
Alabama’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
The UAB CEDD receives federal funding, authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Act, to carry out its mission through four Core Functions of the Alabama UCEDD:
- Interdisciplinary Training
- Community Service
- Research and Evaluation
- Information Dissemination
Our Programs

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities is an interdisciplinary training program that operates within the Civitan-Sparks Clinics with funding from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCH).

The Regional Autism Network at UAB serves community members from Region V who have questions, concerns or resource needs regarding themselves, a family member, friend, client, patient, or student with diagnosed or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Partners in Policymaking Alabama is a leadership training program designed for individuals with developmental disabilities and their family members. PIPA is a collaborative project of the Alabama Developmental Disabilities Network (ADDN).
Our Satisfaction Survey
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