By Jenna Summers
So you want to write a novel?
You imagine droves of fans lining up in a bookstore waiting for you to sign the crisp new copy of your book. But how will you let your future fans know about your book? This is where professional writing and online content comes in.
But You’re Creative! You Don’t Like That Boring Professional Stuff
Often, creative writing students overlook professional writing courses because they believe that professional writing is boring. In reality, professional writing includes a wide variety of outlets for creative expression including web design and the creation of online content that is complete with eye-catching designs and memorable titles. Not only is professional writing a different way to approach the written word but it is vital to the success of creative writers.
Okay. It’s Not Boring But Why Do You Need a Website?
Imagine that it is your near future. You have finished your first novel and it is brilliant. You are confident that this book will catapult you into international stardom. Then you realize that you do not have an audience and you have no way to build an audience. How will your adoring fans discover your book?
The best solution to this dilemma comes in the form of a website. By creating a website, you will be able to instantly reach an audience from around the world. For more information on the effectiveness of online content in marketing see Six Benefits of Internet Marketing.
Your website can also serve as an extension of your book. For example, it can include information about you as the author or it can even serve as a host for an online version of the first chapter of your book.
Some authors such as J.K. Rowling have even created extensions to their books online. Through Pottermore, Rowling is able to continuously add onto the world that she originally created in the Harry Potter books.
There are a nearly unlimited number of uses that your website can serve. It is only limited by your creativity and willingness to learn.
How Do You Learn to Design a Website?
Web design skills can be learned through a variety of online sources or through in-person classes. There are courses at UAB such as EH 455-Digital Publishing
which are extremely helpful in cultivating web design skills.