Professional Writing in Small Businesses

By Camrie Latham
open sign
An “open” sign

When telling people that you study Professional Writing, the most common reaction is confusion. Few people actually understand what it is, and even less know how to make it a career. Many people fail to realize that Professional Writing studies are applicable to any career field.

One such field is small business ownership. Although most degrees can aid one in owning a small business, professional writers have a special skill set that gives them an advantage. Professional Writing classes prepare students to write in both technical and corporate communication.


Businesses must have an enjoyable or respectable presence to attract customers and build a loyal following. Being able to create attractive flyers, an entertaining website, or even compose a relatable social media post can improve the image of the company and influence potential customers. Some Professional Writing courses address these subjects directly, teaching how to prioritize and influence the audience through writing.

Informing the Customer

Additionally, the customers should be kept in-the-know, so to speak, with what is happening with the company. The ability to create and maintain blogs, social media accounts, or digital newsletters goes a long way in this area. Providing information directly to consumers allows for a better connection between businesses and clients and prevents confusion.

Maintenance and Growth

Lastly, businesses use professional writing to maintain and grow their company. Creating memos, letters and reports maintains order within the business, while grant writing and online fundraising involve help the company grow. Learning to appeal to an audience is, again, crucial to be successful at either of these, and Professional Writing courses emphasize this.

To successfully run a cafe or shop, professional communication is vital. The company must have a likable public presence, customers need to be kept up-to date and the business must be able to communicate to both maintain itself internally and grow externally. Courses offered at UAB such as Developing Digital Documents, Business Writing, Digital Publishing, and Visual Rhetoric can provide students with a deeper understanding of what it means to communicate effectively and reach these goals.

These are only a few examples of how Professional Writing can apply to running a small business; the fundamentals of Professional Writing play a big role in a successful small start-up.


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