the development of modern, fully functional EMR systems capable of collecting data entered by clinicians at the time care is delivered using specifically defined data terminology with constrained vocabularies, leading to consistent fully analyzable data.

Transformation and validation of data are done both at the sites, and centrally on the CNICS server. We deploy an XML packager that checks the site submissions with the CNICS definitions and terms and provides the site with immediate notice if data are not formatted correctly. Valid CNICS data are transmitted to the central repository using a password-protected, encrypted, secure file transfer protocol. There the data are checked again using a system which permits not only checks of syntax, or structure, but also supports the evaluation of complex rules that may use any prior CNICS database content.

CNICS cohort data are harmonized across ten contributing sites in eleven domains. 

To learn more, click here.

A unique feature of the CNICS consortium is the access to biological specimens directly linked to the rich CNICS database that represents the diversity of patients within the CNICS population.

To learn more about specimens and to submit a specimen request form, please click here.