The Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control (ARC IPC) is currently developing a clearinghouse of resources on existing trainings, tools, and resources related to infection prevention and control for a variety of audiences.
Below are resources on infection prevention and control from across Alabama agencies and the broader public health community.
Resources on all elements of infection prevention and control and environments in which to practice them will be continually added. To recommend additional resources or request a tailored resource package to meet your specific needs please contact the Center at
Alabama-Specific Resources
- Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks (ID&O): Provides several resources and fact sheet flyers on infectious diseases in Alabama, as well as information on the state’s DETECT, TEST and REPORT (DTR) Notifiable Diseases awareness campaign to help reduce the impact of reportable diseases across the state while creating a notifiable disease system.
- Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms (ADPH): Instruction for variety of facility types, including hospitals, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, hospice, and other healthcare settings (e.g., outpatient clinics, schools, daycares, ambulances and care vehicles).
- Health and Safety Guidelines for Facilities Participating in Childcare Subsidy Program (AL DHR): Includes requirements (beginning p.23) for facilities regarding illness, injury, hygiene and preparedness and response plans, including for outbreaks, epidemics and other infectious disease emergencies.
Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Health Care Readiness State Highlights (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response): Overview of the state’s HPP, including the nine member health care coalitions, core member participation rate, and funding information.
- Hospital Preparedness Program (ASPR): Overview of HPP funding distribution to support the state’s health care coalition members through training, education, and other preparedness efforts. Also includes a preparedness highlights and information on COVID-19 response.
- Immunization Laws (ADPH): Outlines diseases for which vaccinations are required for children, as well as a regimented schedule of when and what vaccines and boosters should be administered for children to be in compliance.
- Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.
- Infection Prevention Guidelines (ADPH): Comprehensive overview of recommendations for many topics, including vaccination guidelines, testing, disease transmission, exposure, hand hygiene and general procedures.
- Notifiable Diseases (ADPH): Listing of notifiable diseases, including elements such as reporting requirements, control procedures, and considerations for vulnerable populations.
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness (CDC): Overview of PHEP plan, including state and public health workforce demographics funded by program, as well as performance results related to many possible emergencies, including biological health threats, foodborne illnesses and outbreaks, and exposure to toxic materials.
- Public Health Laws (ADPH): Comprehensive list of the state’s public health laws, including those on topics like infectious diseases, notifiable diseases and reporting, and vaccinations.
- UAB Sanitation Health Study: Course offered as part of a CDC-funded public health promotion project to expand surveillance for sanitation-related infections across West Central Alabama. Educates both healthcare workers and the public regarding sanitation-related health concerns and links residents to resources to address inadequate home sanitation systems.
Content coming soon
Content coming soon
Childcare Settings
- Animals in School and Daycare Settings (CDC): Tips for preventing disease spread and outbreaks when animals are introduced to these settings.
- Building Organizational Capacity for Infection Prevention and Control (COVID Collaborative): Guidance and best practice recommendations to reduce the risk of disease transmission, especially COVID-19, in K-12 school settings.
- Childcare Center Exclusion Criteria (ADPH): Infectious disease exclusion criteria and notifiable disease requirements for childcare centers.
- Childcare Manual for Disease Control in Childcare Centers and Pre-Schools (Jefferson County Department of Health): Comprehensive guidelines including detailed information on cleaning and disinfection, diapering, handwashing, exclusion criteria, reporting, exposure control and outbreak management.
- Communicable and Infectious Diseases in Secondary School Sports (National Athletic Trainers’ Association): Outlines increased exposure risk to a range of infectious diseases for those participating in school sports, as well as a series of recommendations to prevent and limit spread.
- Communicable Disease Chart for Alabama’s Schools and Childcare Facilities (ADPH): Chart outlining several communicable diseases, whether and when they are deemed notifiable, and exclusion and readmission criteria for those who have or have been in some form of contact with the disease.
- COVID Prevention in K-12 Schools (CDC): Provides updated guidance for in-personal learning, including recommendations for universal masking, due to the Delta variant.
- COVID Toolkit for Childcare Settings (ADPH): COVID-19-specific recommendations and information for childcare settings, including on transmission and symptoms, monitoring, spread prevention, hygiene and face coverings, as well as several logs, tools and checklists to help prevent and manage COVID-19 cases.
- Flu Prevention in Schools and Childcare Facilities (ADPH): Overview of transmission vectors and prevention and control measures.
- Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms (ADPH): Instruction for variety of facility types, including daycare and schools.
- How to Clean and Disinfect Schools to Help Slow the Spread of Flu (CDC): Six tips on how and where to clean, disinfect and sanitize, as well as guidance on product usage and waste disposal.
- Infection Protection (Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases): Virtual workshop for users of all ages and backgrounds providing information on infectious diseases, disease prevention, sports participation, disease stigma, civil rights and bioterrorism, as well as associated activities for each topic broken down by age group.
- K-12 Schools Infection Prevention: Resources for school nurses and other personnel to prevent infection spread in schools, including guidance on cleaning, disinfection, hygiene, ventilation, vaccination and emergency preparedness.
- Operating Early Care and Education/Childcare Programs (CDC): Recommendations and ongoing updates on areas such as vaccines, isolation and quarantine, and prevention strategies for education and childcare programs and environments and those operating them.
- Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning (CDC): Provides flexible guidance for institutions to maintain a safe, healthy environment by adapting to changing local situations, including periods of increased community health impacts from COVID.
- Pandemic Flu Checklist: K-12 School Administrators (CDC): Itemized action lists for school administrators to use before, during and after pandemic flu conditions in school settings.
- Playground Hygiene (State of Play): Overview of most common germs, bacteria and other risky elements to which children may be exposed in playground settings, as well as appropriate cleaning, sanitation and prevention measures to avoid exposure and illness.
- Preventing Infectious Disease in Early Childhood Programs (DHHS): This video from the Head Start program outlines infection control strategies every early childhood educator needs to follow to ensure a healthy, safe environment for children and staff.
- Preventing Infection in Early Childhood Centers (APIC): Recommendations for general infection prevention, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, and food safety.
- Preventing Infections in Childcare Facilities (APIC): Recommendations for hand hygiene, vaccinations, surface cleanliness, and food safety.
- Prevention and Control Measures for Outbreaks at Childcare Facilities (CDC): Recommendations and educational information for and about children, staff and other adults for cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in childcare settings.
- Protect Against Flu: Caregivers of Infants and Young Children (CDC): Flu-related complications in children under age five and provides advice for caregivers to both avoid getting the flu and to manage it if they become sick with the flu.
- Reducing Spread of Illness in Child Care (American Association of Pediatrics): Measures to promote good hygiene and prevent the spread of disease in childcare settings.
- Reducing Spread of Seasonal Influenza in K-12 Schools (CDC): Guidance to help reduce spread of seasonal influenza among students and staff based on CDC’s current knowledge and monitoring of flu in the US.
- School Infection Prevention Basics (APIC): General guidance for teachers, administrators and parents in terms of how to manage sick students, including when to stay home, general hygiene, cleaning/disinfectant product usage, and more.
Sexual Health in Schools (CDC)
- Education
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
- Program 1807 (School-Based HIV/STD Prevention, Surveillance, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building)
- School Support for HIV Testing
- STD Prevention
- Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model for HIV, STD and Pregnancy Prevention
- Vaccines (CDC): Recommendations for and information about vaccines for several diseases, many of which can be a greater threat to infants and children.
- Ventilation (CDC): Guidance on how to ensure efficient ventilation in schools and other childcare settings to maximize health outcomes, including recommendations on outdoor air, HVAC settings, air filters/filtering and fans.
- When to Keep Your Child Home from Child Care (American Academy of Pediatrics): Guidance on when to keep children away from or allow them to attend childcare settings based on several potential sickness/disease conditions.
Common Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Common Diseases: These are commonly found in/may affect children and/or childcare settings; resources are for parents, faculty, staff and other professionals to help prevent and/or limit the spread of these conditions.
- Campylobacter (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Chickenpox (CDC)
- Clostridium Difficile (AAP)
- Common Cold (CDC)
- Conjunctivitis (CDC)
- Cryptosporidium (CDC)
- E. coli (CDC)
- Fifth Disease (CDC)
- Giardia (AAP)
- Giardia (CDC)
- Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (CDC)
- Head Lice (CDC)
- Hib Disease (CDC)
- Influenza (CDC)
- Measles (CDC)
- Meningococcal Disease (CDC)
- Mononucleosis (AAP)
- Norovirus (CDC)
- Pertussis (CDC)
- Pneumococcal Disease (CDC)
- Rotavirus (CDC)
- Rubella (CDC)
- Salmonella (AAP)
- Shigella (AAP)
- Shigella (CDC)
- Strep Throat (CDC)
- Tuberculosis (CDC)
- American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT): Resources for medical societies and institutions and governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as publications and other media.
