CNICS Mentor Table

Last NameFirst NameInstitutionDegree(s)CNICS RoleArea of ExpertiseFaculty Profile
AchenbachChadNorthwesternMD, MPHCo-InvestigatorHerpes Zoster, HIV/Hepatitis Coinfection,
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS),
Malaria, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Tuberculosis, Viral Hepatitis
View Here
BamfordLauraUCSDMD, MSCECNICS Site LeaderPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Alcohol abuse, Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver disease, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Epidemiology of HIV View Here
BateyScottTulaneMSW, PhDCo-InvestigatorPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Stigma, Health equity, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Alcohol abuse, Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver disease, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Social support, Intervention research, Underserved populations, Medication Adherence, Implementation Science View Here
BurkholderGreerUABMD, MSPHCo-InvestigatorMyocardial infarctions, cardiovascular disease, HIV comorbiditiesView Here
CachayEdwardUCSDMD, MACo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy (ART)/ Drug resistance, Malignancies/ AIDS Associated Cancers/non-AIDS associated cancers, Obesity/Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI,
HIV comorbidities, Stigma, Health disparities, Alcohol abuse/Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver disease
View Here
ChanderGeetanjaliUWMD, MPHCo-InvestigatorSubstance use/abuse/Opioids, Alcohol abuse, Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver disease, Intervention research, Implementation ScienceView Here
ChristopoulosKaterinaUCSFMD, MPHCNICS Site LeaderPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Antiretroviral therapy, alcohol abuse, mental health, engagement in care, long-acting ART, Stigma, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Long-acting ART/ injectable ART/ ART implants, Social support, Medication Adherence, Implementation ScienceView Here
CraneHeidiUWMD, MPHChair, Patient Report OutcomesCardiovascular disease/ Stroke/ Myocardial infarctions, Heart disease/High blood pressure/ Statins,
Obesity/Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI, HIV comorbidities, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Frailty / aging, Medication Adherence
View Here
CropseyKarenUABPhD, MACo-InvestigatorHIV comorbidities, Health equity, Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/ abuse/Opioids, Alcohol abuse, Smoking/lung cancer, Intervention researchView Here
DeeksSteveUCSFMDCo-InvestigatorHIV Cure, InflammationView Here
DelaneyJosephUWPhD, HBA, MSc, MACo-Chair Epidemiology
and Biostatistical Core
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, alcohol use, stroke, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Statistical methods/modelling, Marginal Structural Models, Epidemiology of HIV, Medication AdherenceView Here
DombrowskiJulieUWMD, MPHCo-InvestigatorSyphilis/Sexually transmitted diseases/Sexually transmitted infections, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendanceView Here
EdwardsJessUNCPhD, MSPHCo-InvestigatorStatistical methods/modeling, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance)View Here
ElopreLateshaUABMDCo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy (ART)/ Drug resistance, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Stigma, Health equity, Syphilis/Sexually transmitted diseases/Sexually transmitted infections, Long-acting ART/ injectable ART/ ART implants, Underserved populationsView Here
EronJosephUNCMDCo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy (ART)/ Drug resistance, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), HIV Transmission/ Superinfection/ Treatment naïve, HIV cure, Long-acting ART/injectable ART/ ART implants, Epidemiology of HIV, Morbidity/mortality/life expectancyView Here
Fleming JuliaFenway/ HarvardMD, MHSCo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy, Neurologic diseases, Opioid, CancerView Here
Floris-MooreMichelleUNCMD, MSCo-InvestigatorCardiovascular disease/ Stroke/ Myocardial infarctions, Heart disease/ High blood pressure/ Statins, Obesity/ Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI, HIV Comorbidities, InflammationView Here
FredericksonRobertUWPhDCo-InvestigatorSocial support, Engagement in care, Medication adherence, Patient reported outcomes View Here
GandhiMonicaUCSFMD, MPH, Co-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy, HIV care continuum, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) , Sexually transmitted infections, Medication adherenceView Here
GengElvinWashington University St. LouisMD, MPHCo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) , Intervention research, Cardiovascular disease, Implementation scienceView Here
GripshoverBarbaraCWRUMD, MSCo-InvestigatorSexually transmitted diseases, Antiretroviral therapy, Social support, BMIView Here
HeathSonyaUABMDCo-InvestigatorHIV transmission, Chronic pain, Cardiovascular diseaseView Here
HoweChanelleBrownPhD, MSCo-InvestigatorHealth equity, Sexually transmitted infections, Social support, HIV care continuumView Here
HsuePriscillaUCSFMDCo-InvestigatorCardiovascular disease/Stroke/Myocardial infarctions, Heart disease/High Blood pressure /Statins, HIV Comorbidities, InflammationView Here
HuntPeterUCSFMDCo-Chair Research Coordinating CommitteeAntiretroviral therapy, HIV comorbidities, InflammationView Here
JacobsonJefferyCWRUMDCNICS Site LeaderAntiretroviral therapy, Inflammation, HIV cure, Long-acting antiretroviral therapyView Here
JainJenniferUCSFPhD, MPHCo-Investigator, Co-Chair Early-Stage Investigator Working GroupView Here
JohnsonMalloryUCSFPhDCo-Chair Mentoring CorePre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Stigma, Health equity, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Underserved populations, Long-acting ART/injectable ART/ ART implants, Couples research, Intimate partner violence, Social support, Intervention research, Medication AdherenceView Here
JonesRaymondUABPhDCo-Investigator, Co-Chair Early-Stage Investigator Working GroupExercise, Frailty / aging, Cardiovascular disease/ Stroke / Myocardial infarctions, Cerebrovascular disease, Heart disease/High blood pressure/ Statins, Obesity/Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI, Implementation ScienceView Here
KalayjianRobertCWRUMDCo-InvestigatorDrug resistance, Kidney disease, Antiretroviral therapy
KarrisMaileUCSDMDCo-InvestigatorHIV Comorbidities, Inflammation, Frailty/ aging, Chronic pain, Lung Cancer, Lung DiseaseView Here
KerulyJeanneJHUMSCo-InvestigatorLong term antiretroviral therapy, appointment attendance, substance use, engagement in careView Here
KimNinaUWMD, MScCo-Chair Liver Disease Working GroupAlcohol abuse/Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver diseaseView Here
KitahataMariUWMD,MPHCNICS Site LeaderHealth/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Alcohol abuse/Hepatitis C/Hepatitis B/ Direct acting antiviral therapies (DAA) /liver disease, Renal failure/Kidney disease/ Nephrotoxicity,
Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Epidemiology of HIV, Morbidity/mortality/life expectancy
View Here
LauBryanJHUPhD, ScM, MHSCo-Chair Epidemiology and Biostatistics CoreEpidemiology of HIV, obesity, lung disease, opioids, alcohol useView Here
LedermanMichaelCWRUMDCo-InvestigatorCardiovascular disease/ Stroke / Myocardial infarctions, HIV comorbidities, Inflammation,View Here
LeskoCatherineJHUPhD, MPHCo-InvestigatorHealth equity; depression/ mental health/ suicidality; substance use/abuse/opioids; alcohol abuse/Hepatitis C; Engagement in Care; Statistical methods/modellingView Here
LoberWilliamUWMS, MDCo-Chair Data Management CoreHealth Informatics, Patient reported outcomes (PROs)View Here
MartinJeffreyUCSFMD, MPHDirector of Specimen Repository CoreMalignancies/ AIDS Associated Cancers/non-AIDS associated cancers, HIV comorbidities, Epidemiology of HIVView Here
MatthewsChrisUCSDMDCo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapy, Health equityView Here
MayerKenFenway/HarvardMDCNICS Site LeaderPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), HIV comorbidities, Health equity, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Syphilis/Sexually transmitted diseases/Sexually transmitted infections, Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids
HIV Transmission/Superinfection/ Treatment naïve, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Underserved populations, Epidemiology of HIV
View Here
MehtaSanjayUCSDMDCo-InvestigatorHIV Transmission /Superinfection/Treatment naïve, Epidemiology of HIV, Frailty/agingView Here
MerlinJessicaUniversity of PittsburgMD, PhD, MBACo-InvestigatorDepression, substance use, chronic pain, intervention researchView Here
MimiagaMatthewBrownPhD, MACo-InvestigatorPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Health equity, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Underserved populations, Couples research, Intimate partner violence, Intervention research, Statistical methods/modelling, Epidemiology of HIV, Medication AdherenceView Here
MooreRichardJHUMD, MHSCNICS Site LeaderHealth equity, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance)View Here
MugaveroMichaelUABMD, MHScCo-Chair Mentoring CoreEngagement in care, Implementation ScienceView Here
NapravnikSoniaUNCPhD, MSPHCNICS Site Leader, Co-Chair Epidemiology and Biostatistics CoreEpidemiology of HIV, Statistical methods/modeling, Intervention research, Antiretroviral therapy (ART) / Drug resistance, Morbidity/mortality/life expectancyView Here
O'CleirighConnallHarvardPhD, MACo-InvestigatorAntiretroviral therapyView Here
PenceBrianUNCPhD, MPHCo-InvestigatorDepression, mental health, opioids, suicidality, Patient reported outcomes (PROs), Depression/ Mental health/ Suicidality, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Statistical methods/modeling, Medication Adherence, Implementation ScienceView Here
PeterIngaMount SinaiMSc, PhDCo-InvestigatorInflammation, Myocardial InfarctionView Here
PettitAprilVUMCMD, MPHCNICS Site LeaderEngagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance), Epidemiology of HIV, Implementation ScienceView Here
ReisnerSariFenway/ HarvardMA, ScDCo-InvestigatorUnderserved populations, Epidemiology of HIV, Health equityView Here
RodriguezAllanUniversity of MiamiMDCNICS Site LeaderAntiretroviral therapy (ART) / Drug resistance, Health equity, Substance use/abuse/Opioids, Engagement in Care (including Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, HIV Care Continuum, Appointment attendance)View Here
SaagMichaelUABMDCNICS National PIAntiretroviral Therapy, HIV Comorbidities, HIV Transmission/Treatment Naiive, Frailty/Aging, Morbidity/Mortality/Life ExpectancyView Here
SafrenStevenUniversity of MiamiPhD, ABPPCo-InvestigatorPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), Health equity, Patient reported outcomes, Depression/mental health/suicidality, Engagement in care, Long-acting ART, Couples research, intimate partner violence, Social support, Intervention research, Underserved populations, Medication AdherenceView Here
SmithDaveyUCSDMDCo-InvestigatorSyphilis/Sexually transmitted diseases/Sexually transmitted infections, Underserved populations, HIV cure View Here
SterlingTimothyVUMCMD, FACP, FIDSACo-InvestigatorObesity/Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI, HIV comorbidities, particularly TB, Epidemiology of HIV, Morbidity/mortality/life expectancyView Here
WebelAllisonCase WesternPhD, MSNCo-InvestigatorExercise, Cardiovascular Disease/Stroke/MI,
Patient Reported Outcomes, Implementation Science
View Here
WilligAmandaUABPhD, RD, MSCNICS Site LeaderObesity/Diabetes/ Metabolic/ BMI, HIV comorbidities, Food insecurity/ Nutrition, Exercise, Health equity, Inflammation, Heart disease/High blood pressure/ Statins, Frailty/ agingView Here