In this project, we explore D-decomposition methods applied to control systems with uncertainties. We use a previously developed theory for Generalized Bode Envelopes to find a family of controllers which stabilizes an uncertain system. The approach is similar to classical D-decomposition methods and has been proven to be very useful in the design in the frequency domain. As part of this project, we apply the developed techniques to real-world control systems.

- A. Nakhmani, E. Zeheb, M. Lichtsinder, “Robust Controller Design Based on Generalized Bode Envelopes,” IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, DOI:10.1093/imamci/dnr033, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp. 171-198, December 2011.
- A. Nakhmani, M. Lichtsinder, E. Zeheb, “Generalized Bode Envelopes and Generalized Nyquist Theorem for Analysis of Uncertain Systems,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 752–767, May 2011.
- A. Nakhmani, M. Lichtsinder, E. Zeheb, “Generalized Nyquist Criterion and Generalized Bode Diagram for Analysis and Synthesis of Uncertain Control Systems,” 24th IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 250-254, November 2006.
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