CGDS and U-BDS Host Python-Focused Carpentry Workshop

CGDS and U-BDS recently hosted a Software Carpentry Workshop on March 18-19, 2024, drawing researchers eager to enhance their computational skills for more efficient and effective research practices. Led by a distinguished team of instructors — Manavalan Gajapathy, Bharat Mishra, Samuel Bharti, Austyn Trull, and Angelina Uno-Antonison, with James Scherer assisting — the workshop delved into fundamental concepts crucial for navigating the challenges of modern research. Participants were taught about bash shell, python, and version control with git.

Learn more about the workshop at:

CGDS and U-BDS Host R-Focused Carpentry Workshop

UAB’s CGDS and the U-BDS (Biological Data Science Core) held a Software Carpentry Workshop on December 14-15, 2023, to teach researchers computational skills. Instructors Manavalan Gajapathy, Austyn Trull, Bharat Mishra, Shaurita D. Hutchins, and Samuel Bharti, with the help of Santhosh Karthikeyan, Nilesh Kumar, Tarun Mamidi, and Yuwei Song, led sessions on the Unix Shell, version control with Git, and R and RStudio. The workshop included hands-on exercises and covered topics like data frame manipulation with dplyr and creating graphics with ggplot2. The event was designed to enhance participants’ technical skills and encourage using computational methods in research.

Learn more about the workshop at:

Hackin’ it at the Hackathon

Recently, members of CGDS participated in the UAB hosted AI Against Cancer Data Science Hackathon with not just one team, but two teams. Their aim was at “solving cancer-related research, prevention, and healthcare practice problems using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science.” Both teams were formed of a diverse range of skilled individuals bringing together capabilities and experience from areas of genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, machine learning, molecular biology, developmental biology, and clinical genomics.

Team Ditto, comprised of the same members that’d placed third in the 2020 UAB COVID-19 Hackathon ( Tarun Mamidi, doctoral trainee in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics; Dr. Ryan Melvin, Data Scientist in Anesthesiology; Dr. Thi K. Tran-Nguyen, Postdoctoral Fellow in PMI; Dr. Liz Worthey formed a new collaboration with Dr. Rati Chkheidze from Neuropathology. They presented work on “AI Guided Multiomics Data Mapping on Pathology Whole Slide Images of Glioblastoma”. For more information on their project, please watch their presentation recording here.

The new team this year, entered as Team BirthSeq-AI, was comprised of: Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Postdoctoral Fellow in CGDS; Shaurita Hutchins, doctoral trainee in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics; Brandon Wilk, doctoral trainee in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics; Kristen Coutinho, doctoral trainee in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics & Cortes Brain Aging and Physiology Lab; and mentored by Dr. Liz Worthey. Their focus on was on “Development of an AI-based Approach to Better Understand Chorangiomas by Studying Placental Heterogeneity”. For more information on their project, please watch their presentation recording here.

Team Ditto winning Second prize and Team BirthSeq-AI winning Health Equity Award

Both teams had stellar presentations and work performed in their respective areas with Team Ditto taking Second Place and Team BirthSeq-AI taking the Health Equity Award. See more at