February 20, 2020: Rachael Guenter presents her work “Establishment of a Notch1-knockout Neuroendocrine Cancer Cell Line Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology” at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Trainee Seminar Series.

February 20, 2020: Rachael Guenter presents her work “Establishment of a Notch1-knockout Neuroendocrine Cancer Cell Line Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology” at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Trainee Seminar Series.
November 10, 2020: On World NET Cancer Day (November 10th), Rachael Guenter presented her work, “Novel anti-SSTR2 antibody-targeted therapy for neuroendocrine cancers” in Orlando, Florida at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting.
November 2020: Chen, Jaskula-Sztul, and Rose lab members present their research at the annual O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Retreat in Birmingham, Alabama
April 2019: Chen and Jaskula-Sztul labs attend the annual American Association of Endocrine Suregons (AAES) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California. Brendon Herring and Rachael Guenter give oral presentations, Danilea Carmona Matos gives a poster presentation
JULY 25, 2019 – Iyuana Morris was part of lab this summer thanks to the Center for Community Outreach and Development (CORD) program. She worked on the bioreactor model and learned IHC techniques applicable to her research question.
JULY 24, 2019 – Yazen Shihab was one of two students to be awarded the Surgery Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) / Neuroscience Honors joint summer scholarship. We are proud of his work this summer!
Continue reading “Surgery Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Summer Research Presentations”
JULY 23, 2019 – The 2019 lab outing was at Autobahn Indoor Speedway at Bessemer, AL. Our group had a great time bonding over go-kart races!
Continue reading “Lab Outing 2019 to Autobahn Indoor Speedway”
Sam decided to come down to Birmingham to warm up a bit and meet friends from the lab.
APRIL 5-9, 2019 Chicago, IL – Danilea Carmona Matos attended the APSA-ASCI-AAP 15th Annual Joint Meeting and the HHMI Medical Research Fellows Final Meeting.
Continue reading “15th Annual Joint Meeting of APSA, ASCI & AAP”
APRIL 7-9, 2019 Los Angeles, CA – Our lab was able to attend the American Association of Endocrine Surgeon’s 40th Annual Meeting at Los Angeles, CA.