In May, five of the UAB Civitan-Sparks Clinics’ ASD database lab members traveled to Stockholm, Sweden to present their work at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR)’s annual meeting. Monica M. Abdul-Chani, a UAB Medical/Clinical Psychology doctoral student, presented her dissertation work through an Oral Presentation, “Characterizing Autism Stigma in the Latin Community: Impacts and Implications,” shedding light on autism in the Latin community through direct qualitative work. Four students presented posters sharing findings from their completed Masters Thesis work. Zachary Arnold, a fifth year student in the UAB Medical/Clinical Psychology doctoral program presented findings related to ASD and rural communities with a poster entitled, “Rural Healthcare Disparities in Preschool Children Referred for an Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation.” Jeremy Cottle, also a fifth year in the UAB Medical/Clinical Psychology program presented findings on autistic females with a poster entitled, “An Analysis of Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Presentation in a Tertiary Care Clinic.” Brianna Stein, a fourth year in the UAB Lifespan Developmental Psychology Program presented her poster, “The Relationship between Language and Adaptive Functioning in Children Referred for an ASD Evaluation,” on adapting functioning and autism. Alecia Mercier, also a fourth year student in the UAB Lifespan Developmental Psychology Program, presented her poster on autistic drivers, “The Driving Profile of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Many of these works are in preparation as manuscripts for publication and represent some of the research conducted at the UAB CEDD.