Public Perceptions and Preferences for Antibiotics: Considerations for Health Communication (December 14, 2022 12pm CST)

This webinar is presented by the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control Training and Technical Assistance. In this webinar, Dr. Alistair Thorpe will discuss health communication efforts to reduce antibiotic overuse and scope for improving their impact through research on public perceptions and preferences about antibiotics. This webinar is co-sponsored by the Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control, the Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety, and the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

The Deep South Center for OH&S is an approved provider of continuing education units for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP0420 Expiration Date 12/22/2025) and has awarded this program 1.0 CEUs.

What Parents Need To Know About The COVID Vaccine For Children Under 5

For many months, parents have been told COVID vaccines for their children under 5 were on the way. But shifting timelines, delays and misinformation have left many parents frustrated and confused. In addition, as COVID restrictions are relaxed, many parents of young children are desperate to know when they can expect a vaccine to be authorized for their young children. To bring some clarity to this conversation, we have invited Dr. Candice Dye, an Associate Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Academic General Pediatrician at Children’s of Alabama, to join us to talk about the latest updates on the COVID vaccine approval for children under 5.

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Masks and Respirators: What they can do to protect against COVID-19?

Learn more about different types of masks and face coverings, how they protect against infection from COVID-19, and how to select which type of mask to wear from Dr. Claudiu Lungu, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. This video was created in partnership between the Alabama Regional Center of Infection Prevention and Control Training and Technical Assistance (ARC IPC) and the Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety.

Using QATs, Hydrogen Peroxide and Phenol as Disinfectants Safely in Schools and Healthcare

Proper disinfectant usage is of paramount importance in the fight against COVID-19 and other viruses. Join Dr. Ziad Kazzi from Emory University as he shares with the ARC IPC his expertise on three common disinfectants: Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QATs), Hydrogen Peroxide and Phenol. Dr. Kazzi will explain how and why to learn more about and properly, safely use these chemicals to disinfect against COVID-19 and other viruses.

Omicron’s Impact

This past week the U.S. reported a record single-day number of daily Covid cases, with more than 1 million new infections, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, as the highly infectious omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country and beyond. The The Omicron variant continues to shatter records in the U.S. We’re learning more about the new variant, and, so far, it seems to spread faster but cause less severe illness than previous variants. There is a lot of speculation about the Omicron surge and its aftermath. To help us answer these questions, and for a look at how 2022 might unfold, we invited Dr. Suzanne Judd to join us for this podcast. Dr. Judd is the Director of the Lister Hill Center for Health Policy and a Professor in the School of Public Health at UAB.

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Omicron, Booster Shots – Staying Healthy in 2022

This past week the U.S. reported a record single-day number of daily Covid cases, with more than 1 million new infections, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, as the highly infectious omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country and beyond. The U.S. also has the highest seven-day average of daily new cases in any country tracked by Johns Hopkins. Even though Omicron has only been around a short period time, it has quickly made its mark. We have invited Dr. Rachael Lee, Associate Professor in the UAB Division of Infectious Diseases and UAB Health Epidemiologist, to talk about all things related to the Omicron variant.

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.

Disinfection/Sterilization: A Primer With a Focus on Use in Healthcare Facilities

Webinar from the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT)

Proper cleaning and disinfection/sterilization of devices and surfaces are critical to safely providing care to patients in healthcare facilities. Dr. David Weber, Medical Director of Hospital Epidemiology (Infection Prevention) at University of North Carolina Hospitals, will provide a comprehensive overview of when and how sterilants and disinfectants should be used with a focus on critical instruments/devices, semi-critical devices and non-critical devices and surfaces. Other topics that will also be discussed include the ideal disinfectant, monitoring cleaning effectiveness of surfaces, no touch methods of room disinfection, and how to manage a breach in proper disinfection/sterilization of medical instruments.

Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, UNC School of Medicine; Professor of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health; Medical Director, UNC Hospitals’ Departments of Hospital Epidemiology (Infection Prevention); Associate Chief Medical Officer, UNC Health Care
Chapel Hill, NC

Learn more at

The Safe Use of Bleach as a Disinfectant in Schools and Healthcare Settings

In this podcast Dr. Ziad Kazzi of Emory University discusses the use of bleach as a disinfectant, potential health hazards of bleach, and how to use bleach safely in schools and healthcare settings.

List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19) – (EPA)…

FDA (Safely Using Hand Sanitizers) –…

CDC (Disinfection and Sterilization) –…

American Academy of Pediatrics (Healthy Children) – Cleaners, Sanitizers, and Disinfectants –…

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) Safer Disinfectant Use –…

American College of Medical Toxicology Safe Disinfectant Use-…

Using Disinfectants Safely in Schools and Healthcare Settings

In this podcast Dr. Ziad Kazzi of Emory University introduces listeners to the basics of cleaning including disinfection and sterilization as well as the proper and safe use of disinfectants to prevent infectious disease transmission.

List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19) – (EPA)…