Dr. Wenli Bi Receives NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant 

Congratulations to Dr. Wenli Bi, UAB Department of Physics and Member of Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointergration. The award is in the amount of $419,614. The grant, led by Bi, is titled “MRI: Acquisition of a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System for Materials Research and Education.”

The MRI grant supports the acquisition of a Physical Properties Measurement System from Quantum Design, which is a state-of-the-art, highly automated and multifunctional system capable of measuring a multitude of material properties at cryogenic temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure.

Continue reading here as originally reported in UAB News.

Video Lecture by Yogesh K Vohra PhD

Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra is a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM) in recognition for his contribution to “Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence.”

Click image below to view video lecture titled Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond and Novel Superhard Materials.

Dr. Yogesh K Vohra presents a video lecture on Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond and Novel Superhard Materials


Congratulations to Our 2020-21 NASA REU Participants

2020-21 NASA REU – Hybrid Model

In spite of not being able to have a Summer 2020 REU due to COVID-19, NASA REU is moving forward for 2020-21 with REU for a 10 week period beginning October 1, 2020.The following UAB students have been selected to participate in this fascinating hybrid REU model.  We want to recognize and congratulate them.

Rachel Day is a UAB Junior
Major: Physics
Mentor: Dr. Andrei Stanishevsky, Physics

Hannah Blansett is a Junior at UAB
Major: Materials Science & Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Vinoy Thomas, Material Sciences and Engineering

Brita is a UAB Senior
Major: Physics
Mentor: Dr. Cheng-Chien, Physics
Ishmael James
Ishmael is a Senior at UAB
Major: Physics
Mentor: Dr. Ryoichi Kawai, Physics