Graduate Students
We accept graduate students through the Graduate Biomedical Sciences PhD program at UAB. GBS offers eight interdisciplinary PhD training themes, including Microbiology and Immunology. If you are interested in applying to the GBS program or to learn more about program requirements, please see the GBS website for application instructions and deadlines. We highly encourage reaching out to Theme Directors to learn more about each specific theme & program! For current GBS students interested in the lab, please contact Dr. Kiedrowski to discuss scheduling a research rotation.
There are multiple opportunities for undergraduate research at UAB! The UAB Heersink School of Medicine offers several summer program opportunities, including the new Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CFF-SURP) and the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Find out more information about the many options for undergraduate summer research at UAB, including when to apply, here!
UAB undergraduates interested in research experiences during the academic year can find out more through the School of Health Professions Undergraduate Research & Honors website. If you are interested in devoting time to gain hands-on laboratory research experience during the semester, please contact Dr. Kiedrowski and include in your email: your current unofficial transcript, a brief description of your major and coursework completed to date, and a short statement about the type of research you are interested in and why this will help to further your career goals.
Postdoctoral Scholars
UAB is a great place for postdoctoral training and offers many resources to support postdoctoral scholars and fellows through the Office of Postdoctoral Education; find out more here. Those wishing to pursue postdoctoral research in the Kiedrowski Laboratory should contact Dr. Kiedrowski. In your email, please include a current CV, as well as a description of your previous research experience, future research interests, and career goals.