The Writer’s Market: A Valuable Resource for the Beginning Writer

Robert Conditt III

The gap between knowledge gained and its application for income can be a challenge for some. This is especially true for those in the field of professional writing. Where and how do we take the skills that we have honed and apply them to earning a living? This quandary stems from the larger question: What is it that professional writers do? The answer of course is they write. And, if you are looking to make a living through writing, it is important to know where to market your writing and how to sell your work.

For those just at the beginning of their professional writing career, The Writer’s Market is a great resource to have. The Writer’s Market is a comprehensive resource book for writers. Published annually for the last 94 years, the [publication] contains the listing for thousands of publishing opportunities. There are listings of publishers looking for content for a wide range of platforms and genres. From book publishing to consumer magazines to trade journals, The Writer’s Market contains information on how to contact these publications and market yourself to them. Each listing is broken down into a summary that includes the publisher’s preferred method of contact, the types of work they are looking for, how to format that work, and, of course, how they [the publishers] pay.

However, The Writer’s Market is more than just a rolodex of listings. As a resource book, it has enormous value in relaying the basics of the publication business and how to approach it as a beginning professional writer. It contains several sections dedicated to providing information that is vital for all writers to know. These sections include: how to write query letters, how to format and submit your work, and also how to invoice your work (how to create a bill of services rendered and what you should charge). There are also sections on how to develop your ideas and how to garner interest from publishers, as well as how to handle rejection, (which, the book is quick to point out, you will face a lot of).

A professional writer should have a diverse skill set and be willing to write across multiple platforms, because, after all, if you plan on making writing an occupation, it should be approached as one. This means that if you intend to solely rely on writing for income, you need to take advantage of every money making opportunity that is out there. The Writer’s Market is a great [asset] to look for work and apply the professional writing skill sets you have acquired.