
Dr. Arie Nakhmani
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ANRY Lab Director anry@uab.edu

Dr. Rachel Smith
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ANRY Lab Co-Director rjsmith2@uab.edu
Graduate Students

Dr. Emmanuel Addai
Vision Science PhD Student (co-mentored with Dr. Lawrence Sincich)

Mohammad Awad
Computer Engineering PhD Student (co-mentored with Dr. Harrison Walker)
Cortical and Subcortical Short-Term Brain Plasticity Modeling

Diana Pizarro
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Detection of Seizures and Seizure Types in the Human Thalamus Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Dr. Vivek Shukla
Assistant Professor of Neonatology
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Machine Learning Modeling for Early Identification of Perinatal Depression Risk Using Cardiotocography

Avinash Singh
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Iterative Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Learning Performance With Limited Training Data

Venkata (Vivek) Sthanam
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Structural Similarity and Topography Preserving Loss Function for the Detection of Tubular Structures

Randall Walden
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithms for Neural Network Training
Undergraduate Students

Erin Collier
BME BS Student (co-mentored with Dr. Rachel Smith)
Robust Dynamic Brain Modeling

Ty Dailey
BME BS Student

Inchan Yoon
Graduated with ME BS (co-mentored with Dr. Rachel Smith)
Robust Dynamic Brain Modeling

Dr. Pravinkumar (Pravin) Kandhare
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco