Appropriate Use of Disinfectants in Schools and Healthcare Settings (Jan. 18, 2022)

Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 12:00PM CST – 1:00PM CST

Disinfectants are incredibly important at mitigating and stopping the spread of myriad types of disease, and have become even more of a daily staple throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Three of the most commonly used disinfectants in general and specifically in school and healthcare settings are Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Phenol. In this webinar presentation Dr. Ziad Kazzi, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of the International Toxicology Fellowship Program at Emory University, continues to provide an overview of disinfectants and more specifically focuses on the safe and appropriate usage of these three disinfectant compounds, as well as related exposure risks.

The Deep South Center for OH&S is an approved provider of continuing education units for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP0420 Expiration Date 12/22/2025) and has awarded this program 1.0 contact hours.

Basics of Sterilization, Disinfection, and Sanitization in Schools and Healthcare Settings (Nov. 16, 2021)

Tuesday, November 16, 12:00PM CST – 1:00PM CST

This presentation by Dr. Ziad Kazzi, Emory University, will discuss the differences between sterilization, disinfection, and sanitation and their role in preventing the transmission of infectious diseases, like SARS-CoV-2 in school and healthcare settings. By the end of the program uses will be able to describe the safe use of disinfectants and discuss potential health hazards using bleach as an example.

The Deep South Center for OH&S is an approved provider of continuing education units for nurses by the AL Board of Nursing (Provider ABNP0420 Expiration Date 12/22/2025) and has awarded this program 1.0 contact hours.

COVID-19 and Children


Dr. David Kimberlin, Professor and Co-Director of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, joins the podcast, Standard Precautions and Beyond, to discuss COVID-19 in pediatric patients, how to keep children safe from the Delta variant and to answer questions about COVID-19 vaccines for children.

Thank you to our co-sponsor for this podcast, the Alabama Public Health Training Network at the Alabama Department of Public Health, a community-based training partner of the Region IV Public Health Training Center.