April 10, 2020
Hardback, 192 pages
Modern Control: State-Space Analysis And Design Methods
by Arie Nakhmani
This concise textbook (less than 200 pages) offers hands-on coverage of modern control system engineering while showing the best strategies for solving complex problems, providing self-evaluation questions, and step-by-step analysis and design procedures. Modern Control: State-Space Analysis and Design Methods book features start-to-finish design projects as well as online snippets of MATLAB code with simulations. The essential mathematics is presented along with fully worked-out examples in gradually increasing degrees of difficulty. Readers will receive a “just-in-time” math background from a comprehensive appendix and get step-by-step descriptions of the latest analysis and design techniques.
MATLAB code is available here: CODE.ZIP
Coverage includes:
- An introduction to control systems
- State-space representations
- Pole placement via state feedback
- State estimators (observers)
- Non-minimal canonical forms
- Linearization
- Lyapunov stability
- Linear quadratic regulators (LQR)
- Symmetric root locus (SRL)
- Kalman filter
- Linear quadratic gaussian control (LQG)
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