Fall 2024 Green & Gold Fund Leadership

Faculty Advisor | Stephanie Yates | sryates@uab.edu

Chief Investment Officer | Tristan King | tristank@uab.edu
Tristan is a senior from McCalla, Alabama, majoring in Finance. Tristan knew he wanted to join the Green & Gold Fund since he was in high school. From GGF, he has learned the importance of performing due diligence in company or industry analysis. After college, he hopes to seek job opportunities within the Financial Advising industry. In his free time, Tristan enjoys traveling with his wife and watching movies alongside their three cats, Boots, Peep, and Fi.

Chief Marketing Officer | Madison Cunningham | mscunnin@uab.edu
Madison is a senior from Daphne, AL and a Marketing major with a Digital concentration. When she’s not wowing us with her skills at Green and Gold Fund, she’s busy being apart of the Marketing Team for the Financial Management Association. Madison’s time with us she’s spread her wings in Graphic Design, Event Planning, and Website Design. After Graduation, she plans to continue using her creative knowledge as she works for the UAB Football Team Video Department.

Chief Economist | Daniel Massie | djm2@uab.edu
Daniel is a junior from Hoover, Alabama, with a double major in Finance and Economics. Daniel joined the Green & Gold Fund when he realized he had been trading the majority of his life, but never truly invested in a company. From GGF, Daniel has learned equity research, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and how to build out and present an effective pitch deck to a group of investors. After college, he plans to recruit into a middle market investment bank to serve hard working individuals who have created successful businesses. He would like to offer substantial value to the transactions of these individuals, who wish to be compensated for the virtues of their labor. In his free time, Daniel enjoys camping, hiking, traveling, and working out.

Chief Compliance Officer | Reed Parrish | parrishr@uab.edu
Reed is a senior from Helena, Alabama, majoring in Finance. Reed knew he wanted to join the Green and Gold Fund after transferring to UAB and attend a Fund meeting. From GGF, he has learned more than many of his classes have taught him in the past. After graduating, Reed hopes to go into Wealth Management and retire at a young age. In his free time, he enjoys skateboarding, soccer, and working out.

Chief Accounting Officer | Perry Panesar | ppanesar@uab.edu
Perry is a senior from Toronto, Ontario, with a major in Accounting. Perry joined the Green and Gold Fund in 2023. He joined in hopes of learning more about the world of stocks and to see how accounting functions within this aspect of business. Since being in GGF, he has learned about the importance of Bloomberg terminals and how to valuate/predict stocks in the most efficient way . After graduating, he plans to be a CPA at a public accounting firm. In his free time, he enjoys wine and whiskey tasting tours, the gym, and watching basketball.