Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV)

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a respiratory virus causing cold-like symptoms, such as cough, fever, and congestion. In Alabama, HMPV cases have been on the rise, especially during the winter and early spring. It poses a higher risk to young children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems. Join us at the ARC IPC as we are joined by Dr. Rachel Lee, MD, MSPH, Chief Healthcare Epidemiologist at UAB to learn more about how to protect you and your family this winter and spring!

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Avian Flu and Alabama, Things to Know

Join the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control as we discuss bird flu in Alabama. Learn more about the basics of what bird flu is, how it is transmitted, and how you can stay safe and aware.

We are joined by experts; Dr. Dee W. Jones, DVM, the State Public Health Veterinarian with the Alabama Department of Public Health, Dr. Tony Frazier, DVM, State Veterinarian with the Alabama Department of Agriculture& Industries, and Dr. Wes Stubblefield, MD, MPH, FAAP, Medical Officer with the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Check out more resources on Avian Flu or Bird Flu Here (Please click the headings):

Avian Flu – ADPH

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) – CDC

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Mosquito Borne Diseases in Alabama

Mosquito Borne Diseases in Alabama

Explore the buzzing world of mosquito-borne diseases in Alabama with our latest podcast episode! We will delve into the fascinating and crucial topic of how these tiny creatures can carry and transmit diseases that affect both humans and animals in the heart of the Deep South; from West Nile Virus to Eastern Equine Encephalitis, we’ll uncover the risks, prevention strategies and more. Join the ARC IPC and Dr. Jonathan Rayner for a discussion around mosquito-borne diseases in Alabama and how you can prevent being affected by mosquitos this summer. Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.


Measles in 2024: An Urgent Call to Action

With a significant number of reported measles cases in the United States and globally, this recent outbreak has sparked concern among both parents and healthcare professionals. In this podcast, we will be discussing the driving forces behind this outbreak, its impact on children’s health, and the preventive measures essential for keeping our communities healthy and safe. Dr. David Kimberlin, Professor and Co-Director of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, is joining me today on the podcast to shed light on this important public health concern. Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Yes: Having a Robust Hand Hygiene Program is Still Important (March 12, 2024, 12:00pm CT)

Hand hygiene has been the cornerstone of a strong infection prevention program for years. However, creating a robust hand hygiene program is not as simple as it sounds. This presentation will explain why every healthcare facility needs a hand hygiene program and identify the key elements that are needed. We will review what should be included in the audit, who should perform the audits, how to educate the auditors and what you can do with the results of the audits. We will explore some auditing tools and resources available. Finally, we will discuss some innovative ways to engage staff in the hand hygiene program. This webinar is presented by the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control and is cosponsored by the Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety and the Alabama Statewide Area Health Education Centers (AHEC).

The Deep South Center for OH&S is an approved provider of continuing education units for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP0420 Expiration Date 12/22/2025) and has awarded this program 1.2 ABN CEUs. All other professionals awarded .1 CEUs, SW awarded 1.0 CEUs

Mary M. Duncan

Senior Director of Infection Prevention· University of Alabama-Birmingham Health System.

Mary Duncan is an experienced, certified Infection Preventionist who has spent the last 18 years implementing best practices at various facilities to prevent infections in patients. She is currently the Senior Director of Infection Prevention at the University of Alabama-Birmingham Health System. This is an 1100+ bed Level 1 trauma center in the city of Birmingham, AL.  Through her passion and innovative approaches, she strives to decrease infections by working with front-line staff to make sure they are educated on best practices and have access to the tools they need to do the right thing. Mary is skilled in the ability to listen and identify issues or problem areas and form innovative solutions that increase the safety for both patients and staff.

Unveiling Congenital Syphilis and Syphilis in Alabama

Join us as we shed light on the challenges, solutions, and stories surrounding these pressing public health concerns. Hear from Dr. Jodie Dionne, an Associate Professor of Medicine and a clinician investigator at UAB in Infectious Diseases. Her research is focused on designing clinical trials to treat and prevent syphilis, hepatitis B, and other infections in pregnancy in the US and in Africa.

This podcast is presented by the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control Training and Technical Assistance. Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Dr. Jodie Dionne
Associate Professor of Medicine,

UAB Division of Infectious Diseases

Chief of Women’s Health, 1917 Clinic

Norovirus Basics

Join the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control as we discuss the basics of norovirus with Dr. Marilyn Bulloch from Auburn University’s Harrison College of Pharmacy. We will cover symptoms, if it’s contagious, where people usually encounter this virus, and more.

This podcast is presented by the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control Training and Technical Assistance. Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Dr. Marilyn Bulloch, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM, SPP
Associate Clinical Professor,

Department of Pharmacy Practice,

Director, Strategic Operations,

Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy