Welcome Madison to the De Miguel Lab team!
Welcome to our remote summer undergraduate students María and Mary! María is a freshman at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras campus and Mary is a junior at the University of Southern California. They both are part of the Virtual Summer of Research Program of the American Physician Scientist Association.
Welcome to our summer undergraduate students Annalisse, Brian and Gabriel! Gabriel is part of the UAB CORD Blazing to Biomedical Careers summer program and Brian and Annalisse are UAB KURE summer scholars. We are so happy to have you joining our team this summer and we hope that you enjoy your projects!

Congratulations Abbie for being awarded an AΩA 2021 Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship!! She will continue her research on the effects of hyperoxia on the kidney endothelin-1 system.
Congratulations Will for being selected to participate in the NIDDK dkNET Summer of Data Internship Program! He will keep researching the interplay between endothelin-1, autophagy and apoptosis during diabetic kidney disease.