Career Spotlight: Copywriting

People are bombarded every day with words that are meant to persuade them. Advertisements, flyers, and websites are all written and designed with a specific purpose in mind: enticement. Each word is chosen in hopes that when grouped together, they can attract the reader into buying something, doing something, or even not doing something. Copywriters are the force working in the background to make that enticement happen.

There are many job opportunities available for those who have an English degree with a specific interest in professional writing. Someone with the ability to write well and use proper spelling and grammar is desired by companies that depend on written materials. English majors spend a majority of their undergraduate careers learning to write in a persuasive manner. Most papers submitted by college students, especially those majoring in English, attempt to make an argument. This is, in essence, what a copywriter does. The ability to write copy for marketing and advertising materials requires the ability to use words to get across a specific message.

There are many different types of copy that copywriters are hired to write. Advertising agencies hire copywriters to write catchy slogans and advertisements for products or brands. Copywriters typically work as part of an entire creative team to put together ad campaigns that target and cater to a specific demographic. The goal of effective copywriting is to grab the reader’s attention through the use of enticing and well-written copy.

Copywriters tend to work in fast-paced industries and, because they are usually working with a deadline, need to be able to work under pressure. Someone interested in copywriting should be aware of trends and what is popular as they begin to create copy that will be compelling to the common readership. Research skills are also a necessity as it may sometimes be important to track down pieces of information that would make the copy more compelling and relevant. A copywriter needs to be able to take information and creatively turn it into an advertisement or piece of work that follows the idea of what the client wants.

The career path that leads to a successful copywriting job can vary. Getting an internship working as a copywriter is one way to start building a portfolio for when the time comes to start looking for full-time jobs. Freelance work is another option that gives a starting point for having completed work to add to a portfolio. The work of copywriters is everywhere. Copywriting is a career path that offers people the ability to work creatively with words to grab the attention of an audience.

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