Technology Corner

Google Drive is a free resource for most compatible Microsoft documents. Drive allows Google account holders to connect with each other through collaborative document sharing. Drive also gives users the ability to save their work on a cloud that is always accessible through internet access.

To create a Google Drive account:

  1. Go to Google Drive. You will be sent to a page that asks for your e-mail and password.
  2. If you do not already have a Google account, you will select “Create an account,” and fill out all of the required information. Once you are finished, select “Next step” to complete your account creation.

Creating a file on Google Drive:

  1. Select “Create.”
  2. Select file type from the options: Document (Word), Presentation (PowerPoint), Spreadsheet (Excel), Form, Drawing.
  3. A new tab will open with a blank file.

Sharing files with other Google Drive users:

  1. Right-click on the file you would like to share.
  2. Once you scroll down to the “Share” option, another “Share” will show up.
  3. Select the second “Share.” A box titled “Sharing settings” will show up.
  4. At the bottom of the box is an option allowing you to “Invite people.”
  5. Type your classmates’/collegues’ email addresses in the “Invite People” section.
  6. If you would like the people you share this file with to have the power to edit it, select “Can edit.”
  7. If you want them to just have to power to comment on the file, select “Can comment.”
  8. If you only want them to be able to look at the file, select “Can view.”
  9. Select “Share and save” to finish the process.

Uploading files to Google Drive:

  1. Select the upward facing arrow to the top left of the screen beside “Create.”
  2. The options “File” and “Folder” will show up (“File” allows you to upload a single file and“Folder allows you to upload a folder of files).
  3. If you are uploading a file, select “File.” a. Select whichever file you want to upload, then select “Open.”
  4. If you are uploading a folder, select “Folder.” a. Select whichever folder you would like to upload and select “Ok.”