Perioperative Data Science: 2020 and beyond

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) are seemingly everywhere. The expansion into medicine began with radiology, expanding more recently into perioperative medicine. Between 2016 and 2020, the FDA approved 26 algorithms with perioperative utility. Last year, our department joined the charge!

Dr. Melvin is working with clinician-researchers and IT to build a Perioperative Risk Platform. This platform will synthesize massive amounts of data into actionable (personalized medicine) predictions. Our IT group’s decade-long work on a data platform makes this effort possible. Such predictive models consume data on providers, locations, times, and procedures. See the figure to the right for examples of what the resulting predictions might look.

Small, specific models will make up this larger platform. This work is underway. We are testing a model for predicting Opioid-Induced Respiratory depression using historic data. A model for ICU length of stay is undergoing refinement as part of a cross-site collaboration. This model holds promise for bed management and staffing optimization. We are implementing a model using real-time data for determining lower limit of cerebral autoregulation. Post-PACU MET call, Surgical Site Infection, kidney injury, and patient decline projects are ramping up. These and other ongoing data science projects involve collaborations from across the department.

In collaboration with Radiology, we are developing a clinician-focused vocabulary for AI. This vocabulary will speed communication and prevent misunderstanding of appropriate model use. Our hope is to be the architects of AI language for the medical field at large. We are also learning from Radiology’s inaugural AI bootcamp for residents from Q4 of 2020. Additionally, our department is planning a STAR program curriculum for machine learning.

The latter half of 2020 saw the initiation and ramping up of several data science projects. This year will see even more new projects and completion of many already underway. Check back on this blog for monthly updates.