Welcome to the first issue of MEMORANDUM. Written and designed by students in the Professional Writing program at UAB, this issue focuses on two keys questions: “What is professional writing?” and “What does it mean to be, or to become, a practicing professional and technical communicator?” In addition, MEMORANDUM is intended to function as a way to advertise upcoming events PW (Professional Writing) & RC (Rhetoric and Composition) students might find interesting and inform them about upcoming PW & RC focused classes. Other UAB students should also find the publication useful, because it contains a lot of information about campus services that can help support the academic endeavors of any UAB student.
To kick off our inaugural issue, I first need to provide a number of thank yous. First and foremost, thank you to the students who struggled through the steps necessary to make this publication a reality. Everything included in this issue – including the text, layout design, logos, and the advertisement designs – was student produced. As I always say, “Thank you for playing along and for trusting in the process.” The results of your efforts and long hours of work speaks volumes. Second, thank you to the UAB English Department and especially Dr. Bellis for supporting this wonderful opportunity. Last, but not least, thank you to Dr. McComiskey for letting the students in my Introduction to Digital Publishing class re-envision the “Write Now” newsletter. Without the foundation and tradition of student publishing he helped establish, this publication would not have been possible.
In closing, keep your eyes open. Future issues of MEMORANDUM are already in the pipeline. In the Spring, the second student produced issue of MEMORANDUM – a completely digital, RSS Feed suported issue – will be released. So look for us online. Until then, ask one of the authors listed in the table of contents to describe their favorite font. Just be prepared to be in conversation with them for about an hour. And, when it comes to designing information, always follow the advice Robin Williams offers in her book The NonDesigner’s Design Book and “Don’t be a wimp.”
Sincerely, Dr. Bacha