María, Sharrell and Mingmar present their research at the 2021 ABRCMS conference! Maria was selected for a lightning talk, and Mingmar and Sharrell presented posters. Sharrell won one of the best posters in the Physiology and Pharmacology section, and María received a Lightning Talk award during the conference! So proud of all of you!
Dr. De Miguel is invited to give a seminar in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology at LaTrobe University, Australia. She presented the talk “Inflammatory and cell death pathways in diabetic kidney disease: the role of Endothelin-1”. Thank you so much for the invitation!

Welcome Risa to the lab! Risa Kiernan is a visiting 3rd year medical student scholar from the New York Institute of Technology that is visiting our lab for one week. This is part of our collaborative project with Dr. Maria Alicia Carrillo Sepulveda at that institution.
Dr. De Miguel participates as a panelist in the Basic Research Forum for Emerging Scientists during the ASN Kidney week to talk about strategies to expand your network starting when you are a trainee.
Dr. De Miguel is invited by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University to give a seminar on how to use social media to promote your science career.