Dr. Wenli Bi Receives NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant 

Congratulations to Dr. Wenli Bi, UAB Department of Physics and Member of Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointergration. The award is in the amount of $419,614. The grant, led by Bi, is titled “MRI: Acquisition of a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System for Materials Research and Education.”

The MRI grant supports the acquisition of a Physical Properties Measurement System from Quantum Design, which is a state-of-the-art, highly automated and multifunctional system capable of measuring a multitude of material properties at cryogenic temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure.

Continue reading here as originally reported in UAB News.

2022 Summer Expo Winners

Join us in congratulating our 2022 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Summer Expo winners.

Hugh Graham

2nd Place – Engineering
Hugh is a student at the University of the South

Aniket Pant

1st Place – Physical and Applied Sciences
Aniket attends Georgia Tech

Carolina Amezaga

2nd Place – Physical and Applied Science
Carolina is a student at Auburn University

Claurissa Desilma

Claurissa Desilma

3rd Place – Works in Progress
Claurissa attends Florida Memorial University

Dr. Aaron Catledge Awarded NSF Grant

Congratulations are in order for Dr. Aaron Catledge. He has been awarded a new NSF DMR award as a PI starting a new area of research in UAB physics. The Project is titled: New frontiers in synthesis of high-entropy transition metal borides enabled by microwave-induced plasma.

The significance of this project is that it addresses the need for advanced ceramics as a key enabling technology for many applications in aerospace, defense, power generation, and processing industries having significant national impact. The study of materials designed for operation under harsh conditions is essential to meet a range of challenges—from creating better turbines, reactors, and batteries to developing future energy systems. 

You can read the full technical and non-technical summary here.

Best wishes to Dr. Catledge the very best in the execution of this award!

Physics graduate student Kallol Chakrabarty awarded EPSCoR Graduate Research Scholars Program award

Congratulations to Kallol Chakrabarty on being awared one of five Graduate Research Scholars Programs award.

UAB News reported: Five University of Alabama at Birmingham graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences and Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine were awarded Graduate Research Scholars Program awards through the Alabama Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. The awards for UAB’s five selected graduate students total more than $118,000 and will apply for the upcoming fall 2022 semester.  

The Graduate Research Scholars Program is designed to strengthen and enhance the research capacity of eight participating Alabama EPSCoR institutions by providing graduate student support for students performing federally funded EPSCoR research. The students in the UAB Graduate School represent the next generation of researchers and innovators for the advancement of Alabama’s high-tech human resource capacity. Read the full article here.

REU Alumni Update: Aaditya Rau

Congratulations to 2019 REU, Aaditya Rau who graduated Spring 2022 from Johns Hopkins University. Aaditya graduated with a double major in the fields of Engineering Mechanics and Applied Mathematics & Statistics and a minor in Mathematics. He will be attending graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA under the Computational Science and Engineering program with a home department in Aeronautics/Astronautics.

In addition, since his time here at UAB, he received the Goldwater Scholarship in 2021, and just received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) to fund my graduate study.

Congratulations to Aaditya and we wish him the very best.