- Considerations for Memory Care Units in Long-Term Care Facilities (CDC): Special considerations for populations experiencing some form of memory issue (e.g., Alzheimer’s, dementia) in long-term care facilities to prevent COVID infection and spread.
- Data Tracker (CDC): Daily updates for the United States on COVID cases, deaths, hospitalizations and vaccinations.
- Disinfectants for Coronavirus (List N) (EPA): List of products suspected to kill all strains and variants of COVID; resource includes infographics and videos on products, tips, and best practices.
- Emory COVID-19 PPE Resource (Emory): General guidance on PPE, as well as for specific service environments (e.g., various types of in- and out-patient) and quantities (e.g., low or normal supply of PPE).
- Guidance for Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) (CDC): Provides resources for IHE administrators to use to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among students, faculty and staff.
- Guidance for Schools, Child Care, and Colleges (CDC): Strategies to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and maintain safe operations in schools, child care programs, and institutions of higher education.
- Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations to Prevent Spread in Nursing Homes (CDC): Guidance on infection control planning specific to location and population to prevent the spread of COVID, with updated guidance on contact tracing, screening of personnel, visitation, and quarantine of vaccinated residence.
- Local Guidance (CDC): Prevention steps for individuals based on current community COVID data.
- Long COVID Impacts (University of Michigan): Overview of evidence from 50 studies of 1.6 million people regarding the percentage of those infected with COVID who have experienced symptoms of long COVID.
- N95 Respirator Manufacturers (Free) (CDC): Guidelines on variety of N95 masks distributed from the Strategic National Stockpile to pharmacy distribution centers throughout the country.
- National Wastewater Surveillance System (CDC): Overview and resources related to the NWSS, which tracks COVID levels in wastewater of communities to help inform public health decision making.
- Operating Early Care and Education/Childcare Programs (CDC): Recommendations and ongoing updates on areas such as vaccines, isolation and quarantine, and prevention strategies for education and childcare programs and environments and those operating them.
- Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning (CDC): Provides flexible guidance for institutions to maintain a safe, healthy environment by adapting to changing local situations, including periods of increased community health impacts from COVID.
- Preventing Spread in Assisted Living Facilities CDC): Guidance for owners and administrators of facilities, including identifying other local health and healthcare professionals with whom to work, educating residents, family and personnel, masking, and distancing.
- Project Firstline (CDC): Collaborative of diverse healthcare and public health partners that provides engaging, innovative and effective infection control training for healthcare workers and members of the public health workforce.
- Protecting Workers (OSHA): Guidance to help employers protect workers, especially those who are unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or otherwise at-risk.
- Rapid Resource Center (Society of Critical Care Medicine): Education on COVID in relation to a variety of health topics, issues and conditions, from specific physical issues to patient and family support to professional development and more.
- Safely Using Hand Sanitizer (FDA): Overview of hand sanitizers and appropriate, safe, responsible usage for all ages.
- Safer Disinfectant Use (American College of Medical Toxicology): Collaboration with PEHSU (below) featuring webinar series and online resources in general and specifically for usage during COVID-19.
- Safer Disinfectant Use (Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units): Guidance for families on safe selection and usage of disinfectants, including benefits and exposure reduction strategies, as well as additional resource recommendations.
- Self-Management Tool (Alliant): To assist providers in education and preparation of patients and their families for self-management of COIVD-19 illness.
- Testing and Management When COVID-19 and Influenza Co-Circulating in Nursing Homes (CDC): Recommendations on how to manage resident populations when both diseases present, including PPE usage, resident placement, and testing.
Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
- Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Health Care Readiness Programs Portfolio: Series of programs creating and strengthening a comprehensive, national system for healthcare preparedness and response.
- Healthcare Coalitions (HCCs): Network of public and private organizations in a state or region that partner to prepare healthcare systems to respond to disasters and emergencies.
- Healthcare Readiness Annual Report (2020): Overview and annual summary of leadership, partner community readiness, metrics, workforce engagement, HPP, RDHRS and NSPS.
- Healthcare Readiness Programs: Comprehensive list to each program, as well as information on funding, performance measures, guidance and reports.
- Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP): Program that established foundation for national healthcare readiness and response to ensure systems remain running in disaster situations.
- National Special Pathogen System (NSPS): Nationwide approach to build on existing infrastructure and investments in preparing for infectious disease outbreaks.
- Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS): Establishes regional partnerships and general coordination activities to increase emergency preparedness capability across specific regions.
- State and Regional Readiness: Information on and for stakeholders in each state, which are grouped into ten readiness regions.
Disinfection and Sterilization
- Cleaners, Sanitizers, and Disinfectants (AAP): General cleaning tips for maintaining a clean, disinfected home, including benefits and safety considerations.
- Disinfectants for Coronavirus (List N) (EPA): List of products suspected to kill all strains and variants of COVID; resource includes infographics and videos on products, tips, and best practices.
- General Guidelines, Overview, and Recommendations (CDC): Includes information on exposure, cleaning, selection, strategies, monitoring, and methods.
- Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities (CDC): Recommendations to help prevent transmission of infectious pathogens to patients in healthcare facilities.
- Safer Disinfectant Use (American College of Medical Toxicology): Collaboration with PEHSU (below) featuring webinar series and online resources in general and specifically for usage during COVID-19.
- Safer Disinfectant Use (Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units): Guidance for families on safe selection and usage of disinfectants, including benefits and exposure reduction strategies, as well as additional resource recommendations.
Environment of Care
- Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms (ADPH): Instruction for variety of facility types, including hospitals, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, hospice, and other healthcare settings (e.g., outpatient clinics, schools, daycares, ambulances and care vehicles).
- Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.
Food-Borne Illnesses and Outbreaks
- Brucellosis (CDC): Includes disease prevention strategies and links to other resources on signs and symptoms, exposure risk, treatment, etc.
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FDA): Comprehensive food safety regulations, including how to prevent issues and enhance food safety, improve detection and response capacities, and improve safety of imported food.
- Norovirus (CDC): Overview of virus, symptoms, prevention strategies, and outbreak trends.
- Preventing Norovirus Outbreaks (CDC): Tips for managers to disseminate to food service workers to ensure safe handling and prevent potential outbreaks.
- Salmonella (WHO): General information and key facts, as well as specific guidance for food producers and handlers.
Healthcare-Associated Infections
Infection Control Plans
- Content of an Infection Prevention Control Plan (APIC): Ten-step outline covering the key elements of an infection prevention control plan and its component parts.
- Facility Guidance for Control of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CDC): Toolkit providing background on CRE and its negative impacts and reach, as well as guidance on how to prevent and control outbreaks in acute and long-term care facilities.
- Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms (ADPH): Instruction for variety of facility types, including hospitals, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, hospice, and other healthcare settings (e.g., outpatient clinics, schools, daycares, ambulances and care vehicles).
- Infection Control and Prevention Plan (US Compliance): Template for a general infection control planning manual that can be tailored to specific organizations.
- Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve facility preparedness and readiness for hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities and dialysis centers.
- National Action Plans (HHS): National plans and strategies for a variety of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections, as well as national vaccine plans.
Journals and Databases
- American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC): Peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles describing original research on the epidemiology, infection control, and infectious.
- Infection Prevention in Practice: Publication of Healthcare Infection Society focusing on the prevention and treatment of healthcare-associated infections worldwide.
- International Journal of Infection Control (IJIC): Online forum for infection control professionals, especially those in low resource countries, to disseminate research and practice information and encourage infection control initiatives worldwide.
- Journal of Hospital Infection: Publication of Healthcare Infection Society focusing on infection prevention and control in the areas of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance in healthcare settings.
- Journal of Infection Prevention: Professional publication of the Infection Prevention Society intended to advance the evidence base in infection prevention and control.
- Merck Manual, Infectious Diseases: Collection of medical reference manuals published by the Merck & Co. pharmaceuticals company. The Infectious Diseases manual provides overviews and descriptions of several forms of infectious diseases, as well as information on testing and immunization.
- MedlinePlus: Online information hub created by the United States National Library of Medicine.
- Medscape: Online resource hub for physicians and other healthcare professionals.
Long-Term Care Facilities
- Bacterial Pneumonia (AHRQ): General information on diagnosis and treatment of bacterial pneumonia in LTCFs.
- Considerations for COVID Control in Memory Care Units (CDC): Special considerations for populations experiencing some form of memory issue (e.g., Alzheimer’s, dementia) to prevent COVID infection and spread.
- Considerations for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 (CDC): Guidance for owners and administrators of facilities, including identifying other local health and healthcare professionals with whom to work, educating residents, family and personnel, masking, and distancing.
- Facility Guidance for Control of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CDC): Toolkit providing background on CRE and its negative impacts and reach, as well as guidance on how to prevent and control outbreaks in facilities.
- Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms (ADPH): Instruction for variety of facility types, including hospitals, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, hospice, and other healthcare settings (e.g., outpatient clinics, schools, daycares, ambulances and care vehicles).
- Infection Control Assessment Tools (ADPH): Series of tools to increase and improve preparedness and readiness for a variety of facilities, including long-term care facilities.
- Infection Control Practices (Alliant): Checklist for individuals to ask regarding infection control practices at long-term care facilities to help determine the readiness and appropriateness of that facility for the potential resident.
- Infection Prevention and You (APIC): Overview of importance of infection prevention in long-term care facilities and advice and guidance for residents, family members and other potential visitors.
- Infection Prevention Tools (CDC): Tools and resources covering a variety of infectious diseases common in long-term care facilities, as well as assessment, transfer, and implementation.
- Influenza and Influenza-like Illness Prevention and Control Measures (ADPH): Overview of how droplet spread occurs and a variety of control measures, including vaccination, testing, masking and protective equipment, and quarantine/isolation.
- Prevention and Control Recommendations to Prevent COVID-19 Spread (CDC): Guidance on infection control planning specific to location and population to prevent the spread of COVID, with updated guidance on contact tracing, screening of personnel, visitation, and quarantine of vaccinated residence.
- Testing and Management When COVID-19 and Influenza Co-Circulating (CDC): Recommendations on how to manage resident populations when both diseases present, including PPE usage, resident placement, and testing.
- Toolkit to Improve Antibiotic Use (AHRQ): Explains “Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making” and outlines how to develop and improve antibiotic stewardship programs, create a culture of safety around prescription, and disseminate best practices for common infectious diseases.
- Toolkit to Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) and Other HAIs in Long-Term Care Facilities (AHRQ): Provides guidance, resources, and instructional materials to facility leadership to reduce risk.
- Unite Guide to Infection Prevention for Long-Term Care Staff (AHRQ): Outlines all actions staff, residents and visitors should take to reduce risk of infection and outbreak, including hand hygiene, surface cleaning, PPE, resident placement and more. Includes outbreak-specific guidance (e.g., airborne, droplet, contact).
M Pox
- Hospital management protocol of m pox (CDC) – Precaution, patient placement, PPEs, waste management control, patient monitoring and how to isolate patients with monkey pox in a hospital setting.
- Preventive measures to prevent monkey pox spread in homes (CDC) – Isolation and infection control at home, hand hygiene, source control and PPE use
- Print resources on what to do if you suspect Mpox (CDC) – know the signs and symptoms of mpox and what to do if you suspect a case
- COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard: Guidelines for temporary standards to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19 exposure and related complications.
- Infectious Diseases: Overview of and resources for infectious disease exposure risks of the full spectrum of professionals who ensure the delivery of healthcare services. Includes CDC guidelines and recommendations and additional resources for specific diseases.
- Protecting Workers from COVID-19: Guidance to help employers protect workers, especially those who are unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or otherwise at-risk.
- Respiratory Protection: Overview of respiratory protection including purpose, general guidance, training videos, standards and enforcement means.
- State Plans: Overview of states that have and what is covered by an OSHA-approved state plans.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- COVID-19 PPE Refresher Guidebook (created by ARC IPC) – Guidance on removal of PPE, including gowns and gloves, hand gel usage, and face shield care.
- Donning/Doffing Guidance (UAB): Series of videos outlining donning and doffing guidelines to ensure safe usage in a variety of circumstances.
- Emory COVID-19 PPE Resource (Emory): General guidance on PPE, as well as for specific service environments (e.g., various types of in- and out-patient) and quantities (e.g., low or normal supply of PPE).
- N95 Respirator Manufacturers (Free) (CDC): Guidelines on variety of N95 masks distributed from the Strategic National Stockpile to pharmacy distribution centers throughout the country.
- N-95 Fit Testing (Video) (3M): Scroll down to the “3M Fit Testing Video” and “3M Fit Testing Video (Healthcare)” for comprehensive guidelines on fit testing of N-95 masks for a variety of professionals
- N-95 Fit Testing (Written Instructions): Step-by-step guidelines on considerations and actions to take for comprehensive, appropriate fit testing of N95 masks.
- Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-19 (NETEC): Donning and doffing guidance for healthcare workers engaging with patients who have or may have COVID-19. Also provides overview of types of PPE and using individually and in tandem with other PPE.
Podcast and Webinar Series
Reportable Diseases in Alabama
- Alabama Department of Public Health Bureau of Communicable Disease (BCD) – Report Infectious Diseases and List of Alabama Notifiable Diseases and Conditions
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Infections (STIs)
Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases of Public Health Concern
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Hepatitis
- Herpes
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Syphilis
CDC Resources for School Faculty and Staff
State, National and Global Organizations
- Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks (ID&O): Provides several resources and fact sheet flyers on infectious diseases in Alabama, as well as information on the state’s DETECT, TEST and REPORT (DTR) Notifiable Diseases awareness campaign to help reduce the impact of reportable diseases across the state while creating a notifiable disease system.
- American Public Health Association (APHA): Includes resources, articles and APHA’s “Control of Communicable Diseases Manual” to help prepare the public health workforce to combat, prevent and control infectious diseases.
- Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO): Resources from state, territorial and federal partners providing guidance to state health agencies on controlling and responding to infectious disease risks in healthcare settings.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Infectious Disease National Centers: Three national centers to address a variety of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted disease, tuberculosis, zoonotic infectious diseases, and respiratory diseases.
- CDC National Center for Health Statistics: Up-to-date statistics on mortality, vaccination rates and other elements related to many infectious diseases.
- Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP): The OIDP seeks to provide leadership and management regarding infectious diseases while also encouraging collaboration, coordination and innovation between federal agencies and stakeholders to reduce the burden of infectious diseases.
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Infectious Diseases (OID): Oversees the development, review and regulation of applications as well as issues related to toxicology for drug and biologic products reviewed across three separate divisions (Anti-Infectives; Antivirals; Pharm/Tox for Infectious Diseases).
- Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA): Collaborative of over 12,000 physicians, scientists and public health experts who specialize in infectious diseases whose purpose is to improve the health of individuals, communities and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health and prevention relating to infectious diseases.
- IDSA Infection Prevention and Control: Provides training, prevention guidelines and other resources to help prevent and manage healthcare-associated infections.
- International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID): International organization dedicated to supporting health professionals, non-government organizations and governments in their work to prevent, investigate and manage infectious disease outbreaks, with a particular focus in countries that have limited resources and disproportionately bear the burden of infectious diseases.
- National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC): National organization seeking to increase the capability of the United State public health and health care systems to safely and effectively manage individuals with suspected and confirmed special pathogens.
- National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID): Non-profit whose mission and vision is built around the effective prevention and treatment of infectious diseases through educational efforts to inform health professionals and the general public about the burden, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases across the lifespan.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH): Overview on the annual domestic and global impact of infectious diseases and NIH’s role in combating them.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID): NIH’s infectious disease institute which focuses on increasing the breadth and depth of knowledge of infectious diseases and developing domestic and international research capacities to respond to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases on national and global platforms.
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS): Organization comprised of doctors and researchers focused on the treatment, control and eradication of infectious diseases affecting children.
- World Health Organization (WHO): Searchable database of health topics, including on all manner of infectious diseases and infection prevention and control for global populations.
Top Public Health Diseases of Concern
Zoonotic Diseases
Animals and Livestock
- Aerosol/Droplet Transmission
- Animal Contact with the General Public (Zoos)
- Animals in School and Daycare Settings
- Cattle
- Equids
- Fomites/Surface Transmission
- Poultry
- Q Fever at Livestock Birthing Exhibits
- Sheep and Goats
- Swine
- Chikungunya
- Dengue
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis
- Exposure Reduction
- La Crosse Encephalitis
- Malaria
- St. Louis Encephalitis
- Vector Control
- West Nile Virus
- Zika
- Anaplasmosis
- Babesiosis
- Determining Lyme Disease or Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI)
- Ehrlichiosis
- Lyme Disease
- Managing Bites
- Preventing Ticks in Yard
- Preventing Ticks on Pets
- Protection Guidance for Hunters
- Removal
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI)
- Tickborne Diseases
- Tickborne Illnesses in Alabama
- Tularemia
Veterinary Guidance