
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (DBIDS) hosts the Annual Translational and Transformative Informatics Symposium (ATTIS). Each spring, ATTIS aims to highlight various aspects of informatics and bioinformatics research that currently and will shape the future of healthcare.

Since 2017, DBIDS has hosted symposiums that have touched on several topics, including: AI in medicine and healthcare, bioinformatics methods, genomics, cancer genomics, single-cell genomics, clinical genomics, epigenomics, cloud computing, biomedical research, and bioinformatics education.

We encourage you to look back at the history of ATTIS on our website, and we also encourage you to connect with DBIDS for the latest department news and upcoming events by clicking the ‘Connect’ tab.

We look forward to seeing you at the next edition of ATTIS!